package; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import; import net.minecraft.util.IThreadListener; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import; public abstract class AbstractMessage<T extends AbstractMessage<T>> implements IMessage, IMessageHandler<T, IMessage> { /** * Some PacketBuffer methods throw IOException - default handling propagates * the exception. if an IOException is expected but should not be fatal, * handle it within this method. */ protected abstract void read (PacketBuffer buffer) throws IOException; /** * Some PacketBuffer methods throw IOException - default handling propagates * the exception. if an IOException is expected but should not be fatal, * handle it within this method. */ protected abstract void write (PacketBuffer buffer) throws IOException; /** * Called on whichever side the message is received; for bidirectional * packets, be sure to check side If {@link #requiresMainThread()} returns * true, this method is guaranteed to be called on the main Minecraft thread * for this side. */ public abstract void process (EntityPlayer player, Side side); /** * If message is sent to the wrong side, an exception will be thrown during * handling * * @return True if the message is allowed to be handled on the given side */ protected boolean isValidOnSide (Side side) { return true; // default allows handling on both sides, i.e. a // bidirectional packet } /** * Whether this message requires the main thread to be processed (i.e. it * requires that the world, player, and other objects are in a valid state). */ protected boolean requiresMainThread () { return true; } @Override public void fromBytes (ByteBuf buffer) { try { read(new PacketBuffer(buffer)); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public void toBytes (ByteBuf buffer) { try { write(new PacketBuffer(buffer)); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } // =====================================================================// /* * Make the implementation final so child classes don't need to bother with * it, since the message class shouldn't have anything to do with the * handler. This is simply to avoid having to have: * * public static class Handler extends GenericMessageHandler<OpenGuiMessage> * {} * * in every single message class for the sole purpose of registration. */ @Override public final IMessage onMessage (T msg, MessageContext ctx) { if (!msg.isValidOnSide(ctx.side)) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid side " + + " for " + msg.getClass().getSimpleName()); else if (msg.requiresMainThread()) checkThreadAndEnqueue(msg, ctx); else msg.process(KingdomKeys.proxy.getPlayerEntity(ctx), ctx.side); return null; } /** * 1.8 ONLY: Ensures that the message is being handled on the main thread */ private static final <T extends AbstractMessage<T>> void checkThreadAndEnqueue (final AbstractMessage<T> msg, final MessageContext ctx) { IThreadListener thread = KingdomKeys.proxy.getThreadFromContext(ctx); if (!thread.isCallingFromMinecraftThread()) thread.addScheduledTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run () { msg.process(KingdomKeys.proxy.getPlayerEntity(ctx), ctx.side); } }); } /** * Messages that can only be sent from the server to the client should use * this class */ public static abstract class AbstractClientMessage<T extends AbstractMessage<T>> extends AbstractMessage<T> { @Override protected final boolean isValidOnSide (Side side) { return side.isClient(); } } /** * Messages that can only be sent from the client to the server should use * this class */ public static abstract class AbstractServerMessage<T extends AbstractMessage<T>> extends AbstractMessage<T> { @Override protected final boolean isValidOnSide (Side side) { return side.isServer(); } } }