package com.twelvemonkeys.image; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.RasterOp; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.util.Random; /** * This {@code BufferedImageOp/RasterOp} implements basic * Floyd-Steinberg error-diffusion algorithm for dithering. * <P/> * The weights used are 7/16, 3/16, 5/16 and 1/16, distributed like this: * <!-- - - * | |x|7| * - - - - * |3|5|1| * - - --> * <P/> * <TABLE border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> * <TR><TD bgcolor="#000000"> </TD><TD class="TableHeadingColor" * align="center">X</TD><TD>7/16</TD></TR> * <TR><TD>3/16</TD><TD>5/16</TD><TD>1/16</TD></TR> * </TABLE> * <P/> * See <A href="">Computer Graphics (Foley et al.)</a> * for more information. * * @author <a href="">Harald Kuhr</a> * @author last modified by $Author: haku $ * * @version $Id: $ */ public class DiffusionDither implements BufferedImageOp, RasterOp { private static final int FS_SCALE = 1 << 8; private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); protected final IndexColorModel indexColorModel; private boolean alternateScans = true; /** * Creates a {@code DiffusionDither}, using the given * {@code IndexColorModel} for dithering into. * * @param pICM an IndexColorModel. */ public DiffusionDither(final IndexColorModel pICM) { // Store color model indexColorModel = pICM; } /** * Creates a {@code DiffusionDither}, with no fixed * {@code IndexColorModel}. The color model will be generated for each * filtering, unless the destination image already has an * {@code IndexColorModel}. */ public DiffusionDither() { this(null); } /** * Sets the scan mode. If the parameter is true, error distribution for * every even line will be left-to-right, while odd lines will be * right-to-left. * The default is {@code true}. * * @param pUse {@code true} if scan mode should be alternating left/right */ public void setAlternateScans(boolean pUse) { alternateScans = pUse; } /** * Creates a compatible {@code BufferedImage} to dither into. * Only {@code IndexColorModel} allowed. * * @return a compatible {@code BufferedImage} * * @throws ImageFilterException if {@code pDestCM} is not {@code null} or * an instance of {@code IndexColorModel}. */ public final BufferedImage createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage pSource, ColorModel pDestCM) { if (pDestCM == null) { return new BufferedImage(pSource.getWidth(), pSource.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, getICM(pSource)); } else if (pDestCM instanceof IndexColorModel) { return new BufferedImage(pSource.getWidth(), pSource.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, (IndexColorModel) pDestCM); } else { throw new ImageFilterException("Only IndexColorModel allowed."); } } /** * Creates a compatible {@code Raster} to dither into. * Only {@code IndexColorModel} allowed. * * @param pSrc the source raster * * @return a {@code WritableRaster} */ public final WritableRaster createCompatibleDestRaster(Raster pSrc) { return createCompatibleDestRaster(pSrc, getICM(pSrc)); } /** * Creates a compatible {@code Raster} to dither into. * * @param pSrc the source raster. * @param pIndexColorModel the index color model used to create a {@code Raster}. * * @return a {@code WritableRaster} */ public final WritableRaster createCompatibleDestRaster(Raster pSrc, IndexColorModel pIndexColorModel) { return pIndexColorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(pSrc.getWidth(), pSrc.getHeight()); } /** * Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination image. Since * this is not a geometric operation, the bounding box does not * change. * @param pSrc the {@code BufferedImage} to be filtered * @return the bounds of the filtered definition image. */ public final Rectangle2D getBounds2D(BufferedImage pSrc) { return getBounds2D(pSrc.getRaster()); } /** * Returns the bounding box of the filtered destination Raster. Since * this is not a geometric operation, the bounding box does not * change. * @param pSrc the {@code Raster} to be filtered * @return the bounds of the filtered definition {@code Raster}. */ public final Rectangle2D getBounds2D(Raster pSrc) { return pSrc.getBounds(); } /** * Returns the location of the destination point given a * point in the source. If {@code dstPt} is not * {@code null}, it will be used to hold the return value. * Since this is not a geometric operation, the {@code srcPt} * will equal the {@code dstPt}. * @param pSrcPt a {@code Point2D} that represents a point * in the source image * @param pDstPt a {@code Point2D}that represents the location * in the destination * @return the {@code Point2D} in the destination that * corresponds to the specified point in the source. */ public final Point2D getPoint2D(Point2D pSrcPt, Point2D pDstPt) { // Create new Point, if needed if (pDstPt == null) { pDstPt = new Point2D.Float(); } // Copy location pDstPt.setLocation(pSrcPt.getX(), pSrcPt.getY()); // Return dest return pDstPt; } /** * Returns the rendering mHints for this op. * @return the {@code RenderingHints} object associated * with this op. */ public final RenderingHints getRenderingHints() { return null; } /** * Converts an int ARGB to int triplet. */ private static int[] toRGBArray(int pARGB, int[] pBuffer) { pBuffer[0] = ((pARGB & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); pBuffer[1] = ((pARGB & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); pBuffer[2] = ((pARGB & 0x000000ff)); //pBuffer[3] = ((pARGB & 0xff000000) >> 24); // alpha return pBuffer; } /** * Converts a int triplet to int ARGB. */ private static int toIntARGB(int[] pRGB) { return 0xff000000 // All opaque | (pRGB[0] << 16) | (pRGB[1] << 8) | (pRGB[2]); /* | ((int) (pRGB[0] << 16) & 0x00ff0000) | ((int) (pRGB[1] << 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((int) (pRGB[2] ) & 0x000000ff); */ } /** * Performs a single-input/single-output dither operation, applying basic * Floyd-Steinberg error-diffusion to the image. * * @param pSource the source image * @param pDest the destination image * * @return the destination image, or a new image, if {@code pDest} was * {@code null}. */ public final BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage pSource, BufferedImage pDest) { // Create destination image, if none provided if (pDest == null) { pDest = createCompatibleDestImage(pSource, getICM(pSource)); } else if (!(pDest.getColorModel() instanceof IndexColorModel)) { throw new ImageFilterException("Only IndexColorModel allowed."); } // Filter rasters filter(pSource.getRaster(), pDest.getRaster(), (IndexColorModel) pDest.getColorModel()); return pDest; } /** * Performs a single-input/single-output dither operation, applying basic * Floyd-Steinberg error-diffusion to the image. * * @param pSource the source raster, assumed to be in sRGB * @param pDest the destination raster, may be {@code null} * * @return the destination raster, or a new raster, if {@code pDest} was * {@code null}. */ public final WritableRaster filter(final Raster pSource, WritableRaster pDest) { return filter(pSource, pDest, getICM(pSource)); } private IndexColorModel getICM(BufferedImage pSource) { return (indexColorModel != null ? indexColorModel : IndexImage.getIndexColorModel(pSource, 256, IndexImage.TRANSPARENCY_BITMASK)); } private IndexColorModel getICM(Raster pSource) { return (indexColorModel != null ? indexColorModel : createIndexColorModel(pSource)); } private IndexColorModel createIndexColorModel(Raster pSource) { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(pSource.getWidth(), pSource.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); image.setData(pSource); return IndexImage.getIndexColorModel(image, 256, IndexImage.TRANSPARENCY_BITMASK); } /** * Performs a single-input/single-output dither operation, applying basic * Floyd-Steinberg error-diffusion to the image. * * @param pSource the source raster, assumed to be in sRGB * @param pDest the destination raster, may be {@code null} * @param pColorModel the indexed color model to use * * @return the destination raster, or a new raster, if {@code pDest} was * {@code null}. */ public final WritableRaster filter(final Raster pSource, WritableRaster pDest, IndexColorModel pColorModel) { int width = pSource.getWidth(); int height = pSource.getHeight(); // Create destination raster if needed if (pDest == null) { pDest = createCompatibleDestRaster(pSource, pColorModel); } // Initialize Floyd-Steinberg error vectors. // +2 to handle the previous pixel and next pixel case minimally // When reference for column, add 1 to reference as this buffer is // offset from actual column position by one to allow FS to not check // left/right edge conditions int[][] currErr = new int[width + 2][3]; int[][] nextErr = new int[width + 2][3]; // Random errors in [-1 .. 1] - for first row for (int i = 0; i < width + 2; i++) { // Note: This is broken for the strange cases where nextInt returns Integer.MIN_VALUE currErr[i][0] = RANDOM.nextInt(FS_SCALE * 2) - FS_SCALE; currErr[i][1] = RANDOM.nextInt(FS_SCALE * 2) - FS_SCALE; currErr[i][2] = RANDOM.nextInt(FS_SCALE * 2) - FS_SCALE; } // Temp buffers final int[] diff = new int[3]; // No alpha final int[] inRGB = new int[4]; final int[] outRGB = new int[4]; Object pixel = null; boolean forward = true; // Loop through image data for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { // Clear out next error rows for colour errors for (int i = nextErr.length; --i >= 0;) { nextErr[i][0] = 0; nextErr[i][1] = 0; nextErr[i][2] = 0; } // Set up start column and limit int x; int limit; if (forward) { x = 0; limit = width; } else { x = width - 1; limit = -1; } // TODO: Use getPixels instead of getPixel for better performance? // Loop over row while (true) { // Get RGB from original raster // DON'T KNOW IF THIS WILL WORK FOR ALL TYPES. pSource.getPixel(x, y, inRGB); // Get error for this pixel & add error to rgb for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Make a 28.4 FP number, add Error (with fraction), // rounding and truncate to int inRGB[i] = ((inRGB[i] << 4) + currErr[x + 1][i] + 0x08) >> 4; // Clamp if (inRGB[i] > 255) { inRGB[i] = 255; } else if (inRGB[i] < 0) { inRGB[i] = 0; } } // Get pixel value... // It is VERY important that we are using a IndexColorModel that // support reverse color lookup for speed. pixel = pColorModel.getDataElements(toIntARGB(inRGB), pixel); // ...set it... pDest.setDataElements(x, y, pixel); // ..and get back the closet match pDest.getPixel(x, y, outRGB); // Convert the value to default sRGB // Should work for all transfertypes supported by IndexColorModel toRGBArray(pColorModel.getRGB(outRGB[0]), outRGB); // Find diff diff[0] = inRGB[0] - outRGB[0]; diff[1] = inRGB[1] - outRGB[1]; diff[2] = inRGB[2] - outRGB[2]; // Apply F-S error diffusion // Serpentine scan: left-right if (forward) { // Row 1 (y) // Update error in this pixel (x + 1) currErr[x + 2][0] += diff[0] * 7; currErr[x + 2][1] += diff[1] * 7; currErr[x + 2][2] += diff[2] * 7; // Row 2 (y + 1) // Update error in this pixel (x - 1) nextErr[x][0] += diff[0] * 3; nextErr[x][1] += diff[1] * 3; nextErr[x][2] += diff[2] * 3; // Update error in this pixel (x) nextErr[x + 1][0] += diff[0] * 5; nextErr[x + 1][1] += diff[1] * 5; nextErr[x + 1][2] += diff[2] * 5; // Update error in this pixel (x + 1) // TODO: Consider calculating this using // error term = error - sum(error terms 1, 2 and 3) // See Computer Graphics (Foley et al.), p. 573 nextErr[x + 2][0] += diff[0]; // * 1; nextErr[x + 2][1] += diff[1]; // * 1; nextErr[x + 2][2] += diff[2]; // * 1; // Next x++; // Done? if (x >= limit) { break; } } else { // Row 1 (y) // Update error in this pixel (x - 1) currErr[x][0] += diff[0] * 7; currErr[x][1] += diff[1] * 7; currErr[x][2] += diff[2] * 7; // Row 2 (y + 1) // Update error in this pixel (x + 1) nextErr[x + 2][0] += diff[0] * 3; nextErr[x + 2][1] += diff[1] * 3; nextErr[x + 2][2] += diff[2] * 3; // Update error in this pixel (x) nextErr[x + 1][0] += diff[0] * 5; nextErr[x + 1][1] += diff[1] * 5; nextErr[x + 1][2] += diff[2] * 5; // Update error in this pixel (x - 1) // TODO: Consider calculating this using // error term = error - sum(error terms 1, 2 and 3) // See Computer Graphics (Foley et al.), p. 573 nextErr[x][0] += diff[0]; // * 1; nextErr[x][1] += diff[1]; // * 1; nextErr[x][2] += diff[2]; // * 1; // Previous x--; // Done? if (x <= limit) { break; } } } // Make next error info current for next iteration int[][] temperr; temperr = currErr; currErr = nextErr; nextErr = temperr; // Toggle direction if (alternateScans) { forward = !forward; } } return pDest; } }