package com.hida.controller; import com.hida.model.AutoIdGenerator; import com.hida.model.BadParameterException; import com.hida.model.CustomIdGenerator; import com.hida.model.DefaultSetting; import com.hida.model.IdGenerator; import com.hida.model.Pid; import com.hida.model.Token; import com.hida.service.MinterService; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.mockito.InjectMocks; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyInt; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doNothing; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletResponse; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; /** * Class that tests MinterController * * @author lruffin */ public class MinterControllerTest { @Mock private MinterService minterServiceDao_; @InjectMocks private MinterController controller_; private final String PREPEND = ""; private final int AMOUNT = 5; @BeforeClass public void setUpClass() throws Exception { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); } /** * Returns a data set. Each array contains attributes found in setting.html * * @return A data set */ @DataProvider(name = "request parameters") private Object[][] requestParameters() { return new Object[][]{ {PREPEND, "xyz", "auto", "random", "true", "1", "true", null, null, "mmm"}, {PREPEND, "xyz", "false", "false", null, "1", "true", "true", null, "mmm"}, {PREPEND, "xyz", "false", "false", null, "1", "true", "true", "true", "mmm"}, {PREPEND, "xyz", "false", "false", null, "1", null, "true", null, "mmm"}, {PREPEND, "xyz", "false", "false", null, "1", null, "true", "true", "mmm"}, {PREPEND, "xyz", "false", "false", null, "1", null, null, "true", "mmm"}, {PREPEND, "xyz", "false", "false", null, "1", "true", null, null, "mmm"},}; } /** * Returns a data set. Each array contains fields that can be exclusively * held by a DefaultSetting. * * @return A dataset */ @DataProvider(name = "parameters") private Object[][] parameters() { return new Object[][]{ {PREPEND, "abc", Token.DIGIT, "d", 1, true, true, true}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.LOWER_CONSONANTS, "d", 1, true, true, true}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.UPPER_CONSONANTS, "d", 1, true, true, true}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.MIXED_CONSONANTS, "d", 1, true, true, true}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.LOWER_CONSONANTS_EXTENDED, "d", 1, true, true, true}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.UPPER_CONSONANTS_EXTENDED, "d", 1, true, true, true}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.MIXED_CONSONANTS_EXTENDED, "d", 1, true, true, true}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.DIGIT, "d", 1, true, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.LOWER_ALPHABET, "d", 1, true, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.UPPER_ALPHABET, "d", 1, true, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.MIXED_ALPHABET, "d", 1, true, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.LOWER_ALPHABET_EXTENDED, "d", 1, true, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.UPPER_ALPHABET_EXTENDED, "d", 1, true, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.MIXED_ALPHABET_EXTENDED, "d", 1, true, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.DIGIT, "d", 1, false, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.DIGIT, "l", 1, false, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.DIGIT, "u", 1, false, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.DIGIT, "m", 1, false, true, false}, {PREPEND, "abc", Token.DIGIT, "e", 1, false, true, false},}; } /** * Returns a dataset that holds colloquially accepted values for booleans * that automatically parses as false by the Boolean static methods. * * @return A data set */ @DataProvider(name = "bad booleans") private Object[][] badBooleans() { return new Object[][]{ {"auto", "t"}, //{"random", "f"}, {"sansVowels", "yes"},}; } /** * Tests data entry in the administration panel found at setting.html * * The following parameters are parameters that are contained in the request * object * * @param prepend Primarily used to turn a Pid into a PURL * @param idprefix A sequence of characters that appear in the beginning of * PIDs * @param mintType Determines which IdGenerator, auto or random, to use * @param mintOrder Determines the order, randomly or sequentially, the Pids * are minted * @param vowels Boolean that determines whether or not the the Pids should * contain vowels * @param idLength Designates the length of the id's root * @param digits Boolean that determines whether or not the Pids will * contain numbers * @param lowercase Boolean that determines whether or not the Pids will * contain lowercase * @param uppercase Boolean that determines whether or not the Pids will * contain uppercase * @param charMapping A sequence of characters used to configure PIDs * @throws Exception */ @Test(dataProvider = "request parameters") public void testHandleForm(String prepend, String idprefix, String mintType, String mintOrder, String vowels, String idLength, String digits, String lowercase, String uppercase, String charMapping) throws Exception { // create a DefaultSetting object and create mock request and response object DefaultSetting originalSetting = getSampleDefaultSetting(); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); // assign values to the mock request object request.setParameter("prepend", prepend); request.setParameter("idprefix", idprefix); request.setParameter("mintType", mintType); request.setParameter("mintOrder", mintOrder); request.setParameter("vowels", vowels); request.setParameter("idlength", idLength); request.setParameter("digits", digits); request.setParameter("lowercase", lowercase); request.setParameter("uppercase", uppercase); request.setParameter("charmapping", charMapping); // return originalSetting whenever CurrentSetting is called when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(originalSetting); doNothing().when(minterServiceDao_). updateCurrentSetting(any(DefaultSetting.class)); // call the method to test controller_.handleForm("prepend", "idprefix", "", "mintType", "mintOrder", true, 5, "charmapping", false, true, true, request, response); // get and test the url of the destination String viewName = response.getHeader("Location"); Assert.assertEquals("administration", viewName); } /** * Tests the /mint endpoint by submitting parameters through it. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testMintRequestedParameters() throws Exception { // create a map to hold parameters Map<String, String> map = getSampleMap(); // create DefaultSetting object to represent the original object DefaultSetting originalSetting = getSampleDefaultSetting(); // create DefaultSetting object to represent the changes DefaultSetting tempSetting = getSampleDefaultSetting(); // change the values of tempSetting to anticipate the changes done overrideSetting methods tempSetting.setPrepend(map.get("prepend")); tempSetting.setPrefix(map.get("prefix")); tempSetting.setRootLength(Integer.parseInt(map.get("rootLength"))); tempSetting.setCharMap(map.get("charMap")); tempSetting.setTokenType(Token.valueOf(map.get("tokenType"))); tempSetting.setAuto(Boolean.getBoolean(map.get("auto"))); tempSetting.setRandom(Boolean.getBoolean(map.get("random"))); tempSetting.setSansVowels(Boolean.getBoolean(map.get("sansVowels"))); Set<Pid> sampleSet = getSampleSet(tempSetting); // return originalSetting when getStoredSetting is called and a sample Pid set when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(originalSetting); when(, any(DefaultSetting.class))). thenReturn(getSampleSet(tempSetting)); Set<Pid> pidSet = controller_.mintPids(AMOUNT, map); Assert.assertEquals(sampleSet.size(), pidSet.size()); } /** * Tests to see if the MinterController will call persisted settings * * @param prepend Primarily used to turn a Pid into a PURL * @param prefix A sequence of characters that appear in the beginning of * PIDs * @param tokenType An enum used to configure PIDS * @param charMap A sequence of characters used to configure PIDs * @param rootLength Designates the length of the id's root * @param isAuto Determines which generator, either Auto or Custom, will be * used * @param isRandom Determines if the PIDs are created randomly or * sequentially * @param sansVowel Dictates whether or not vowels are allowed * @throws Exception */ @Test(dataProvider = "parameters") public void testMintPersistedParameters(String prepend, String prefix, Token tokenType, String charMap, int rootLength, boolean isAuto, boolean isRandom, boolean sansVowel) throws Exception { DefaultSetting setting = new DefaultSetting(prepend, prefix, 5, tokenType, charMap, rootLength, isAuto, isRandom, sansVowel); Set<Pid> sampleSet = getSampleSet(setting); when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(setting); when(, any(DefaultSetting.class))). thenReturn(sampleSet); Set<Pid> pidSet = controller_.mintPids(AMOUNT, new HashMap<String, String>()); Assert.assertEquals(sampleSet.size(), pidSet.size()); } /** * Tests to see if the MinterController will properly throw an error when a * non-boolean is entered into the /mint endpoint * * @param key The boolean * @param value The entered value of the boolean * @throws Exception */ @Test(expectedExceptions = BadParameterException.class, dataProvider = "bad booleans") public void testBadParameterExceptionBoolean(String key, String value) throws Exception { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put(key, value); DefaultSetting setting = this.getSampleDefaultSetting(); when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(setting); controller_.mintPids(AMOUNT, parameters); } /** * Tests to see if MinterController will properly throw an error when an * invalid tokenType is entered into the /mint endpoint * * @throws Exception */ @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testBadParameterExceptionTokenType() throws Exception { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put("tokenType", "digit"); DefaultSetting setting = this.getSampleDefaultSetting(); when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(setting); controller_.mintPids(AMOUNT, parameters); } /** * Tests to see if MinterController will properly throw an error when an * invalid charMap is entered into the /mint endpoint * * @throws Exception */ @Test(expectedExceptions = BadParameterException.class) public void testBadParameterExceptionCharMap() throws Exception { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put("charMap", "dlumea"); DefaultSetting setting = this.getSampleDefaultSetting(); when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(setting); controller_.mintPids(AMOUNT, parameters); } /** * Tests to see if MinterController will properly throw an error when an * invalid amount is entered into the /mint endpoint * * @throws Exception */ @Test(expectedExceptions = BadParameterException.class) public void testBadParameterExceptionAmount() throws Exception { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); DefaultSetting setting = this.getSampleDefaultSetting(); when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(setting); controller_.mintPids(-1, parameters); } /** * Tests to see if MinterController will properly throw an error when an * invalid prefix is entered into the /mint endpoint * * @throws Exception */ @Test(expectedExceptions = BadParameterException.class) public void testBadParameterExceptionPrefix() throws Exception { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put("prefix", " "); DefaultSetting setting = this.getSampleDefaultSetting(); when(minterServiceDao_.getStoredSetting()).thenReturn(setting); controller_.mintPids(AMOUNT, parameters); } /** * Returns a sample DefaultSetting object * * @return */ private DefaultSetting getSampleDefaultSetting() { DefaultSetting setting = new DefaultSetting("", // prepend "", // prefix 5, Token.MIXED_ALPHABET, // tokentype "mmm", // charmap 3, // rootlength true, // sansvowel true, // auto true); // random return setting; } /** * Returns a sample set of Pids * * @param setting * @return */ private Set<Pid> getSampleSet(DefaultSetting setting) { IdGenerator generator; if (setting.isAuto()) { generator = new AutoIdGenerator(setting.getPrefix(), setting.getTokenType(), setting.getRootLength()); } else { generator = new CustomIdGenerator(setting.getPrefix(), setting.isSansVowels(), setting.getCharMap()); } Set<Pid> set; if (setting.isRandom()) { set = generator.randomMint(AMOUNT); } else { set = generator.sequentialMint(AMOUNT); } return set; } /** * Returns a sample map object * * @return */ private Map<String, String> getSampleMap() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("prepend", PREPEND); map.put("prefix", "xyz"); map.put("tokenType", "LOWER_ALPHABET"); map.put("charMap", "m"); map.put("rootLength", "2"); map.put("auto", "false"); map.put("random", "false"); map.put("sansVowel", "false"); return map; } }