/** * Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.basics; import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert; import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions; import org.assertj.core.data.Offset; import com.opengamma.basics.currency.Currency; import com.opengamma.basics.currency.CurrencyAmount; /** * An assert helper that provides useful AssertJ assertion * methods for {@link CurrencyAmount} instances. * <p> * These allow {code CurrencyAmount}s to be inspected in tests in the * same fluent style as other basic classes. * <p> * So the following: * <pre> * CurrencyAmount result = someMethodCall(); * assertEquals(result.getCurrency(), USD); * assertEquals(result.getAmount(), 123.45, 1e-6); * </pre> * can be replaced with: * <pre> * CurrencyAmount result = someMethodCall(); * assertThat(result) * .hasCurrency(USD) * .hasAmount(123.45, within(1e-6)); * </pre> * or: * <pre> * CurrencyAmount result = someMethodCall(); * CurrencyAmount expected = CurrencyAmount.of(USD, 123.45); * assertThat(result).isEqualTo(expected, within(1e-6)); * </pre> * <p> * In order to be able to use a statically imported assertThat() * method for both {@code CurrencyAmount} and other types, statically * import {@link BasicProjectAssertions#assertThat(CurrencyAmount)} * rather than this class. */ public class CurrencyAmountAssert extends AbstractAssert<CurrencyAmountAssert, CurrencyAmount> { /** * Private constructor, use {@link #assertThat(CurrencyAmount)} to * construct an instance. * * @param actual the amount to create an {@code Assert} for */ private CurrencyAmountAssert(CurrencyAmount actual) { super(actual, CurrencyAmountAssert.class); } /** * Create an {@code Assert} instance for the supplied {@code CurrencyAmount}. * * @param amount the amount to create an {@code Assert} for * @return an {@code Assert} instance */ public static CurrencyAmountAssert assertThat(CurrencyAmount amount) { return new CurrencyAmountAssert(amount); } /** * Assert that the {@code CurrencyAmount} is of the expected currency. * * @param ccy the expected currency * @return this if the currency matches the expectation, else * throw an {@code AssertionError} */ public CurrencyAmountAssert hasCurrency(Currency ccy) { isNotNull(); if (!actual.getCurrency().equals(ccy)) { failWithMessage("Expected CurrencyAmount with currency: <%s> but was: <%s>", ccy, actual.getCurrency()); } return this; } /** * Assert that the {@code CurrencyAmount} is for the expected amount. * * @param expectedAmount the expected amount * @return this if the amount matches the expectation, else * throw an {@code AssertionError} */ public CurrencyAmountAssert hasAmount(double expectedAmount) { isNotNull(); Assertions.assertThat(actual.getAmount()).isEqualTo(expectedAmount); return this; } /** * Assert that the {@code CurrencyAmount} is within range * of an expected amount. * * @param expectedAmount the expected amount * @param tolerance the tolerance to use * @return this if the amount matches the expectation, else * throw an {@code AssertionError} */ public CurrencyAmountAssert hasAmount(double expectedAmount, Offset<Double> tolerance) { isNotNull(); Assertions.assertThat(actual.getAmount()).isEqualTo(expectedAmount, tolerance); return this; } /** * Assert that the {@code CurrencyAmount} has the same currency as * the supplied {@code CurrencyAmount} and that the amount is within * range of the supplied {@code CurrencyAmount}'s amount. * * @param expected the expected {@code CurrencyAmount} * @param tolerance the tolerance to use * @return this if the amount matches the expectation, else * throw an {@code AssertionError} */ public CurrencyAmountAssert isEqualTo(CurrencyAmount expected, Offset<Double> tolerance) { isNotNull(); hasCurrency(expected.getCurrency()); hasAmount(expected.getAmount(), tolerance); return this; } }