package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalInt; import org.codefx.libfx.collection.tree.navigate.TreeNavigator; import; /** * Supports testing by providing sample trees and a {@link Navigator} for them. */ class TreeTestHelper { /** * The singleton instance of a stateless navigator which can be used to iterate over the test trees. */ public static final Navigator NAVIGATOR = new Navigator(); // #begin TREES /** * @return a tree with the single node [singleton]. */ public static Node createSingletonTree() { Node tree = Node.singleton("singleton"); return tree; } /** * @return a small binary tree [root] -> { [leftLeaf], [rightLeaf] }. */ public static Node createSimpleBinaryTree() { Node tree = Node.root("root", Node.leaf("leftLeaf"), Node.leaf("rightLeaf") ); return tree; } /** * @return a perfect binary tree with depth 4 (see <a * href="">types of trees</a>); a septh-first * search yields [1], [2], ..., [15] */ public static Node createDeepBinaryTree() { Node tree = Node.root("1", Node.node("2", Node.node("3", Node.leaf("4"), Node.leaf("5") ), Node.node("6", Node.leaf("7"), Node.leaf("8") ) ), Node.node("9", Node.node("10", Node.leaf("11"), Node.leaf("12") ), Node.node("13", Node.leaf("14"), Node.leaf("15") ) ) ); return tree; } // #end TREES // #begin UTIL /** * @param strategy * the strategy to iterate the nodes * @return an array which contains each node the strategy returns */ public static String[] iterateTreeContent(TreeIterationStrategy<Node> strategy) { List<String> treeContent = new ArrayList<>(); Optional<Node> nextNode = strategy.goToNextNode(); while (nextNode.isPresent()) { treeContent.add(nextNode.get().content); nextNode = strategy.goToNextNode(); } return treeContent.toArray(new String[0]); } // #end UTIL // #begin INNER CLASSES /** * A {@link TreeNavigator} for the {@link Node}-based trees available in this class. */ public static class Navigator implements TreeNavigator<Node> { @Override public Optional<Node> getParent(Node child) { return child.parent; } @Override public OptionalInt getChildIndex(Node node) { Optional<Node> parent = node.parent; if (parent.isPresent()) return OptionalInt.of(parent.get().children.indexOf(node)); else return OptionalInt.empty(); } @Override public int getChildrenCount(Node parent) { return parent.children.size(); } @Override public Optional<Node> getChild(Node parent, int childIndex) { return (0 <= childIndex && childIndex < parent.children.size()) ? Optional.of(parent.children.get(childIndex)) : Optional.empty(); } } /** * A node in the trees returned by this class. */ public static class Node { /** * The nodes actual content. */ public final String content; /** * The node's children. */ public final List<Node> children; /** * The node's parent. */ public Optional<Node> parent; private Node(String content, Node[] children) { this.content = content; this.parent = Optional.empty(); this.children = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(children)); -> node.parent = Optional.of(this)); } /** * @param content * the node's content * @return a singleton tree */ public static Node singleton(String content) { return new Node(content, new Node[0]); } /** * @param content * the root node's content * @param children * the child nodes * @return a tree with the specified child nodes */ public static Node root(String content, Node... children) { return new Node(content, children); } /** * @param content * the node's content * @param children * the child nodes * @return a node with the specified child nodes */ public static Node node(String content, Node... children) { return new Node(content, children); } /** * @param content * the leaf's content * @return a leaf node */ public static Node leaf(String content) { return new Node(content, new Node[0]); } @Override public String toString() { return "Node [" + content + "]"; } } // #end INNER CLASSES }