/** * Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer; import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestCase; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.SmallTests; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding.DataBlockEncoding; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileDataBlockEncoderImpl; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileDataBlockEncoder; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionProgress; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.RegionServerMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock; import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer; /** * Test compactions */ @Category(SmallTests.class) public class TestCompaction extends HBaseTestCase { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestCompaction.class.getName()); private static final HBaseTestingUtility UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility(); private HRegion r = null; private HTableDescriptor htd = null; private Path compactionDir = null; private Path regionCompactionDir = null; private static final byte [] COLUMN_FAMILY = fam1; private final byte [] STARTROW = Bytes.toBytes(START_KEY); private static final byte [] COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT = COLUMN_FAMILY; private int compactionThreshold; private byte[] firstRowBytes, secondRowBytes, thirdRowBytes; final private byte[] col1, col2; private static final long MAX_FILES_TO_COMPACT = 10; /** constructor */ public TestCompaction() throws Exception { super(); // Set cache flush size to 1MB conf.setInt(HConstants.HREGION_MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE, 1024*1024); conf.setInt("hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier", 100); compactionThreshold = conf.getInt("hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold", 3); firstRowBytes = START_KEY.getBytes(HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING); secondRowBytes = START_KEY.getBytes(HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING); // Increment the least significant character so we get to next row. secondRowBytes[START_KEY_BYTES.length - 1]++; thirdRowBytes = START_KEY.getBytes(HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING); thirdRowBytes[START_KEY_BYTES.length - 1]++; thirdRowBytes[START_KEY_BYTES.length - 1]++; col1 = "column1".getBytes(HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING); col2 = "column2".getBytes(HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING); } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); this.htd = createTableDescriptor(getName()); this.r = createNewHRegion(htd, null, null); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { HLog hlog = r.getLog(); this.r.close(); hlog.closeAndDelete(); super.tearDown(); } /** * Test that on a major compaction, if all cells are expired or deleted, then * we'll end up with no product. Make sure scanner over region returns * right answer in this case - and that it just basically works. * @throws IOException */ public void testMajorCompactingToNoOutput() throws IOException { createStoreFile(r); for (int i = 0; i < compactionThreshold; i++) { createStoreFile(r); } // Now delete everything. InternalScanner s = r.getScanner(new Scan()); do { List<KeyValue> results = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); boolean result = s.next(results); r.delete(new Delete(results.get(0).getRow()), null, false); if (!result) break; } while(true); s.close(); // Flush r.flushcache(); // Major compact. r.compactStores(true); s = r.getScanner(new Scan()); int counter = 0; do { List<KeyValue> results = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); boolean result = s.next(results); if (!result) break; counter++; } while(true); assertEquals(0, counter); } /** * Run compaction and flushing memstore * Assert deletes get cleaned up. * @throws Exception */ public void testMajorCompaction() throws Exception { majorCompaction(); } public void testDataBlockEncodingInCacheOnly() throws Exception { majorCompactionWithDataBlockEncoding(true); } public void testDataBlockEncodingEverywhere() throws Exception { majorCompactionWithDataBlockEncoding(false); } public void majorCompactionWithDataBlockEncoding(boolean inCacheOnly) throws Exception { Map<Store, HFileDataBlockEncoder> replaceBlockCache = new HashMap<Store, HFileDataBlockEncoder>(); for (Entry<byte[], Store> pair : r.getStores().entrySet()) { Store store = pair.getValue(); HFileDataBlockEncoder blockEncoder = store.getDataBlockEncoder(); replaceBlockCache.put(pair.getValue(), blockEncoder); final DataBlockEncoding inCache = DataBlockEncoding.PREFIX; final DataBlockEncoding onDisk = inCacheOnly ? DataBlockEncoding.NONE : inCache; store.setDataBlockEncoderInTest(new HFileDataBlockEncoderImpl( onDisk, inCache)); } majorCompaction(); // restore settings for (Entry<Store, HFileDataBlockEncoder> entry : replaceBlockCache.entrySet()) { entry.getKey().setDataBlockEncoderInTest(entry.getValue()); } } private void majorCompaction() throws Exception { createStoreFile(r); for (int i = 0; i < compactionThreshold; i++) { createStoreFile(r); } // Add more content. addContent(new HRegionIncommon(r), Bytes.toString(COLUMN_FAMILY)); // Now there are about 5 versions of each column. // Default is that there only 3 (MAXVERSIONS) versions allowed per column. // // Assert == 3 when we ask for versions. Result result = r.get(new Get(STARTROW).addFamily(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(compactionThreshold, result.size()); // see if CompactionProgress is in place but null for (Store store: this.r.stores.values()) { assertNull(store.getCompactionProgress()); } r.flushcache(); r.compactStores(true); // see if CompactionProgress has done its thing on at least one store int storeCount = 0; for (Store store: this.r.stores.values()) { CompactionProgress progress = store.getCompactionProgress(); if( progress != null ) { ++storeCount; assertTrue(progress.currentCompactedKVs > 0); assertTrue(progress.totalCompactingKVs > 0); } assertTrue(storeCount > 0); } // look at the second row // Increment the least significant character so we get to next row. byte [] secondRowBytes = START_KEY.getBytes(HConstants.UTF8_ENCODING); secondRowBytes[START_KEY_BYTES.length - 1]++; // Always 3 versions if that is what max versions is. result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addFamily(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT). setMaxVersions(100), null); LOG.debug("Row " + Bytes.toStringBinary(secondRowBytes) + " after " + "initial compaction: " + result); assertEquals("Invalid number of versions of row " + Bytes.toStringBinary(secondRowBytes) + ".", compactionThreshold, result.size()); // Now add deletes to memstore and then flush it. // That will put us over // the compaction threshold of 3 store files. Compacting these store files // should result in a compacted store file that has no references to the // deleted row. LOG.debug("Adding deletes to memstore and flushing"); Delete delete = new Delete(secondRowBytes, System.currentTimeMillis(), null); byte [][] famAndQf = {COLUMN_FAMILY, null}; delete.deleteFamily(famAndQf[0]); r.delete(delete, null, true); // Assert deleted. result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addFamily(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).setMaxVersions(100), null ); assertTrue("Second row should have been deleted", result.isEmpty()); r.flushcache(); result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addFamily(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).setMaxVersions(100), null ); assertTrue("Second row should have been deleted", result.isEmpty()); // Add a bit of data and flush. Start adding at 'bbb'. createSmallerStoreFile(this.r); r.flushcache(); // Assert that the second row is still deleted. result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addFamily(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).setMaxVersions(100), null ); assertTrue("Second row should still be deleted", result.isEmpty()); // Force major compaction. r.compactStores(true); assertEquals(r.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).getStorefiles().size(), 1); result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addFamily(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).setMaxVersions(100), null ); assertTrue("Second row should still be deleted", result.isEmpty()); // Make sure the store files do have some 'aaa' keys in them -- exactly 3. // Also, that compacted store files do not have any secondRowBytes because // they were deleted. verifyCounts(3,0); // Multiple versions allowed for an entry, so the delete isn't enough // Lower TTL and expire to ensure that all our entries have been wiped final int ttl = 1000; for (Store store: this.r.stores.values()) { Store.ScanInfo old = store.scanInfo; Store.ScanInfo si = new Store.ScanInfo(old.getFamily(), old.getMinVersions(), old.getMaxVersions(), ttl, old.getKeepDeletedCells(), 0, old.getComparator()); store.scanInfo = si; } Thread.sleep(1000); r.compactStores(true); int count = count(); assertEquals("Should not see anything after TTL has expired", 0, count); } public void testTimeBasedMajorCompaction() throws Exception { // create 2 storefiles and force a major compaction to reset the time int delay = 10 * 1000; // 10 sec float jitterPct = 0.20f; // 20% conf.setLong(HConstants.MAJOR_COMPACTION_PERIOD, delay); conf.setFloat("hbase.hregion.majorcompaction.jitter", jitterPct); Store s = r.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY); try { createStoreFile(r); createStoreFile(r); r.compactStores(true); // add one more file & verify that a regular compaction won't work createStoreFile(r); r.compactStores(false); assertEquals(2, s.getStorefilesCount()); // ensure that major compaction time is deterministic long mcTime = s.getNextMajorCompactTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { assertEquals(mcTime, s.getNextMajorCompactTime()); } // ensure that the major compaction time is within the variance long jitter = Math.round(delay * jitterPct); assertTrue(delay - jitter <= mcTime && mcTime <= delay + jitter); // wait until the time-based compaction interval Thread.sleep(mcTime); // trigger a compaction request and ensure that it's upgraded to major r.compactStores(false); assertEquals(1, s.getStorefilesCount()); } finally { // reset the timed compaction settings conf.setLong(HConstants.MAJOR_COMPACTION_PERIOD, 1000*60*60*24); conf.setFloat("hbase.hregion.majorcompaction.jitter", 0.20F); // run a major to reset the cache createStoreFile(r); r.compactStores(true); assertEquals(1, s.getStorefilesCount()); } } public void testMinorCompactionWithDeleteRow() throws Exception { Delete deleteRow = new Delete(secondRowBytes); testMinorCompactionWithDelete(deleteRow); } public void testMinorCompactionWithDeleteColumn1() throws Exception { Delete dc = new Delete(secondRowBytes); /* delete all timestamps in the column */ dc.deleteColumns(fam2, col2); testMinorCompactionWithDelete(dc); } public void testMinorCompactionWithDeleteColumn2() throws Exception { Delete dc = new Delete(secondRowBytes); dc.deleteColumn(fam2, col2); /* compactionThreshold is 3. The table has 4 versions: 0, 1, 2, and 3. * we only delete the latest version. One might expect to see only * versions 1 and 2. HBase differs, and gives us 0, 1 and 2. * This is okay as well. Since there was no compaction done before the * delete, version 0 seems to stay on. */ //testMinorCompactionWithDelete(dc, 2); testMinorCompactionWithDelete(dc, 3); } public void testMinorCompactionWithDeleteColumnFamily() throws Exception { Delete deleteCF = new Delete(secondRowBytes); deleteCF.deleteFamily(fam2); testMinorCompactionWithDelete(deleteCF); } public void testMinorCompactionWithDeleteVersion1() throws Exception { Delete deleteVersion = new Delete(secondRowBytes); deleteVersion.deleteColumns(fam2, col2, 2); /* compactionThreshold is 3. The table has 4 versions: 0, 1, 2, and 3. * We delete versions 0 ... 2. So, we still have one remaining. */ testMinorCompactionWithDelete(deleteVersion, 1); } public void testMinorCompactionWithDeleteVersion2() throws Exception { Delete deleteVersion = new Delete(secondRowBytes); deleteVersion.deleteColumn(fam2, col2, 1); /* * the table has 4 versions: 0, 1, 2, and 3. * We delete 1. * Should have 3 remaining. */ testMinorCompactionWithDelete(deleteVersion, 3); } /* * A helper function to test the minor compaction algorithm. We check that * the delete markers are left behind. Takes delete as an argument, which * can be any delete (row, column, columnfamliy etc), that essentially * deletes row2 and column2. row1 and column1 should be undeleted */ private void testMinorCompactionWithDelete(Delete delete) throws Exception { testMinorCompactionWithDelete(delete, 0); } private void testMinorCompactionWithDelete(Delete delete, int expectedResultsAfterDelete) throws Exception { HRegionIncommon loader = new HRegionIncommon(r); for (int i = 0; i < compactionThreshold + 1; i++) { addContent(loader, Bytes.toString(fam1), Bytes.toString(col1), firstRowBytes, thirdRowBytes, i); addContent(loader, Bytes.toString(fam1), Bytes.toString(col2), firstRowBytes, thirdRowBytes, i); addContent(loader, Bytes.toString(fam2), Bytes.toString(col1), firstRowBytes, thirdRowBytes, i); addContent(loader, Bytes.toString(fam2), Bytes.toString(col2), firstRowBytes, thirdRowBytes, i); r.flushcache(); } Result result = r.get(new Get(firstRowBytes).addColumn(fam1, col1).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(compactionThreshold, result.size()); result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addColumn(fam2, col2).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(compactionThreshold, result.size()); // Now add deletes to memstore and then flush it. That will put us over // the compaction threshold of 3 store files. Compacting these store files // should result in a compacted store file that has no references to the // deleted row. r.delete(delete, null, true); // Make sure that we have only deleted family2 from secondRowBytes result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addColumn(fam2, col2).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(expectedResultsAfterDelete, result.size()); // but we still have firstrow result = r.get(new Get(firstRowBytes).addColumn(fam1, col1).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(compactionThreshold, result.size()); r.flushcache(); // should not change anything. // Let us check again // Make sure that we have only deleted family2 from secondRowBytes result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addColumn(fam2, col2).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(expectedResultsAfterDelete, result.size()); // but we still have firstrow result = r.get(new Get(firstRowBytes).addColumn(fam1, col1).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(compactionThreshold, result.size()); // do a compaction Store store2 = this.r.stores.get(fam2); int numFiles1 = store2.getStorefiles().size(); assertTrue("Was expecting to see 4 store files", numFiles1 > compactionThreshold); // > 3 store2.compactRecentForTesting(compactionThreshold); // = 3 int numFiles2 = store2.getStorefiles().size(); // Check that we did compact assertTrue("Number of store files should go down", numFiles1 > numFiles2); // Check that it was a minor compaction. assertTrue("Was not supposed to be a major compaction", numFiles2 > 1); // Make sure that we have only deleted family2 from secondRowBytes result = r.get(new Get(secondRowBytes).addColumn(fam2, col2).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(expectedResultsAfterDelete, result.size()); // but we still have firstrow result = r.get(new Get(firstRowBytes).addColumn(fam1, col1).setMaxVersions(100), null); assertEquals(compactionThreshold, result.size()); } private void verifyCounts(int countRow1, int countRow2) throws Exception { int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; for (StoreFile f: this.r.stores.get(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).getStorefiles()) { HFileScanner scanner = f.getReader().getScanner(false, false); scanner.seekTo(); do { byte [] row = scanner.getKeyValue().getRow(); if (Bytes.equals(row, STARTROW)) { count1++; } else if(Bytes.equals(row, secondRowBytes)) { count2++; } } while(scanner.next()); } assertEquals(countRow1,count1); assertEquals(countRow2,count2); } /** * Verify that you can stop a long-running compaction * (used during RS shutdown) * @throws Exception */ public void testInterruptCompaction() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, count()); // lower the polling interval for this test int origWI = Store.closeCheckInterval; Store.closeCheckInterval = 10*1000; // 10 KB try { // Create a couple store files w/ 15KB (over 10KB interval) int jmax = (int) Math.ceil(15.0/compactionThreshold); byte [] pad = new byte[1000]; // 1 KB chunk for (int i = 0; i < compactionThreshold; i++) { HRegionIncommon loader = new HRegionIncommon(r); Put p = new Put(Bytes.add(STARTROW, Bytes.toBytes(i))); p.setWriteToWAL(false); for (int j = 0; j < jmax; j++) { p.add(COLUMN_FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes(j), pad); } addContent(loader, Bytes.toString(COLUMN_FAMILY)); loader.put(p); loader.flushcache(); } HRegion spyR = spy(r); doAnswer(new Answer() { public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { r.writestate.writesEnabled = false; return invocation.callRealMethod(); } }).when(spyR).doRegionCompactionPrep(); // force a minor compaction, but not before requesting a stop spyR.compactStores(); // ensure that the compaction stopped, all old files are intact, Store s = r.stores.get(COLUMN_FAMILY); assertEquals(compactionThreshold, s.getStorefilesCount()); assertTrue(s.getStorefilesSize() > 15*1000); // and no new store files persisted past compactStores() FileStatus[] ls = FileSystem.get(conf).listStatus(r.getTmpDir()); assertEquals(0, ls.length); } finally { // don't mess up future tests r.writestate.writesEnabled = true; Store.closeCheckInterval = origWI; // Delete all Store information once done using for (int i = 0; i < compactionThreshold; i++) { Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.add(STARTROW, Bytes.toBytes(i))); byte [][] famAndQf = {COLUMN_FAMILY, null}; delete.deleteFamily(famAndQf[0]); r.delete(delete, null, true); } r.flushcache(); // Multiple versions allowed for an entry, so the delete isn't enough // Lower TTL and expire to ensure that all our entries have been wiped final int ttl = 1000; for (Store store: this.r.stores.values()) { Store.ScanInfo old = store.scanInfo; Store.ScanInfo si = new Store.ScanInfo(old.getFamily(), old.getMinVersions(), old.getMaxVersions(), ttl, old.getKeepDeletedCells(), 0, old.getComparator()); store.scanInfo = si; } Thread.sleep(ttl); r.compactStores(true); assertEquals(0, count()); } } private int count() throws IOException { int count = 0; for (StoreFile f: this.r.stores. get(COLUMN_FAMILY_TEXT).getStorefiles()) { HFileScanner scanner = f.getReader().getScanner(false, false); if (!scanner.seekTo()) { continue; } do { count++; } while(scanner.next()); } return count; } private void createStoreFile(final HRegion region) throws IOException { createStoreFile(region, Bytes.toString(COLUMN_FAMILY)); } private void createStoreFile(final HRegion region, String family) throws IOException { HRegionIncommon loader = new HRegionIncommon(region); addContent(loader, family); loader.flushcache(); } private void createSmallerStoreFile(final HRegion region) throws IOException { HRegionIncommon loader = new HRegionIncommon(region); addContent(loader, Bytes.toString(COLUMN_FAMILY), ("" + "bbb").getBytes(), null); loader.flushcache(); } public void testCompactionWithCorruptResult() throws Exception { int nfiles = 10; for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { createStoreFile(r); } Store store = r.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY); List<StoreFile> storeFiles = store.getStorefiles(); long maxId = StoreFile.getMaxSequenceIdInList(storeFiles); Compactor tool = new Compactor(this.conf); StoreFile.Writer compactedFile = tool.compactForTesting(store, this.conf, storeFiles, false, maxId); // Now lets corrupt the compacted file. FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); Path origPath = compactedFile.getPath(); Path homedir = store.getHomedir(); Path dstPath = new Path(homedir, origPath.getName()); FSDataOutputStream stream = fs.create(origPath, null, true, 512, (short) 3, (long) 1024, null); stream.writeChars("CORRUPT FILE!!!!"); stream.close(); try { store.completeCompaction(storeFiles, compactedFile); } catch (Exception e) { // The complete compaction should fail and the corrupt file should remain // in the 'tmp' directory; assert (fs.exists(origPath)); assert (!fs.exists(dstPath)); System.out.println("testCompactionWithCorruptResult Passed"); return; } fail("testCompactionWithCorruptResult failed since no exception was" + "thrown while completing a corrupt file"); } /** * Test for HBASE-5920 - Test user requested major compactions always occurring */ public void testNonUserMajorCompactionRequest() throws Exception { Store store = r.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY); createStoreFile(r); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FILES_TO_COMPACT + 1; i++) { createStoreFile(r); } store.triggerMajorCompaction(); CompactionRequest request = store.requestCompaction(Store.NO_PRIORITY, null); assertNotNull("Expected to receive a compaction request", request); assertEquals( "System-requested major compaction should not occur if there are too many store files", false, request.isMajor()); } /** * Test for HBASE-5920 */ public void testUserMajorCompactionRequest() throws IOException{ Store store = r.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY); createStoreFile(r); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FILES_TO_COMPACT + 1; i++) { createStoreFile(r); } store.triggerMajorCompaction(); CompactionRequest request = store.requestCompaction(Store.PRIORITY_USER, null); assertNotNull("Expected to receive a compaction request", request); assertEquals( "User-requested major compaction should always occur, even if there are too many store files", true, request.isMajor()); } /** * Create a custom compaction request and be sure that we can track it through the queue, knowing * when the compaction is completed. */ public void testTrackingCompactionRequest() throws Exception { // setup a compact/split thread on a mock server HRegionServer mockServer = Mockito.mock(HRegionServer.class); Mockito.when(mockServer.getConfiguration()).thenReturn(r.getConf()); CompactSplitThread thread = new CompactSplitThread(mockServer); Mockito.when(mockServer.getCompactSplitThread()).thenReturn(thread); // simple stop for the metrics - we ignore any updates in the test RegionServerMetrics mockMetrics = Mockito.mock(RegionServerMetrics.class); Mockito.when(mockServer.getMetrics()).thenReturn(mockMetrics); // setup a region/store with some files Store store = r.getStore(COLUMN_FAMILY); createStoreFile(r); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FILES_TO_COMPACT + 1; i++) { createStoreFile(r); } CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); TrackableCompactionRequest request = new TrackableCompactionRequest(r, store, latch); thread.requestCompaction(r, store, "test custom comapction", Store.PRIORITY_USER, request); // wait for the latch to complete. latch.await(); thread.interruptIfNecessary(); } public void testMultipleCustomCompactionRequests() throws Exception { // setup a compact/split thread on a mock server HRegionServer mockServer = Mockito.mock(HRegionServer.class); Mockito.when(mockServer.getConfiguration()).thenReturn(r.getConf()); CompactSplitThread thread = new CompactSplitThread(mockServer); Mockito.when(mockServer.getCompactSplitThread()).thenReturn(thread); // simple stop for the metrics - we ignore any updates in the test RegionServerMetrics mockMetrics = Mockito.mock(RegionServerMetrics.class); Mockito.when(mockServer.getMetrics()).thenReturn(mockMetrics); // setup a region/store with some files int numStores = r.getStores().size(); List<CompactionRequest> requests = new ArrayList<CompactionRequest>(numStores); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(numStores); // create some store files and setup requests for each store on which we want to do a // compaction for (Store store : r.getStores().values()) { createStoreFile(r, store.getColumnFamilyName()); createStoreFile(r, store.getColumnFamilyName()); createStoreFile(r, store.getColumnFamilyName()); requests.add(new TrackableCompactionRequest(r, store, latch)); } thread.requestCompaction(r, "test mulitple custom comapctions", Store.PRIORITY_USER, Collections.unmodifiableList(requests)); // wait for the latch to complete. latch.await(); thread.interruptIfNecessary(); } /** * Simple {@link CompactionRequest} on which you can wait until the requested compaction finishes. */ public static class TrackableCompactionRequest extends CompactionRequest { private CountDownLatch done; /** * Constructor for a custom compaction. Uses the setXXX methods to update the state of the * compaction before being used. */ public TrackableCompactionRequest(HRegion region, Store store, CountDownLatch finished) { super(region, store, Store.PRIORITY_USER); this.done = finished; } @Override public void run() { super.run(); this.done.countDown(); } } @org.junit.Rule public org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ResourceCheckerJUnitRule cu = new org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ResourceCheckerJUnitRule(); }