package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; /** * An {@link Iterator} which uses a {@link TreeIterationStrategy} to iterate over a tree. * * @param <E> * the type of elements returned by this iterator */ class TreeIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> { /* * The important task of choosing the next node in the tree is delegated to the iteration strategy. This class * merely delays looking for that node as long as possible. Its state consists of a single node of the tree and * whether it was already returned */ // #begin FIELDS private final TreeIterationStrategy<E> iterationStrategy; /** * The next node to return; if it is {@link Optional#empty() empty}, the iteration will end. */ private Optional<E> nextNode; /** * Indicates whether the {@link #nextNode} was already returned as an element in {@link #next()}. */ private boolean returnedNextNode; // #end FIELDS // #begin CONSTRUCTION /** * Creates a new tree iterator which uses the specified strategy to determine the order of nodes. * * @param iterationStrategy * the strategy used by this iterator */ public TreeIterator(TreeIterationStrategy<E> iterationStrategy) { Objects.requireNonNull(iterationStrategy, "The argument 'iterationStrategy' must not be null."); this.iterationStrategy = iterationStrategy; this.nextNode = Optional.empty(); this.returnedNextNode = true; } // #end CONSTRUCTION // #begin IMPLEMENTATION OF 'Iterator' @Override public final boolean hasNext() { goToNextNodeIfNecessary(); return nextNode.isPresent(); } @Override public final E next() { goToNextNodeIfNecessary(); return returnNextNode(); } // #end IMPLEMENTATION OF 'Iterator' // #begin GO TO NEXT NODE & RETURN private void goToNextNodeIfNecessary() { if (returnedNextNode) { nextNode = iterationStrategy.goToNextNode(); returnedNextNode = false; } } private E returnNextNode() { if (nextNode.isPresent()) { returnedNextNode = true; return nextNode.get(); } else throw new NoSuchElementException("All nodes in the tree have been visited."); } // #end GO TO NEXT NODE & RETURN }