package com.hida.controller; import com.hida.model.BadParameterException; import com.hida.model.DefaultSetting; import com.hida.model.IdGenerator; import com.hida.model.Pid; import com.hida.model.Token; import com.hida.service.MinterService; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; /** * A Controller that handles the requests and responses between the user and the * Minter. * * @author lruffin */ @RestController @RequestMapping("/Minter") public class MinterController { /* * Logger; logfile to be stored in resource folder */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MinterController.class); /** * A fair lock used to synchronize access to the minter service. */ private static final ReentrantLock requestLock_ = new ReentrantLock(true); /** * The service to use to mint IDs. */ @Autowired private MinterService minterService_; /** * Using values sent from the /administration end point, this method updates * the DefaultSetting object, database, and the properties file. The names * of the requested parameters are given by the name attributes in the * administration panel. * * @param prepend String of characters that determine the domain of each Pid * @param idprefix String of characters that prefixes each Pid * @param cacheSize The size of the cache that'll be generated whenever the * context is refreshed. If an empty String is returned to cacheSize then * the cacheSize will not be updated. * @param mintType Auto Generator is used if true, Custom Generator if false * @param mintOrder Pids are generated randomly if true, ordered if false * @param sansvowel Pids will contain vowels if true, false othwerise * @param idlength the length of the pid's root name * @param charmapping the mapping used when Custom Generator is selected * @param digits digits is included if selected * @param lowercase lowercase is included if selected * @param uppercase uppercase is included if selected * @param request HTTP request from the administration panel * @param response HTTP response that redirects to the administration panel * after updating the new settings. * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = {"/administration"}, method = {RequestMethod.POST}) public void handleForm(@RequestParam(required = false) String prepend, @RequestParam(required = false) String idprefix, @RequestParam(required = false) String cacheSize, @RequestParam String mintType, @RequestParam String mintOrder, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "true") boolean sansvowel, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "-1") int idlength, @RequestParam(required = false) String charmapping, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean digits, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean lowercase, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean uppercase, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // prevents other clients from accessing the database whenever the form is submitted requestLock_.lock(); try { DefaultSetting oldSetting = minterService_.getStoredSetting(); DefaultSetting newSetting;"in handleForm"); boolean auto = mintType.equals("auto"); boolean random = mintOrder.equals("random"); long size; if (cacheSize.isEmpty()) { size = oldSetting.getCacheSize(); } else { size = Long.parseLong(cacheSize); } // assign values based on which minter type was selected if (auto) { // gets the token value Token tokenType; if (digits && !lowercase && !uppercase) { tokenType = Token.DIGIT; } else if (!digits && lowercase && !uppercase) { tokenType = (sansvowel) ? Token.LOWER_CONSONANTS : Token.LOWER_ALPHABET; } else if (!digits && !lowercase && uppercase) { tokenType = (sansvowel) ? Token.UPPER_CONSONANTS : Token.UPPER_ALPHABET; } else if (!digits && lowercase && uppercase) { tokenType = (sansvowel) ? Token.MIXED_CONSONANTS : Token.MIXED_ALPHABET; } else if (digits && lowercase && !uppercase) { tokenType = (sansvowel) ? Token.LOWER_CONSONANTS_EXTENDED : Token.LOWER_ALPHABET_EXTENDED; } else if (digits && !lowercase && uppercase) { tokenType = (sansvowel) ? Token.UPPER_CONSONANTS_EXTENDED : Token.UPPER_ALPHABET_EXTENDED; } else if (digits && lowercase && uppercase) { tokenType = (sansvowel) ? Token.MIXED_CONSONANTS_EXTENDED : Token.MIXED_ALPHABET_EXTENDED; } else { throw new BadParameterException(); } // create new defaultsetting object newSetting = new DefaultSetting(prepend, idprefix, size, tokenType, oldSetting.getCharMap(), idlength, sansvowel, auto, random); } else { // validate charmapping if (charmapping == null || charmapping.isEmpty()) { throw new BadParameterException(); } // create new defaultsetting object newSetting = new DefaultSetting(prepend, idprefix, size, oldSetting.getTokenType(), charmapping, oldSetting.getRootLength(), sansvowel, auto, random); } minterService_.updateCurrentSetting(newSetting); } finally { // unlocks RequestLock and gives access to longest waiting thread requestLock_.unlock(); LOGGER.warn("Request to update default settings finished, UNLOCKING MINTER"); } // redirect to the administration panel response.sendRedirect("administration"); } /** * Creates a path to mint ids. If parameters aren't given then mintPids will * resort to using the default values found in * * @param requestedAmount requested number of ids to mint * @param parameters parameters given by user to instill variety in ids * @return paths user to mint.jsp * @throws Exception catches all sorts of exceptions that may be thrown by * any methods */ @ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.CREATED) @RequestMapping(value = {"/mint/{requestedAmount}"}, method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = "application/json") public Set<Pid> mintPids(@PathVariable long requestedAmount, @RequestParam Map<String, String> parameters) throws Exception { // ensure that only one thread access the minter at any given time requestLock_.lock(); Set<Pid> pidSet; try {"Request to Minter made, LOCKING MINTER"); // validate amount validateAmount(requestedAmount); // override default settings where applicable DefaultSetting tempSetting = overrideDefaultSetting(parameters, minterService_.getStoredSetting()); // create the set of ids pidSet =, tempSetting); } finally { // unlocks RequestLock and gives access to longest waiting thread requestLock_.unlock();"Request to Minter Finished, UNLOCKING MINTER"); } // return the generated set of Pids return pidSet; } /** * Maps to the administration panel on the administration path. * * @return name of the index page * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = {"/administration"}, method = {RequestMethod.GET}) public ModelAndView displayAdministrationPanel() throws Exception { ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView(); // retrieve default values stored in the database DefaultSetting defaultSetting = minterService_.getStoredSetting(); // add the values to the settings page so that they can be displayed"index page called"); model.addObject("prepend", defaultSetting.getPrepend()); model.addObject("prefix", defaultSetting.getPrefix()); model.addObject("cacheSize", defaultSetting.getCacheSize()); model.addObject("charMap", defaultSetting.getCharMap()); model.addObject("tokenType", defaultSetting.getTokenType()); model.addObject("rootLength", defaultSetting.getRootLength()); model.addObject("isAuto", defaultSetting.isAuto()); model.addObject("isRandom", defaultSetting.isRandom()); model.addObject("sansVowel", defaultSetting.isSansVowels()); model.setViewName("settings"); return model; } /** * Maps to the root of the application * * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = {""}, method = {RequestMethod.GET}) public String displayIndex() { return ""; } /** * Handles any exception that may be caught within the program * * @param req the HTTP request * @param exception the caught exception * @return The view of the error message */ @ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST) @ExceptionHandler(Exception.class) public ModelAndView handleGeneralError(HttpServletRequest req, Exception exception) { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(); mav.addObject("status", 500); mav.addObject("exception", exception.getClass().getSimpleName()); mav.addObject("message", exception.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("General Error: {}", exception.getMessage()); StackTraceElement[] s = exception.getStackTrace(); String trace = ""; for (StackTraceElement g : s) { trace += g + "\n"; } mav.addObject("stacktrace", trace); mav.setViewName("error"); return mav; } /** * Overrides the default value of cached value with values given in the * parameter. If the parameters do not contain any of the valid parameters, * the default values are maintained. * * @param parameters List of parameters given by the client. * @param entity * @return The settings used for the particular session it was called. * @throws BadParameterException */ private DefaultSetting overrideDefaultSetting(final Map<String, String> parameters, final DefaultSetting entity) throws BadParameterException { String prepend = (parameters.containsKey("prepend")) ? parameters.get("prepend") : entity.getPrepend(); String prefix = (parameters.containsKey("prefix")) ? validatePrefix(parameters.get("prefix")) : entity.getPrefix(); int rootLength = (parameters.containsKey("rootLength")) ? validateRootLength(Integer.parseInt(parameters.get("rootLength"))) : entity.getRootLength(); String charMap = (parameters.containsKey("charMap")) ? validateCharMap(parameters.get("charMap")) : entity.getCharMap(); Token tokenType = (parameters.containsKey("tokenType")) ? Token.valueOf(parameters.get("tokenType")) : entity.getTokenType(); boolean isAuto = (parameters.containsKey("auto")) ? convertBoolean(parameters.get("auto"), "auto") : entity.isAuto(); boolean isSansVowels = (parameters.containsKey("sansVowels")) ? convertBoolean(parameters.get("sansVowels"), "sansVowels") : entity.isSansVowels(); return new DefaultSetting(prepend, prefix, entity.getCacheSize(), tokenType, charMap, rootLength, isSansVowels, isAuto, entity.isRandom()); } /** * This method is used to check whether or not the given parameter is * explicitly equivalent to "true" or "false" and returns them respectively. * * @param parameter the given string to convert. * @param parameterType the type of the parameter. * @throws BadParameterException Thrown whenever parameter is neither "true" * nor "false" * @return true if the parameter is "true", false if the parameter is * "false" */ private boolean convertBoolean(String parameter, String parameterType) throws BadParameterException { if (parameter.equals("true")) { return true; } else if (parameter.equals("false")) { return false; } else { throw new BadParameterException(parameter, parameterType); } } /** * Asserts the validity of a CharMap using the minter service. * * @param charMap A sequence of characters used to configure PIDs * @return Returns the given charMap if nothing wrong was detected * @throws BadParameterException Thrown whenever a bad parameter is * detected. */ private String validateCharMap(String charMap) throws BadParameterException { if (!IdGenerator.isValidCharMap(charMap)) { throw new BadParameterException(charMap, "charMap"); } return charMap; } /** * Asserts the validity of an amount using the minter service. A valid * amount is greater than or equal to 0. * * @param amount The number of PIDs to be created * @throws BadParameterException Thrown whenever a bad parameter is * detected. */ private void validateAmount(long amount) throws BadParameterException { if (!IdGenerator.isValidAmount(amount)) { throw new BadParameterException(amount, "amount"); } } /** * Asserts the validity of a rootLength is valid. * * @param rootLength * @return * @throws BadParameterException */ private int validateRootLength(int rootLength) throws BadParameterException { if (!IdGenerator.isValidRootLength(rootLength)) { throw new BadParameterException(rootLength, "rootLength"); } return rootLength; } /** * Asserts the validity of prefix is valid. * * @param prefix A sequence of characters that appear in the beginning of * PIDs * @return Returns the given prefix if nothing wrong was detected * @throws BadParameterException Thrown whenever a bad parameter is * detected. */ private String validatePrefix(String prefix) throws BadParameterException { if (!IdGenerator.isValidPrefix(prefix)) { throw new BadParameterException(prefix, "prefix"); } return prefix; } }