package oak.widget.spreadsheetview; import*; import; /** * This cell is used within the SpreadsheetView */ public class SpreadsheetCell { private Paint cellPaint; private Paint selectedCellPaint; private Paint textPaint; private Paint selectedTextPaint; private Paint borderPaint; private Paint selectedBorderPaint; private float drawnWidth; private float drawnHeight; private float insetCellWidth; private float insetCellHeight; private SpreadsheetView table; private Drawable shape; private Drawable selectedShape; private float horizontalBorderWidth; private float verticalBorderWidth; public SpreadsheetCell(SpreadsheetView table, Paint cellPaint, Paint textPaint, Paint borderPaint, float horizontalBorderWidth, float verticalBorderWidth){ this.cellPaint = cellPaint; this.selectedCellPaint = new Paint(cellPaint); this.textPaint = textPaint; this.selectedTextPaint = new Paint(textPaint); this.textPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); this.selectedTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); this.borderPaint = borderPaint; this.selectedBorderPaint = new Paint(borderPaint); this.horizontalBorderWidth = horizontalBorderWidth; this.verticalBorderWidth = verticalBorderWidth; this.table = table; this.shape = null; } public SpreadsheetCell(SpreadsheetView table, Drawable shape, Drawable selectedShape, Paint borderPaint, Paint textPaint, float horizontalBorderWidth, float verticalBorderWidth){ this.table = table; this.shape = shape; this.selectedShape = selectedShape; this.textPaint = textPaint; this.borderPaint = borderPaint; this.selectedTextPaint = new Paint(textPaint); this.textPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); this.selectedTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); this.horizontalBorderWidth = horizontalBorderWidth; this.verticalBorderWidth = verticalBorderWidth; this.selectedBorderPaint = new Paint(borderPaint); } /** * Set the text size for the cells * * @param size */ public void setTextSize(float size){ textPaint.setTextSize(size); selectedTextPaint.setTextSize(size); } public Paint getTextPaint(){ return textPaint; } /** * Sets custom paint parameter to the text in each cell * * @param paint */ public void setTextPaint(Paint paint){ textPaint = paint; } /** * Seta custom typeface to the text * * @param typeface */ public void setTypeface(Typeface typeface){ textPaint.setTypeface(typeface); } public Typeface getTypeface(){ return textPaint.getTypeface(); } /** * Sets time in seconds for how long after touch buttons fade out * * @param typeface */ public void setSelectedTypeface(Typeface typeface){ selectedTextPaint.setTypeface(typeface); } /** * Sets cusotm color to the text of each cell * * @param color */ public void setTextColor(int color){ textPaint.setColor(color); } public int getTextColor(){ return textPaint.getColor(); } public Paint getSelectedTextPaint(){ return selectedTextPaint; } /** * Set custom paint to the selected text of each cell * * @param paint */ public void setSelectedTextPaint(Paint paint){ this.selectedTextPaint = paint;} /** * Set custom color to the selected text of each cell * * @param color */ public void setSelectedTextColor(int color){ selectedTextPaint.setColor(color); } public int getSelectedTextColor(){ return selectedTextPaint.getColor(); } /** * Set the text size of the selected text of each cell * * @param size */ public void setSelectedTextSize(float size){ selectedTextPaint.setTextSize(size); } public float getSelectedTextSize(){ return selectedTextPaint.getTextSize(); } public Paint getBorderPaint(){ return borderPaint; } /** * Set custom paint used as the border of eachc ell * * @param paint */ public void setBorderPaint(Paint paint){ this.borderPaint = paint; } public Paint getSelectedBorderPaint(){ return selectedBorderPaint;} /** * Sets a custom paint border to a selected cell * * @param paint */ public void setSelectedBorderPaint(Paint paint) { this.selectedBorderPaint = paint;} public Paint getCellPaint(){ return cellPaint; } /** * Set custom paint to each cell * * @param paint */ public void setCellPaint(Paint paint){ this.cellPaint = paint; } public Paint getSelectedCellPaint(){ return selectedCellPaint;} /** * Set custom paint to a cell used when selected * * @param paint */ public void setSelectedCellPaint(Paint paint){ this.selectedCellPaint = paint;} public Drawable getDrawable(){ return this.shape; } /** * Set custom drawable used for each cell * * @param drawable */ public void setDrawable(Drawable drawable){ this.shape = drawable; } public Drawable getSelectedDrawable() { return this.selectedShape;} /** * Set a custom drawable used when a cell is selected * * @param drawable */ public void setSelectedDrawable(Drawable drawable) { this.selectedShape = drawable;} /** * Set the horizontal border width for each cell * * @param width */ public void setHorizontalBorderWidth(float width){ this.horizontalBorderWidth = width; } public float getHorizontalBorderWidth(){ return this.horizontalBorderWidth; } /** * Set the vertical border width for each cell * * @param width */ public void setVerticalBorderWidth(float width){ this.verticalBorderWidth = width; } public float getVerticalBorderWidth(){ return this.verticalBorderWidth; } public void draw(Canvas canvas, String text, float leftX, float topY, float cellWidth, float cellHeight, boolean selected){ drawnWidth = cellWidth; drawnHeight = cellHeight; /* if (leftX+cellWidth > table.getStickyTableWidth()){ drawnWidth = table.getStickyTableWidth() -leftX; } if (topY + cellHeight > table.getStickyTableHeight()){ drawnHeight = table.getStickyTableHeight() - topY; } */ //draw the cell border if (selected && selectedBorderPaint!=null){ canvas.drawRect(leftX, topY, leftX+drawnWidth, topY+drawnHeight, selectedBorderPaint); } else if (borderPaint!=null){ canvas.drawRect(leftX, topY, leftX+drawnWidth, topY+drawnHeight, borderPaint); } //draw the cell itself insetCellHeight = cellHeight-verticalBorderWidth*2; /* if (insetCellHeight + verticalBorderWidth > drawnHeight){ insetCellHeight = drawnHeight - verticalBorderWidth; } */ if (insetCellHeight<0){ insetCellHeight =0; } insetCellWidth = cellWidth - horizontalBorderWidth*2; /* if (insetCellWidth + horizontalBorderWidth>drawnWidth){ insetCellWidth = drawnWidth - horizontalBorderWidth; } */ if (insetCellWidth<0){ insetCellWidth = 0; } if (selected){ if (selectedShape!=null){ selectedShape.setBounds((int)(leftX+horizontalBorderWidth),(int)(topY+verticalBorderWidth), (int)(leftX+horizontalBorderWidth+insetCellWidth), (int) (topY+verticalBorderWidth+insetCellHeight)); selectedShape.draw(canvas); } else{ canvas.drawRect(leftX+horizontalBorderWidth, topY+verticalBorderWidth, leftX+horizontalBorderWidth+insetCellWidth, topY+verticalBorderWidth+insetCellHeight,selectedCellPaint); } if (text==null){ text = "null"; } canvas.drawText(text, leftX+cellWidth/2, topY+cellHeight/2, selectedTextPaint); //may draw out of bounds } else{ if (shape!=null){ shape.setBounds((int)(leftX+horizontalBorderWidth),(int)(topY+verticalBorderWidth), (int)(leftX+horizontalBorderWidth+insetCellWidth), (int) (topY+verticalBorderWidth+insetCellHeight)); shape.draw(canvas); } else{ canvas.drawRect(leftX+horizontalBorderWidth, topY+verticalBorderWidth, leftX+horizontalBorderWidth+insetCellWidth, topY+verticalBorderWidth+insetCellHeight,cellPaint); } if (text==null){ text = "null"; } canvas.drawText(text, leftX+cellWidth/2, topY+cellHeight/2, textPaint); //may draw out of bounds } } }