/** * Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.collect; /** * Contains utility methods for managing messages. */ public final class Messages { /** * Restricted constructor. */ private Messages() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Formats a templated message inserting a single argument. * <p> * This method combines a template message with a single argument. * It can be useful to delay string concatenation, which is sometimes a performance issue. * The approach is similar to SLF4J MessageFormat, Guava Preconditions and String format(). * <p> * The message template contains zero to many "{}" placeholders. * The first placeholder is replaced by the string form of the argument. * Subsequent placeholders are not replaced. * If there is no placeholder, then the argument is appended to the end of the message. * No attempt is made to format the argument. * <p> * This method is null tolerant to ensure that use in exception construction will * not throw another exception, which might hide the intended exception. * * @param messageTemplate the message template with "{}" placeholders, null returns empty string * @param arg the message argument, null treated as string "null" * @return the formatted message */ public static String format(String messageTemplate, Object arg) { if (messageTemplate == null) { return format("", arg); } int placeholderPos = messageTemplate.indexOf("{}", 0); String argStr = String.valueOf(arg); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(messageTemplate.length() + argStr.length() + 3); if (placeholderPos >= 0) { builder .append(messageTemplate.substring(0, placeholderPos)) .append(argStr) .append(messageTemplate.substring(placeholderPos + 2)); } else { builder.append(messageTemplate).append(" - [").append(argStr).append(']'); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Formats a templated message inserting arguments. * <p> * This method combines a template message with a list of specific arguments. * It can be useful to delay string concatenation, which is sometimes a performance issue. * The approach is similar to SLF4J MessageFormat, Guava Preconditions and String format(). * <p> * The message template contains zero to many "{}" placeholders. * Each placeholder is replaced by the next available argument. * If there are too few arguments, then the message will be left with placeholders. * If there are too many arguments, then the excess arguments are appended to the end of the message. * No attempt is made to format the arguments. * <p> * This method is null tolerant to ensure that use in exception construction will * not throw another exception, which might hide the intended exception. * * @param messageTemplate the message template with "{}" placeholders, null returns empty string * @param args the message arguments, null treated as empty array * @return the formatted message */ public static String format(String messageTemplate, Object... args) { if (messageTemplate == null) { return format("", args); } if (args == null) { return format(messageTemplate, new Object[0]); } // try to make builder big enough for the message and the args StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(messageTemplate.length() + args.length * 20); // insert placeholders int argIndex = 0; int curPos = 0; int nextPlaceholderPos = messageTemplate.indexOf("{}", curPos); while (nextPlaceholderPos >= 0 && argIndex < args.length) { builder.append(messageTemplate.substring(curPos, nextPlaceholderPos)).append(args[argIndex]); argIndex++; curPos = nextPlaceholderPos + 2; nextPlaceholderPos = messageTemplate.indexOf("{}", curPos); } // append remainder of message template builder.append(messageTemplate.substring(curPos)); // append remaining args if (argIndex < args.length) { builder.append(" - ["); for (int i = argIndex; i < args.length; i++) { if (i > argIndex) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(args[i]); } builder.append(']'); } return builder.toString(); } }