package com.hida.service; import com.hida.repositories.DefaultSettingRepository; import com.hida.repositories.PidRepository; import com.hida.model.Token; import com.hida.repositories.UsedSettingRepository; import com.hida.model.AutoIdGenerator; import com.hida.model.CustomIdGenerator; import com.hida.model.DefaultSetting; import com.hida.model.Pid; import com.hida.model.IdGenerator; import com.hida.model.NotEnoughPermutationsException; import com.hida.model.UsedSetting; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * A service class that is used as a medium between the requests received by the * controller and the transactions done by Hibernate. * * @author lruffin */ @Service("minterService") @Transactional public class MinterService { /** * Logger; logfile to be stored in resource folder */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MinterService.class); /** * Default setting values stored in resources folder */ private String defaultSettingPath_ = ""; @Autowired private PidRepository pidRepo_; @Autowired private UsedSettingRepository usedSettingRepo_; @Autowired private DefaultSettingRepository defaultSettingRepo_; private ArrayList<Pid> cachedPid_; private long lastSequentialAmount_; /** * Declares a Generator object to manage */ private IdGenerator generator_; /** * The setting used to store the values of the current request */ private DefaultSetting currentSetting_; /** * The default values that are currently stored in the properties file and * in the database. */ private DefaultSetting storedSetting_; /** * No-arg constructor */ public MinterService() { } /** * Returns the difference between the total permutations and the amount of * Pids that were already created using the requested settings. * * @return The amount of permutations remaining */ private long getRemainingPermutations() {"in getRemainingPerumtations"); long totalPermutations = generator_.getMaxPermutation(); long amountCreated = getAmountCreated(); return totalPermutations - amountCreated; } /** * Returns the amount of Pids that were created using the requested settings * * @return amount of Pids */ private long getAmountCreated() { UsedSetting entity = findUsedSetting(); if (entity == null) { return 0; } else { return entity.getAmount(); } } /** * Creates a generator to be used in accordance to the setting */ private void createGenerator() {"in createGenerator"); if (currentSetting_.isAuto()) { generator_ = new AutoIdGenerator( currentSetting_.getPrefix(), currentSetting_.getTokenType(), currentSetting_.getRootLength());"AutoGenerator created"); } else { generator_ = new CustomIdGenerator( currentSetting_.getPrefix(), currentSetting_.isSansVowels(), currentSetting_.getCharMap());"CustomIdGenerator created"); } } /** * Attempts to create a number of Pids and store them in database * * @param amount The number of PIDs to be created * @param setting The desired setting used to create a Pid * @return * @throws IOException Thrown when the file cannot be found */ public Set<Pid> mint(long amount, DefaultSetting setting) throws IOException {"in mint"); // store the desired setting values this.currentSetting_ = setting; // create appropriate generator createGenerator(); // calculate total number of permutations long total = generator_.getMaxPermutation(); // determine remaining amount of permutations long remaining = getRemainingPermutations(); // determine if its possible to create the requested amount of ids if (remaining < amount) { NotEnoughPermutationsException exception = new NotEnoughPermutationsException(remaining, amount); LOGGER.error("Exception caught;", exception); throw exception; }"request is valid"); /* if the current setting is random, have the generator return a random set, otherwise, have the generator return a sequential set */ Set<Pid> set; if (currentSetting_.isRandom()) { set = generator_.randomMint(amount); } else if (currentSetting_.equals(storedSetting_)) { set = generator_.sequentialMint(amount, lastSequentialAmount_); lastSequentialAmount_ = (lastSequentialAmount_ + amount) % total; } else { set = generator_.sequentialMint(amount); } // check ids and increment them appropriately set = rollPidSet(set, total, amount); // add the set of ids to the id table in the database and their formats addPidSet(set, amount); // return the set of ids return set; } /** * Generates a list of Pids based on default settings. * * @throws IOException Thrown when the DEFAULT_SETTING_PATH cannot be found */ public void generateCache() throws IOException { LOGGER.trace("in generateCache"); // get default settings currentSetting_ = this.getStoredSetting(); // create the generator createGenerator(); // get the maximum number of permutations long maxPermutation = generator_.getMaxPermutation(); // create all possible permutations Set<Pid> cache = generator_.sequentialMint(500); // add each mmember of the set to CachedPid ArrayList<Pid> list = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Pid> iter = cache.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Pid pid =; list.add(pid);"adding {}", pid); } cachedPid_ = list; LOGGER.trace("cache generated"); } /** * Continuously increments a set of ids until the set is completely filled * with unique ids. * * @param set the set of ids * @param order determines whether or not the ids will be ordered * @param isAuto determines whether or not the ids are AutoId or CustomId * @param amount the amount of ids to be created. * @return A set of unique ids database. */ private Set<Pid> rollPidSet(Set<Pid> set, long totalPermutations, long amount) {"in rollIdSet"); // Used to count the number of unique ids. Size methods aren't used because int is returned long uniqueIdCounter = 0; // Declares and initializes a list that holds unique values. Set<Pid> uniqueList = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // iterate through every id for (Pid currentId : set) { // counts the number of times an id has been rejected long counter = 0; // continuously increments invalid or non-unique ids while (!isValidPid(currentId) || uniqueList.contains(currentId)) { /* if counter exceeds totalPermutations, then id has iterated through every possible permutation. Related format is updated as a quick look-up reference with the number of ids that were inadvertedly been created using other formats. NotEnoughPermutationsException is thrown stating remaining number of ids. */ if (counter > totalPermutations) { NotEnoughPermutationsException exception = new NotEnoughPermutationsException(uniqueIdCounter, amount); LOGGER.error("Exception caught;", exception); throw exception; } generator_.incrementPid(currentId); counter++; } // unique ids are added to list and uniqueIdCounter is incremented. // Size methods aren't used because int is returned uniqueIdCounter++; uniqueList.add(currentId); } return uniqueList; } /** * Adds a requested amount of formatted ids to the database. * * @param list list of ids to check. * @param amountCreated Holds the true size of the list as list.size method * can only return the maximum possible value of an integer. * @param prefix The string that will be at the front of every id. * @param tokenType Designates what characters are contained in the id's * root. * @param sansVowel Designates whether or not the id's root contains vowels. * @param rootLength Designates the length of the id's root. */ private void addPidSet(Set<Pid> list, long amountCreated) {"in addPidSet"); for (Pid pid : list) {; }"Database Updated with new pids"); // update table format recordSettings(amountCreated); } /** * Attempts to find a UsedSetting based on the currently used DefaultSetting * * @return Returns a UsedSetting entity if found, null otherwise */ private UsedSetting findUsedSetting() {"in findUsedSetting"); return usedSettingRepo_.findUsedSetting(currentSetting_.getPrefix(), currentSetting_.getTokenType(), currentSetting_.getCharMap(), currentSetting_.getRootLength(), currentSetting_.isSansVowels()); } /** * Attempts to record the setting that were used to create the current set * of Pids * * @param amount The number of PIDs that were created */ private void recordSettings(long amount) {"in recordSettings"); UsedSetting entity = findUsedSetting(); if (entity == null) { entity = new UsedSetting(currentSetting_.getPrefix(), currentSetting_.getTokenType(), currentSetting_.getCharMap(), currentSetting_.getRootLength(), currentSetting_.isSansVowels(), amount);; } else { long previousAmount = entity.getAmount(); entity.setAmount(previousAmount + amount); } } /** * Checks to see if a Pid already exists in the database. * * @param pid Pid to be checked * @return Returns true if a Pid with the same doesn't exist, false * otherwise */ private boolean isValidPid(Pid pid) {"in isValidId"); Pid entity = this.pidRepo_.findOne(pid.getName()); return entity == null; } /** * Updates the CurrentDefaultSetting to match the values in the given * DefaultSetting. * * @param newSetting A DefaultSetting object that contains newly requested * values * @throws IOException */ public void updateCurrentSetting(DefaultSetting newSetting) throws Exception {"in updateCurrentSetting"); currentSetting_ = defaultSettingRepo_.findCurrentDefaultSetting(); currentSetting_.setPrepend(newSetting.getPrepend()); currentSetting_.setPrefix(newSetting.getPrefix()); currentSetting_.setCharMap(newSetting.getCharMap()); currentSetting_.setRootLength(newSetting.getRootLength()); currentSetting_.setTokenType(newSetting.getTokenType()); currentSetting_.setAuto(newSetting.isAuto()); currentSetting_.setRandom(newSetting.isRandom()); currentSetting_.setSansVowels(newSetting.isSansVowels()); // record Default Setting values into properties file writeToPropertiesFile(defaultSettingPath_, newSetting); } /** * Initializes the storedSetting_ field by reading its value in the * database. If its null, then it is given initial values. * * @throws IOException Thrown when the file cannot be found */ public void initializeStoredSetting() throws IOException { storedSetting_ = defaultSettingRepo_.findCurrentDefaultSetting(); if (storedSetting_ == null) { // read default values stored in properties file and save it storedSetting_ = readPropertiesFile(defaultSettingPath_);; } } public DefaultSetting getStoredSetting() { return storedSetting_; } /** * Read a given properties file and return its values in the form of a * DefaultSetting object * * @return DefaultSetting object with read values * @throws IOException Thrown when the file cannot be found */ private DefaultSetting readPropertiesFile(String filename) throws IOException { Properties prop = new Properties(); ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); InputStream input = loader.getResourceAsStream(filename); DefaultSetting setting = new DefaultSetting(); // load a properties file prop.load(input); // get the property value, store it, and return it setting.setPrepend(prop.getProperty("prepend")); setting.setPrefix(prop.getProperty("prefix")); setting.setCacheSize(Long.parseLong(prop.getProperty("cacheSize"))); setting.setCharMap(prop.getProperty("charMap")); setting.setTokenType(Token.valueOf(prop.getProperty("tokenType"))); setting.setRootLength(Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("rootLength"))); setting.setSansVowels(Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty("sansVowel"))); setting.setAuto(Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty("auto"))); setting.setRandom(Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty("random"))); // close and return input.close(); return setting; } /** * Writes to a given properties file, updating its key-value pairs using the * values stored in the setting parameter. If the file does not exist it is * created. * * @param setting The setting whose value needs to be stored * @throws Exception */ private void writeToPropertiesFile(String filename, DefaultSetting setting) throws Exception { Properties prop = new Properties(); ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); URL url = loader.getResource(filename); File file = new File(url.toURI()); OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(file); // set the properties value prop.setProperty("prepend", setting.getPrepend()); prop.setProperty("prefix", setting.getPrefix()); prop.setProperty("cacheSize", setting.getCacheSize() + ""); prop.setProperty("charMap", setting.getCharMap()); prop.setProperty("rootLength", setting.getRootLength() + ""); prop.setProperty("tokenType", setting.getTokenType() + ""); prop.setProperty("sansVowel", setting.isSansVowels() + ""); prop.setProperty("auto", setting.isAuto() + ""); prop.setProperty("random", setting.isRandom() + ""); // save and close, ""); output.close(); } public long getLastSequentialAmount() { return lastSequentialAmount_; } public String getDefaultSettingPath() { return defaultSettingPath_; } public void setDefaultSettingPath(String DefaultSettingPath) { this.defaultSettingPath_ = DefaultSettingPath; } }