package; import*; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException; import org.springframework.web.client.RestOperations; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @Component public class DefaultJenkinsClient implements JenkinsClient { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultJenkinsClient.class); private final RestOperations rest; private final Transformer<String, List<TestSuite>> cucumberTransformer; private final Pattern cucumberJsonFilePattern; private static final String JOBS_URL_SUFFIX = "/api/json?tree=jobs[name,url,builds[number,url]]"; private static final String BUILD_URL_SUFFIX = "/api/json?tree=timestamp,duration,number,fullDisplayName,building,artifacts[fileName,relativePath]"; @Autowired public DefaultJenkinsClient(Supplier<RestOperations> restOperationsSupplier, Transformer<String, List<TestSuite>> cucumberTransformer, JenkinsSettings settings) { = restOperationsSupplier.get(); this.cucumberTransformer = cucumberTransformer; this.cucumberJsonFilePattern = Pattern.compile(settings.getCucumberJsonRegex()); } @Override public Map<JenkinsJob, Set<Build>> getInstanceJobs(String instanceUrl) { Map<JenkinsJob, Set<Build>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(getJson(instanceUrl, JOBS_URL_SUFFIX)); for (Object job : getJsonArray(object, "jobs")) { JSONObject jsonJob = (JSONObject) job; JenkinsJob jenkinsJob = new JenkinsJob(); jenkinsJob.setInstanceUrl(instanceUrl); jenkinsJob.setJobName(getString(jsonJob, "name")); jenkinsJob.setJobUrl(getString(jsonJob, "url")); Set<Build> builds = new LinkedHashSet<>(); result.put(jenkinsJob, builds); for (Object build : getJsonArray(jsonJob, "builds")) { JSONObject jsonBuild = (JSONObject) build; // A basic Build object. This will be fleshed out later if this is a new Build. Build hudsonBuild = new Build(); hudsonBuild.setNumber(jsonBuild.get("number").toString()); hudsonBuild.setBuildUrl(getString(jsonBuild, "url")); builds.add(hudsonBuild); } } } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Parsing jobs on instance: " + instanceUrl, e); } catch (RestClientException rce) { LOG.error(rce); } return result; } @Override public boolean buildHasCucumberResults(String buildUrl) { JSONObject buildJson = null; try { // Get Build info buildJson = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(getJson(buildUrl, BUILD_URL_SUFFIX)); List<TestSuite> suites = new ArrayList<>(); Boolean building = (Boolean) buildJson.get("building"); if ((building != null) && !building) { for (Object artifactObj : (JSONArray) buildJson.get("artifacts")) { JSONObject artifact = (JSONObject) artifactObj; // return true if we find an archived file that matches the naming of the regex config if (cucumberJsonFilePattern.matcher(getString(artifact, "fileName")).matches()) { return true; // TODO: maybe we want to validate that we can parse the json //String cucumberJson = getCucumberJson(buildUrl, getString(artifact, "relativePath")); //suites.addAll(cucumberTransformer.transformer(cucumberJson)); } } } return false; } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Parsing jobs on instance: " + buildUrl, e); } return false; } @Override public TestResult getCucumberTestResult(String buildUrl) { try { JSONObject buildJson = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(getJson(buildUrl, BUILD_URL_SUFFIX)); List<TestSuite> suites = new ArrayList<>(); Boolean building = (Boolean) buildJson.get("building"); if (!building) { for (Object artifactObj : (JSONArray) buildJson.get("artifacts")) { JSONObject artifact = (JSONObject) artifactObj; if (cucumberJsonFilePattern.matcher(getString(artifact, "fileName")).matches()) { String cucumberJson = getCucumberJson(buildUrl, getString(artifact, "relativePath")); suites.addAll(cucumberTransformer.transformer(cucumberJson)); } } } if (!suites.isEmpty()) { // There are test suites so let's construct a TestResult to encapsulate these results TestResult testResult = new TestResult(); testResult.setDescription(getString(buildJson, "fullDisplayName")); testResult.setExecutionId(buildJson.get("number").toString()); testResult.setUrl(buildUrl); // Using the build times for start, end and duration is not ideal but the Cucumber JSON does not capture // start or end times testResult.setDuration(getLong(buildJson, "duration")); testResult.setEndTime(getLong(buildJson, "timestamp")); testResult.setStartTime(testResult.getEndTime() - testResult.getDuration()); testResult.getTestSuites().addAll(suites); // Calculate counts based on test suites for (TestSuite suite : suites) { testResult.setFailureCount(testResult.getFailureCount() + suite.getFailureCount()); testResult.setErrorCount(testResult.getErrorCount() + suite.getErrorCount()); testResult.setSkippedCount(testResult.getSkippedCount() + suite.getSkippedCount()); testResult.setTotalCount(testResult.getTotalCount() + suite.getTotalCount()); } return testResult; } } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Parsing jobs on instance: " + buildUrl, e); } catch (RestClientException rce) { LOG.error(rce); } // An exception occurred or this build does not have cucumber test results return null; } // Helper Methods private String getString(JSONObject json, String key) { return (String) json.get(key); } private long getLong(JSONObject json, String key) { Object value = json.get(key); return value == null ? 0 : (long) value; } private JSONArray getJsonArray(JSONObject json, String key) { Object array = json.get(key); return array == null ? new JSONArray() : (JSONArray) array; } private String getJson(String baseUrl, String endpoint) { String url = StringUtils.removeEnd(baseUrl, "/") + endpoint; return rest.getForObject(URI.create(url), String.class); } private String getCucumberJson(String buildUrl, String artifactRelativePath) { return getJson(buildUrl, "/artifact/" + artifactRelativePath); } }