package; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Transforms a Cucumber result JSON string into a TestResult */ @Component public class CucumberJsonToTestResultTransformer implements Transformer<String, List<TestSuite>> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CucumberJsonToTestResultTransformer.class); @Override public List<TestSuite> transformer(String json) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(json)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("json must not be empty"); } JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); List<TestSuite> suites = new ArrayList<>(); try { // Parse features for (Object featureObj : (JSONArray) parser.parse(json)) { JSONObject feature = (JSONObject) featureObj; suites.add(parseFeatureAsTestSuite(feature)); } } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error(e); } return suites; } private TestSuite parseFeatureAsTestSuite(JSONObject featureElement) { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.setType(TestSuiteType.Functional); suite.setDescription(getString(featureElement, "name")); long duration = 0; int testCaseTotalCount = getJsonArray(featureElement, "elements").size(); int testCaseSkippedCount = 0, testCaseErrorCount = 0, testCaseFailCount = 0; for (Object scenarioElement : getJsonArray(featureElement, "elements")) { TestCase testCase = parseScenarioAsTestCase((JSONObject) scenarioElement); duration += testCase.getDuration(); suite.getTestCases().add(testCase); switch(testCase.getStatus()) { case Error: testCaseErrorCount++; break; case Failure: testCaseFailCount++; break; case Skipped: testCaseSkippedCount++; break; } } suite.setErrorCount(testCaseErrorCount); suite.setFailureCount(testCaseFailCount); suite.setSkippedCount(testCaseSkippedCount); suite.setTotalCount(testCaseTotalCount); suite.setDuration(duration); return suite; } private TestCase parseScenarioAsTestCase(JSONObject scenarioElement) { TestCase testCase = new TestCase(); testCase.setId(getString(scenarioElement, "name")); testCase.setDescription(getString(scenarioElement, "name")); //TODO determine if change is necessary // Parse each step as a TestCase int testStepErrorCount = 0, testStepFailCount = 0, testStepSkippedCount = 0; long testDuration = 0; for (Object step : getJsonArray(scenarioElement, "steps")) { TestCaseStatus stepStatus; Object resultObj = ((JSONObject) step).get("result"); if (resultObj == null) { stepStatus = TestCaseStatus.Unknown; } else { JSONObject result = (JSONObject) resultObj; // Add the duration of this step to the overall duration of the test case testDuration += getLong(result, "duration") / 1000l; stepStatus = parseStatus(result); } // Count Statuses switch(stepStatus) { case Error: testStepErrorCount++; break; case Failure: testStepFailCount++; break; case Skipped: testStepSkippedCount++; break; } } // Set Duration testCase.setDuration(testDuration); // Set Status if(testStepErrorCount > 0) { testCase.setStatus(TestCaseStatus.Error); } else if(testStepFailCount > 0) { testCase.setStatus(TestCaseStatus.Failure); } else if(testStepSkippedCount > 0) { testCase.setStatus(TestCaseStatus.Skipped); } else { testCase.setStatus(TestCaseStatus.Success); } return testCase; } private TestCaseStatus parseStatus(JSONObject result) { String status = getString(result, "status"); return "passed".equalsIgnoreCase(status) ? TestCaseStatus.Success : "failed".equalsIgnoreCase(status) ? TestCaseStatus.Failure : TestCaseStatus.Unknown; } private JSONArray getJsonArray(JSONObject json, String key) { Object array = json.get(key); return array == null ? new JSONArray() : (JSONArray) array; } private String getString(JSONObject json, String key) { return (String) json.get(key); } private long getLong(JSONObject json, String key) { Object obj = json.get(key); return obj == null ? 0 : (long) obj; } }