package; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is the primary implemented/extended data collector for the feature * collector. This will get data from the source system, but will grab the * majority of needed data and aggregate it in a single, flat MongoDB collection * for consumption. * * @author kfk884 * */ public class ProjectDataClientImpl extends ProjectDataClientSetupImpl implements ProjectDataClient { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ProjectDataClientImpl.class); private final FeatureSettings featureSettings; private final FeatureWidgetQueries featureWidgetQueries; private final ProjectRepository projectRepo; private final ClientUtil tools; /** * Extends the constructor from the super class. * * @param teamRepository */ public ProjectDataClientImpl(FeatureSettings featureSettings, ProjectRepository projectRepository, FeatureCollectorRepository featureCollectorRepository) { super(featureSettings, projectRepository, featureCollectorRepository); logger.debug("Constructing data collection for the feature widget, project-level data..."); this.featureSettings = featureSettings; this.projectRepo = projectRepository; this.featureWidgetQueries = new FeatureWidgetQueries( this.featureSettings); tools = new ClientUtil(); } /** * Updates the MongoDB with a JSONArray received from the source system * back-end with story-based data. * * @param tmpMongoDetailArray * A JSON response in JSONArray format from the source system * @param featureCollector */ protected void updateMongoInfo(JSONArray tmpMongoDetailArray) { try { JSONObject dataMainObj = new JSONObject(); for (int i = 0; i < tmpMongoDetailArray.size(); i++) { if (dataMainObj != null) { dataMainObj.clear(); } dataMainObj = (JSONObject) tmpMongoDetailArray.get(i); Scope scope = new Scope(); boolean deleted = this.removeExistingEntity(tools .sanitizeResponse((String) dataMainObj.get("_oid"))); // collectorId scope.setCollectorId(featureCollectorRepository .findByName("Jira").getId()); // ID; scope.setpId(tools.sanitizeResponse(dataMainObj.get("id"))); // name; scope.setName(tools.sanitizeResponse(dataMainObj.get("name"))); // beginDate - does not exist for jira scope.setBeginDate(""); // endDate - does not exist for jira scope.setEndDate(""); // changeDate - does not exist for jira scope.setChangeDate(""); // assetState - does not exist for jira scope.setAssetState("Active"); // isDeleted - does not exist for jira scope.setIsDeleted("False"); // path - does not exist for Jira scope.setProjectPath(tools.sanitizeResponse(dataMainObj .get("name"))); try {; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected error caused when attempting to save data\nCaused by:\n" + e.getMessage() + " : " + e.getCause() + "\n" + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected error caused while mapping data from source system to local data store:\n" + e.getMessage() + " : " + e.getCause() + "\n" + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); } } /** * Explicitly updates queries for the source system, and initiates the * update to MongoDB from those calls. */ public void updateProjectInformation() { super.objClass = Scope.class; super.returnDate = this.featureSettings.getDeltaStartDate(); if (super.getMaxChangeDate() != null) { super.returnDate = super.getMaxChangeDate(); } super.returnDate = getChangeDateMinutePrior(super.returnDate); String queryName = this.featureSettings.getProjectQuery(); super.query = this.featureWidgetQueries.getQuery(queryName); logger.debug("updateProjectInformation: queryName = " + query + "; query = " + query); updateObjectInformation(); } /** * Validates current entry and removes new entry if an older item exists in * the repo * * @param A * local repository item ID (not the precise mongoID) */ protected Boolean removeExistingEntity(String localId) { boolean deleted = false; try { ObjectId tempEntId = projectRepo.getProjectIdById(localId).get(0) .getId(); if (localId.equalsIgnoreCase(projectRepo.getProjectIdById(localId) .get(0).getpId())) { projectRepo.delete(tempEntId); deleted = true; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { logger.debug("Nothing matched the redundancy checking from the database"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("There was a problem validating the redundancy of the data model"); e.printStackTrace(); } return deleted; } }