package; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.OptionalInt; /** * A straight forward implementation of {@link TreeNode}. * * @param <E> * the type of the contained element */ final class SimpleTreeNode<E> implements TreeNode<E> { private final E element; private final OptionalInt childIndex; private SimpleTreeNode(E element, OptionalInt childIndex) { Objects.requireNonNull(element, "The argument 'element' must not be null."); Objects.requireNonNull(childIndex, "The argument 'childIndex' must not be null."); if (childIndex.isPresent() && childIndex.getAsInt() < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The 'childIndex' must be missing or non-negative."); this.element = element; this.childIndex = childIndex; } /** * Creates a node for a node of a tree (possibly the root). * * @param <E> * the type of the content contained in the node * @param element * the element * @param childIndex * the index of the node within the list of children of its parent; as an {@link OptionalInt} because it * can be empty if the node is the root * @return a node containing the element */ public static <E> SimpleTreeNode<E> node(E element, OptionalInt childIndex) { return new SimpleTreeNode<>(element, childIndex); } /** * Creates a node for the root of a (sub-)tree. * * @param <E> * the type of the content contained in the node * @param element * the root element * @return a node containing the element */ public static <E> SimpleTreeNode<E> root(E element) { return new SimpleTreeNode<>(element, OptionalInt.empty()); } /** * Creates a node for an inner node of a tree. * * @param <E> * the type of the content contained in the node * @param element * the element * @param childIndex * the index of the node within the list of children of its parent * @return a node containing the element */ public static <E> SimpleTreeNode<E> innerNode(E element, int childIndex) { return new SimpleTreeNode<>(element, OptionalInt.of(childIndex)); } @Override public E getElement() { return element; } @Override public OptionalInt getChildIndex() { return childIndex; } @Override public String toString() { return "Node [" + element + ", " + childIndex + "]"; } }