package; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.api.Constants; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.capabilities.IronBackpacksCapabilities; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.capabilities.player.PlayerDeathBackpackCapabilities; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.capabilities.player.PlayerWearingBackpackCapabilities; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.config.ConfigHandler; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.integration.InterModSupport; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.items.backpacks.ItemBackpack; import; import; import gr8pefish.ironbackpacks.util.helpers.IronBackpacksHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult; import net.minecraftforge.event.AnvilUpdateEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.AttachCapabilitiesEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent; import; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.ArrowLooseEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.EntityItemPickupEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerDropsEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * All the events used that fire on the Forge Event bus */ public class ForgeEventHandler { //====================================================================== Player Capability Events ======================================================================= /** * Attaches a capability to the entity. Works on both the client and server players. * @param event - attach capability event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onAttachCapability(AttachCapabilitiesEvent.Entity event) { if (event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (!event.getEntity().hasCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.WEARING_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null)) { event.addCapability(new ResourceLocation(Constants.MODID + "." + Constants.WEARING_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY_STRING), new PlayerWearingBackpackCapabilities()); } if (!event.getEntity().hasCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.DEATH_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null)) { event.addCapability(new ResourceLocation(Constants.MODID + "." + Constants.DEATH_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY_STRING), new PlayerDeathBackpackCapabilities()); } } } /** * When a player dies and respawns we need to clone their old data over * @param event - the clone event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerCloning(net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerEvent.Clone event) { if (event.isWasDeath()) { //deal with dumb returning from the end code, have to only clone data when the player actually dies if (event.getOriginal().hasCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.DEATH_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null)) { PlayerDeathBackpackCapabilities oldCap = event.getOriginal().getCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.DEATH_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null); // NBTTagCompound tagCompound = oldCap.serializeNBT(); PlayerDeathBackpackCapabilities newCap = event.getEntityPlayer().getCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.DEATH_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null); // newCap.deserializeNBT(tagCompound); //ToDo: Test inclusion, as better than manually copying over? //update new data with old newCap.setEternityBackpacks(oldCap.getEternityBackpacks()); newCap.setEquippedBackpack(oldCap.getEquippedBackpack()); } } else { //return from end if (event.getOriginal().hasCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.WEARING_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null)) { PlayerWearingBackpackCapabilities oldCap = event.getOriginal().getCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.WEARING_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null); // NBTTagCompound tagCompound = oldCap.serializeNBT(); PlayerWearingBackpackCapabilities newCap = event.getEntityPlayer().getCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.WEARING_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null); // newCap.deserializeNBT(tagCompound); //update new data with old newCap.setCurrentBackpack(oldCap.getCurrentBackpack()); newCap.setEquippedBackpack(oldCap.getEquippedBackpack()); } } } @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerDrops(PlayerDropsEvent event) { if (!event.getEntity().worldObj.isRemote) { //server EntityItem drop = IronBackpacksHelper.savePlayerDeathDrops(event.getEntityPlayer()); //get equipped backpack, if it exists, and add it to drop if (drop != null) { event.getDrops().add(drop); } } } /** * When a player dies, check if player has any backpacks with keepOnDeathUpgrade so then they are saved for when they spawn * @param event - the event */ @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) //ToDo: Change to PlayerDropsEvent public void onDeath(LivingDeathEvent event){ if (!event.getEntity().worldObj.isRemote && event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer){ //server side IronBackpacksHelper.saveEternityBackpacksOnDeath((EntityPlayer) event.getEntity()); } } /** * When a player respawns, check if player had any backpacks with keepOnDeathUpgrade so then they spawn with them * @param event - the event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onEntityJoinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event){ if (!event.getEntity().worldObj.isRemote && event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer){ //server side IronBackpacksHelper.loadBackpackOnDeath((EntityPlayer) event.getEntity()); } } /** * Used to make sure the player's equipped backpack is shown correctly * @param event - the player logged in event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerLogIn(net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent event){ ItemStack backpack = PlayerWearingBackpackCapabilities.getEquippedBackpack(event.player); if (backpack != null) { //ToDo: even update if null? ClientEquippedPackMessage(backpack), (EntityPlayerMP) event.player); //update client on correct pack // PlayerBackpackProperties.setEquippedBackpack(event.player, backpack); //update server on correct pack //TODO: unnecessary? // if (!ConfigHandler.disableRendering) { // IronBackpacksHelper.spawnEntityBackpack(backpack, event.player); // } } } /** * Used to make sure the player respawns with an equipped backpack if they should * @param event - the player respawn event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerRespawn(net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerRespawnEvent event){ ItemStack backpack = PlayerWearingBackpackCapabilities.getEquippedBackpack(event.player); if (backpack != null) { ClientEquippedPackMessage(backpack), (EntityPlayerMP) event.player); //update client on correct pack // PlayerBackpackProperties.setEquippedBackpack(event.player, backpack); //update server on correct pack // if (!ConfigHandler.disableRendering) // IronBackpacksHelper.spawnEntityBackpack(backpack, event.player); } } /** * Used to make sure the equipped backpack transfers over correctly between dimensions * @param event - the change dimension event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerDimChange(net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerChangedDimensionEvent event){ ItemStack backpack = PlayerWearingBackpackCapabilities.getEquippedBackpack(event.player); if (backpack != null) { ClientEquippedPackMessage(backpack), (EntityPlayerMP) event.player); //update client on correct pack // PlayerBackpackProperties.setEquippedBackpack(event.player, backpack); //TODO: test with these removed // if (!ConfigHandler.disableRendering) // IronBackpacksHelper.spawnEntityBackpack(backpack, event.player); //spawn new pack } else { ClientEquippedPackMessage(null), (EntityPlayerMP) event.player); //update client on correct pack // PlayerBackpackProperties.setEquippedBackpack(event.player, null); } } //====================================================================== Upgrade pseudo-tick Events ======================================================================= /** * Called whenever an items is picked up by a player. The basis for all the filters, and the event used for the hopper/restocking and crafter/recipes upgrades too so it doesn't check too much and causes lag.. * @param event - the event fired */ //ToDo: Make this functional for offhand restocking @SubscribeEvent public void onItemPickupEvent(EntityItemPickupEvent event) { if (!event.isCanceled()) { ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>> backpacks = IronBackpacksEventHelper.getFilterCrafterAndRestockerBackpacks(event.getEntityPlayer()); boolean doFilter = IronBackpacksEventHelper.checkRestockingUpgradeItemPickup(event, backpacks.get(4)); //doFilter is false if the itemEntity is in the restockerUpgrade's slots and the itemEntity's stackSize < refillSize if (doFilter) { IronBackpacksEventHelper.checkFilterUpgrade(event, backpacks.get(0)); //beware creative testing takes the itemstack still } for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { IronBackpacksEventHelper.checkCrafterUpgrade(event, backpacks.get(i), i);//1x1, 2x2, and 3x3 crafters/crafters } } } /** * Called whenever the player uses an items. Used for the restocking(hopper) upgrade. * @param event - the event fired */ //ToDo: Make this functional for offhand restocking @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerItemUseEvent(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem event){ ItemStack resuppliedStack; if (!event.isCanceled()){ //only do it for main hand clicks ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>> backpacks = IronBackpacksEventHelper.getFilterCrafterAndRestockerBackpacks(event.getEntityPlayer()); resuppliedStack = IronBackpacksEventHelper.checkRestockerUpgradeItemUse(event, backpacks.get(4)); //reduce the stack in the backpack if you can refill and send back the refilled itemStack if (resuppliedStack != null) { event.getItemStack().stackSize = resuppliedStack.stackSize; //set the new stack size (as you can't/don't need to directly replace the stack) } } } /** * Called whenever the player places a block. Used for the restocking(hopper) upgrade. * @param event - the event fired */ @SubscribeEvent public void onBlockPlacedEvent(BlockEvent.PlaceEvent event) { if (!event.isCanceled()) { //only do it when I should //ExUtils builders wands broken b/c RWTema does weird things, disabled compat if (event.getItemInHand() != null && InterModSupport.isExtraUtilsLoaded && InterModSupport.isExUtilsBuildersWand(event.getItemInHand().getItem())) return; //ToDo To Fix: instead of return directly, set a static class-level bool updateRestockNextTick true first, and make a main tick handler which updates if true and sets the bool back to false, so that it updates *after* the event and works //get all the backpacks to restock with ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>> backpacks = IronBackpacksEventHelper.getFilterCrafterAndRestockerBackpacks(event.getPlayer()); //ray trace the block placed RayTraceResult rayTraceResult = event.getWorld().rayTraceBlocks(event.getPlayer().getPositionVector(), event.getPlayer().getLookVec()); //get the block as an itemstack ItemStack itemStackPlaced = event.getPlacedBlock().getBlock().getPickBlock(event.getPlacedBlock(), rayTraceResult, event.getWorld(), event.getPos(), event.getPlayer()); if (event.getItemInHand() != null && itemStackPlaced != null && !backpacks.get(4).isEmpty()) { //null checks and has a backpack to restock from if (!IronBackpacksHelper.areItemsEqualForStacking(event.getItemInHand(), itemStackPlaced)) { //if item in hand != item placed, if not the same then placed with some other method and have to scan inv //pass that itemstack (along with other things) to a delegating method to deal with restocking for other methods IronBackpacksEventHelper.handleIndirectRestock(event.getPlayer(), backpacks.get(4), itemStackPlaced); } else { //normally placed item IronBackpacksEventHelper.handleDirectRestock(event.getPlayer(), backpacks.get(4), event.getItemInHand(), true); } } } } @SubscribeEvent public void onArrowLoose(ArrowLooseEvent event) { if (!event.isCanceled()){ //only do it for main hand clicks ArrayList<ArrayList<ItemStack>> backpacks = IronBackpacksEventHelper.getFilterCrafterAndRestockerBackpacks(event.getEntityPlayer()); ImmutablePair<ItemStack, Slot> pair = IronBackpacksEventHelper.checkRestockerUpgradeArrowLoose(event.getEntityPlayer(), backpacks.get(4)); //reduce the stack in the backpack if you can refill and send back the refilled itemStack if (pair != null) { event.getEntityPlayer().inventory.setInventorySlotContents(pair.getRight().getSlotIndex(), pair.getLeft()); // event.getItemStack().stackSize = resuppliedStack.stackSize; //set the new stack size (as you can't/don't need to directly replace the stack) } } } //ToDo: Decide to include or not //The issue is that the client needs to send the message, but also needs to know to cancel or not. The server event also needs to know to cancel itself or not. // @SubscribeEvent // public void onBlockClicked(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock event){ //ToDo: keep code DRY (see ItemBackpack's deposit code) // // if (!event.isCanceled()) { //runs on both sides // // EntityPlayer player = event.getEntityPlayer(); // ItemStack itemstack = IronBackpacksCapabilities.getWornBackpack(event.getEntityPlayer()); //check equipped pack // boolean openAltGui = true; // //// if (event.getWorld().isRemote) { //client side //// if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LCONTROL)) { //left control //// SingleByteMessage(IronBackpacksConstants.Messages.SingleByte.DEPOSIT_FROM_EQUIPPED_BACKPACK_KEYBINDING)); //send message to server to deal with logic //// setCanceledOrNotSomehow //// } //// } else { //// setCanceledOrNotSomehow //// } // // if (player.isSneaking() && itemstack != null) { //only do it when player is sneaking and has a backpack equipped // // //deal with shift clicking while holding an item that can be placed (e.g. a hopper on a chest) // ItemStack stackHeld = event.getItemStack(); // ItemStack offhandHeld = event.getEntityPlayer().getHeldItemOffhand(); // // if (stackHeld != null || offhandHeld != null) return; //enforce that it only works with an empty hand on both main and offhand // //some terrible code to deal with event calling incorrectly on server side, BUT IT WORKS ToDo: Clean this up or delete if it won't work //// if (stackHeld != null && stackHeld.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock) { //// ItemBlock itemblock = (ItemBlock)stackHeld.getItem(); //// if ((event.getSide() == Side.SERVER) || !itemblock.canPlaceBlockOnSide(event.getWorld(), event.getPos(), event.getFace(), player, stackHeld)) { //placable block, return //// return; //// } //// } // // World world = event.getWorld(); // BlockPos pos = event.getPos(); // EnumFacing side = event.getFace(); // // ArrayList<ItemStack> upgrades = IronBackpacksHelper.getUpgradesAppliedFromNBT(itemstack); // boolean hasDepthUpgrade = UpgradeMethods.hasDepthUpgrade(upgrades); // if (UpgradeMethods.hasQuickDepositUpgrade(upgrades)) { // openAltGui = !UpgradeMethods.transferFromBackpackToInventory(player, itemstack, world, pos, side, false); // if (!hasDepthUpgrade) // if (!openAltGui) event.setCanceled(true); // } else if (UpgradeMethods.hasQuickDepositPreciseUpgrade(upgrades)) { // openAltGui = !UpgradeMethods.transferFromBackpackToInventory(player, itemstack, world, pos, side, true); // if (!hasDepthUpgrade) // if (!openAltGui) event.setCanceled(true); // } // boolean openAltGuiDepth; // if (hasDepthUpgrade) { // ContainerBackpack container = new ContainerBackpack(new InventoryBackpack(player, itemstack)); // for (int j = 0; j < container.getInventoryBackpack().getSizeInventory(); j++) { // ItemStack nestedBackpack = container.getInventoryBackpack().getStackInSlot(j); // if (nestedBackpack != null && nestedBackpack.getItem() != null && nestedBackpack.getItem() instanceof IBackpack) { // ArrayList<ItemStack> nestedUpgrades = IronBackpacksHelper.getUpgradesAppliedFromNBT(nestedBackpack); // if (UpgradeMethods.hasQuickDepositUpgrade(nestedUpgrades)) { // openAltGuiDepth = !UpgradeMethods.transferFromBackpackToInventory(player, nestedBackpack, world, pos, side, false); // if (!openAltGuiDepth) openAltGui = false; // } else if (UpgradeMethods.hasQuickDepositPreciseUpgrade(nestedUpgrades)) { // openAltGuiDepth = !UpgradeMethods.transferFromBackpackToInventory(player, nestedBackpack, world, pos, side, true); // if (!openAltGuiDepth) openAltGui = false; // } // } // } // if (!openAltGui) event.setCanceled(true); // } // } // } // } //====================================================================== Misc. Events ======================================================================= /** * Fires whenever an item is placed in both slots of an anvil. Used to disable processing if one of the items is a backpack. * @param event - anvil update event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onAnvilUpdate(AnvilUpdateEvent event) { if ((event.getLeft().getItem() instanceof ItemBackpack) || (event.getRight().getItem() instanceof ItemBackpack)) { //if a backpack in an anvil slot //probably overkill, but making sure it can't process event.setOutput(null); event.setResult(Event.Result.DENY); event.setCanceled(true); } } /** * When the config is changed this will reload the changes to ensure it is correctly updated * @param event - the event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onConfigChanged(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent event) { if (event.getModID().equals(Constants.MODID)) { ConfigHandler.syncConfig(false); } } /** * Update the player to make rendering work for others. * @param event */ @SubscribeEvent public void onTrack(net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerEvent.StartTracking event) { EntityPlayer tracker = event.getEntityPlayer(); //the tracker Entity targetEntity = event.getTarget(); //the target that is being tracked if (targetEntity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { //only entityPlayerMP ( MP part is very important :/ ) EntityPlayer targetPlayer = (EntityPlayer) targetEntity; //typecast to entityPlayer if (targetPlayer.hasCapability(IronBackpacksCapabilities.WEARING_BACKPACK_CAPABILITY, null)) { //if have the capability ItemStack backpack = IronBackpacksCapabilities.getWornBackpack(targetPlayer); if (backpack != null) { //if the target is wearing a backpack need to update ClientEquippedPackMessage(backpack), (EntityPlayerMP) tracker); //send a packet to the tracker's client to update their target } else { ClientEquippedPackMessage(backpack), (EntityPlayerMP) tracker); } } } } }