package gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.util.helpers; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemMeshDefinition; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBakery; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader; /** * @author <a href="">TehNut</a> * * The goal of this class is to make registering the inventory renders * for your Items/Blocks a much simpler and easier process. * * You must call this at the post initialization stage on * the clientside only. * * If you pass a Block through here that uses the default * ItemBlock, you should specify a custom name. */ public class InventoryRenderHelper { /** * This is the base string for your resources. It will usually be * your modid in all lowercase with a colon at the end. */ private final String domain; public InventoryRenderHelper(String domain) { this.domain = domain; } /** * Registers a Model for the given Item and meta. * * @param item - Item to register Model for * @param meta - Meta of Item * @param name - Name of the model JSON */ public void itemRender(Item item, int meta, String name) { String resName = domain + name; ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item, new ModelResourceLocation(resName)); ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(resName, "inventory")); } /** * Shorthand of {@code itemRender(Item, int, String)} * * @param item - Item to register Model for * @param meta - Meta of Item */ public void itemRender(Item item, int meta) { itemRender(item, meta, getClassName(item) + meta); } public void itemRender(Item item, String name) { itemRender(item, 0, name); } /** * Shorthand of {@code itemRender(Item, int)} * * @param item - Item to register Model for */ public void itemRender(Item item) { itemRender(item, 0, getClassName(item)); } /** * Registers a model for the item across all Meta's that get used for the item * * @param item - Item to register Model for */ public void itemRenderAll(Item item) { final Item toRender = item; ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(item, new ItemMeshDefinition() { @Override public ModelResourceLocation getModelLocation(ItemStack stack) { return new ModelResourceLocation(domain + getClassName(toRender), "inventory"); } }); } /** * * @param block - Block to get Item of * @return - The ItemBlock that corresponds to the Block. */ public static Item getItemFromBlock(Block block) { return Item.getItemFromBlock(block); } private static String getClassName(Item item) { return item instanceof ItemBlock ? Block.getBlockFromItem(item).getClass().getSimpleName() : item.getClass().getSimpleName(); } }