/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.collect.tuple; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.assertJodaConvert; import static com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper.assertSerialization; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.opengamma.collect.TestHelper; /** * Test. */ @Test public class IntDoublePairTest { private static final double TOLERANCE = 0.00001d; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "factory") Object[][] data_factory() { return new Object[][] { {1, 2.5d}, {-100, 200.2d}, {-1, -2.5d}, {0, 0d}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "factory") public void test_of_getters(int first, double second) { IntDoublePair test = IntDoublePair.of(first, second); assertEquals(test.getFirst(), first); assertEquals(test.getSecond(), second, TOLERANCE); } @Test(dataProvider = "factory") public void test_ofPair(int first, double second) { Pair<Integer, Double> pair = Pair.of(first, second); IntDoublePair test = IntDoublePair.ofPair(pair); assertEquals(test.getFirst(), first); assertEquals(test.getSecond(), second, TOLERANCE); } @Test(dataProvider = "factory") public void test_sizeElements(int first, double second) { IntDoublePair test = IntDoublePair.of(first, second); assertEquals(test.size(), 2); assertEquals(test.elements(), ImmutableList.of(first, second)); } @Test(dataProvider = "factory") public void test_toString(int first, double second) { IntDoublePair test = IntDoublePair.of(first, second); String str = "[" + first + ", " + second + "]"; assertEquals(test.toString(), str); assertEquals(IntDoublePair.parse(str), test); } @Test(dataProvider = "factory") public void test_toPair(int first, double second) { IntDoublePair test = IntDoublePair.of(first, second); assertEquals(test.toPair(), Pair.of(first, second)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "parseGood") Object[][] data_parseGood() { return new Object[][] { {"[1, 2.5]", 1, 2.5d}, {"[1,2.5]", 1, 2.5d}, {"[ 1, 2.5 ]", 1, 2.5d}, {"[-1, -2.5]", -1, -2.5d}, {"[0,4]", 0, 4d}, {"[1,201d]", 1, 201d}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "parseGood") public void test_parse_good(String text, int first, double second) { IntDoublePair test = IntDoublePair.parse(text); assertEquals(test.getFirst(), first, TOLERANCE); assertEquals(test.getSecond(), second, TOLERANCE); } @DataProvider(name = "parseBad") Object[][] data_parseBad() { return new Object[][] { {null}, {""}, {"[]"}, {"[10]"}, {"[10,20"}, {"10,20]"}, {"[10 20]"}, {"[10,20,30]"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "parseBad", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void test_parse_bad(String text) { IntDoublePair.parse(text); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void test_compareTo() { IntDoublePair p12 = IntDoublePair.of(1, 2d); IntDoublePair p13 = IntDoublePair.of(1, 3d); IntDoublePair p21 = IntDoublePair.of(2, 1d); assertTrue(p12.compareTo(p12) == 0); assertTrue(p12.compareTo(p13) < 0); assertTrue(p12.compareTo(p21) < 0); assertTrue(p13.compareTo(p12) > 0); assertTrue(p13.compareTo(p13) == 0); assertTrue(p13.compareTo(p21) < 0); assertTrue(p21.compareTo(p12) > 0); assertTrue(p21.compareTo(p13) > 0); assertTrue(p21.compareTo(p21) == 0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void test_equals() { IntDoublePair a = IntDoublePair.of(1, 2.0d); IntDoublePair a2 = IntDoublePair.of(1, 2.0d); IntDoublePair b = IntDoublePair.of(1, 3.0d); IntDoublePair c = IntDoublePair.of(2, 2.0d); IntDoublePair d = IntDoublePair.of(2, 3.0d); assertEquals(a.equals(a), true); assertEquals(a.equals(b), false); assertEquals(a.equals(c), false); assertEquals(a.equals(d), false); assertEquals(a.equals(a2), true); assertEquals(b.equals(a), false); assertEquals(b.equals(b), true); assertEquals(b.equals(c), false); assertEquals(b.equals(d), false); assertEquals(c.equals(a), false); assertEquals(c.equals(b), false); assertEquals(c.equals(c), true); assertEquals(c.equals(d), false); assertEquals(d.equals(a), false); assertEquals(d.equals(b), false); assertEquals(d.equals(c), false); assertEquals(d.equals(d), true); } public void test_equals_bad() { IntDoublePair a = IntDoublePair.of(1, 1.7d); assertEquals(a.equals(null), false); assertEquals(a.equals(""), false); assertEquals(a.equals(Pair.of(Integer.valueOf(1), Double.valueOf(1.7d))), false); } public void test_hashCode() { IntDoublePair a1 = IntDoublePair.of(1, 1.7d); IntDoublePair a2 = IntDoublePair.of(1, 1.7d); assertEquals(a1.hashCode(), a2.hashCode()); } public void coverage() { IntDoublePair test = IntDoublePair.of(1, 1.7d); TestHelper.coverImmutableBean(test); } public void test_serialization() { assertSerialization(IntDoublePair.of(1, 1.7d)); } public void test_jodaConvert() { assertJodaConvert(IntDoublePair.class, IntDoublePair.of(1, 1.7d)); } }