/** * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.KeyComparator; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.fs.HFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HbaseMapWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding.DataBlockEncoding; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.SchemaMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.SchemaMetrics.SchemaAware; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.BloomFilterWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ChecksumType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.RawComparator; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; /** * File format for hbase. * A file of sorted key/value pairs. Both keys and values are byte arrays. * <p> * The memory footprint of a HFile includes the following (below is taken from the * <a * href=https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-3315>TFile</a> documentation * but applies also to HFile): * <ul> * <li>Some constant overhead of reading or writing a compressed block. * <ul> * <li>Each compressed block requires one compression/decompression codec for * I/O. * <li>Temporary space to buffer the key. * <li>Temporary space to buffer the value. * </ul> * <li>HFile index, which is proportional to the total number of Data Blocks. * The total amount of memory needed to hold the index can be estimated as * (56+AvgKeySize)*NumBlocks. * </ul> * Suggestions on performance optimization. * <ul> * <li>Minimum block size. We recommend a setting of minimum block size between * 8KB to 1MB for general usage. Larger block size is preferred if files are * primarily for sequential access. However, it would lead to inefficient random * access (because there are more data to decompress). Smaller blocks are good * for random access, but require more memory to hold the block index, and may * be slower to create (because we must flush the compressor stream at the * conclusion of each data block, which leads to an FS I/O flush). Further, due * to the internal caching in Compression codec, the smallest possible block * size would be around 20KB-30KB. * <li>The current implementation does not offer true multi-threading for * reading. The implementation uses FSDataInputStream seek()+read(), which is * shown to be much faster than positioned-read call in single thread mode. * However, it also means that if multiple threads attempt to access the same * HFile (using multiple scanners) simultaneously, the actual I/O is carried out * sequentially even if they access different DFS blocks (Reexamine! pread seems * to be 10% faster than seek+read in my testing -- stack). * <li>Compression codec. Use "none" if the data is not very compressable (by * compressable, I mean a compression ratio at least 2:1). Generally, use "lzo" * as the starting point for experimenting. "gz" overs slightly better * compression ratio over "lzo" but requires 4x CPU to compress and 2x CPU to * decompress, comparing to "lzo". * </ul> * * For more on the background behind HFile, see <a * href=https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-61>HBASE-61</a>. * <p> * File is made of data blocks followed by meta data blocks (if any), a fileinfo * block, data block index, meta data block index, and a fixed size trailer * which records the offsets at which file changes content type. * <pre><data blocks><meta blocks><fileinfo><data index><meta index><trailer></pre> * Each block has a bit of magic at its start. Block are comprised of * key/values. In data blocks, they are both byte arrays. Metadata blocks are * a String key and a byte array value. An empty file looks like this: * <pre><fileinfo><trailer></pre>. That is, there are not data nor meta * blocks present. * <p> * TODO: Do scanners need to be able to take a start and end row? * TODO: Should BlockIndex know the name of its file? Should it have a Path * that points at its file say for the case where an index lives apart from * an HFile instance? */ public class HFile { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HFile.class); /** * Maximum length of key in HFile. */ public final static int MAXIMUM_KEY_LENGTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * Default block size for an HFile. */ public final static int DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE = 64 * 1024; /** * Default compression: none. */ public final static Compression.Algorithm DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = Compression.Algorithm.NONE; /** Minimum supported HFile format version */ public static final int MIN_FORMAT_VERSION = 1; /** Maximum supported HFile format version */ public static final int MAX_FORMAT_VERSION = 2; /** Default compression name: none. */ public final static String DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM.getName(); /** * We assume that HFile path ends with * ROOT_DIR/TABLE_NAME/REGION_NAME/CF_NAME/HFILE, so it has at least this * many levels of nesting. This is needed for identifying table and CF name * from an HFile path. */ public final static int MIN_NUM_HFILE_PATH_LEVELS = 5; /** * The number of bytes per checksum. */ public static final int DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM = 16 * 1024; public static final ChecksumType DEFAULT_CHECKSUM_TYPE = ChecksumType.CRC32; // For measuring latency of "sequential" reads and writes private static final AtomicInteger readOps = new AtomicInteger(); private static final AtomicLong readTimeNano = new AtomicLong(); private static final AtomicInteger writeOps = new AtomicInteger(); private static final AtomicLong writeTimeNano = new AtomicLong(); // For measuring latency of pread private static final AtomicInteger preadOps = new AtomicInteger(); private static final AtomicLong preadTimeNano = new AtomicLong(); // For measuring number of checksum failures static final AtomicLong checksumFailures = new AtomicLong(); // For getting more detailed stats on FS latencies // If, for some reason, the metrics subsystem stops polling for latencies, // I don't want data to pile up in a memory leak // so, after LATENCY_BUFFER_SIZE items have been enqueued for processing, // fs latency stats will be dropped (and this behavior will be logged) private static final int LATENCY_BUFFER_SIZE = 5000; private static final BlockingQueue<Long> fsReadLatenciesNanos = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Long>(LATENCY_BUFFER_SIZE); private static final BlockingQueue<Long> fsWriteLatenciesNanos = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Long>(LATENCY_BUFFER_SIZE); private static final BlockingQueue<Long> fsPreadLatenciesNanos = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Long>(LATENCY_BUFFER_SIZE); public static final void offerReadLatency(long latencyNanos, boolean pread) { if (pread) { fsPreadLatenciesNanos.offer(latencyNanos); // might be silently dropped, if the queue is full preadOps.incrementAndGet(); preadTimeNano.addAndGet(latencyNanos); } else { fsReadLatenciesNanos.offer(latencyNanos); // might be silently dropped, if the queue is full readTimeNano.addAndGet(latencyNanos); readOps.incrementAndGet(); } } public static final void offerWriteLatency(long latencyNanos) { fsWriteLatenciesNanos.offer(latencyNanos); // might be silently dropped, if the queue is full writeTimeNano.addAndGet(latencyNanos); writeOps.incrementAndGet(); } public static final Collection<Long> getReadLatenciesNanos() { final List<Long> latencies = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(fsReadLatenciesNanos.size()); fsReadLatenciesNanos.drainTo(latencies); return latencies; } public static final Collection<Long> getPreadLatenciesNanos() { final List<Long> latencies = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(fsPreadLatenciesNanos.size()); fsPreadLatenciesNanos.drainTo(latencies); return latencies; } public static final Collection<Long> getWriteLatenciesNanos() { final List<Long> latencies = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(fsWriteLatenciesNanos.size()); fsWriteLatenciesNanos.drainTo(latencies); return latencies; } // for test purpose public static volatile AtomicLong dataBlockReadCnt = new AtomicLong(0); // number of sequential reads public static final int getReadOps() { return readOps.getAndSet(0); } public static final long getReadTimeMs() { return readTimeNano.getAndSet(0) / 1000000; } // number of positional reads public static final int getPreadOps() { return preadOps.getAndSet(0); } public static final long getPreadTimeMs() { return preadTimeNano.getAndSet(0) / 1000000; } public static final int getWriteOps() { return writeOps.getAndSet(0); } public static final long getWriteTimeMs() { return writeTimeNano.getAndSet(0) / 1000000; } /** * Number of checksum verification failures. It also * clears the counter. */ public static final long getChecksumFailuresCount() { return checksumFailures.getAndSet(0); } /** API required to write an {@link HFile} */ public interface Writer extends Closeable { /** Add an element to the file info map. */ void appendFileInfo(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws IOException; void append(KeyValue kv) throws IOException; void append(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws IOException; /** @return the path to this {@link HFile} */ Path getPath(); String getColumnFamilyName(); void appendMetaBlock(String bloomFilterMetaKey, Writable metaWriter); /** * Adds an inline block writer such as a multi-level block index writer or * a compound Bloom filter writer. */ void addInlineBlockWriter(InlineBlockWriter bloomWriter); /** * Store general Bloom filter in the file. This does not deal with Bloom filter * internals but is necessary, since Bloom filters are stored differently * in HFile version 1 and version 2. */ void addGeneralBloomFilter(BloomFilterWriter bfw); /** * Store delete family Bloom filter in the file, which is only supported in * HFile V2. */ void addDeleteFamilyBloomFilter(BloomFilterWriter bfw) throws IOException; } /** * This variety of ways to construct writers is used throughout the code, and * we want to be able to swap writer implementations. */ public static abstract class WriterFactory { protected final Configuration conf; protected final CacheConfig cacheConf; protected FileSystem fs; protected Path path; protected FSDataOutputStream ostream; protected int blockSize = HColumnDescriptor.DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE; protected Compression.Algorithm compression = HFile.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM; protected HFileDataBlockEncoder encoder = NoOpDataBlockEncoder.INSTANCE; protected KeyComparator comparator; protected ChecksumType checksumType = HFile.DEFAULT_CHECKSUM_TYPE; protected int bytesPerChecksum = DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM; protected boolean includeMVCCReadpoint = true; WriterFactory(Configuration conf, CacheConfig cacheConf) { this.conf = conf; this.cacheConf = cacheConf; } public WriterFactory withPath(FileSystem fs, Path path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(fs); Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); this.fs = fs; this.path = path; return this; } public WriterFactory withOutputStream(FSDataOutputStream ostream) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(ostream); this.ostream = ostream; return this; } public WriterFactory withBlockSize(int blockSize) { this.blockSize = blockSize; return this; } public WriterFactory withCompression(Compression.Algorithm compression) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(compression); this.compression = compression; return this; } public WriterFactory withCompression(String compressAlgo) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(compression); this.compression = AbstractHFileWriter.compressionByName(compressAlgo); return this; } public WriterFactory withDataBlockEncoder(HFileDataBlockEncoder encoder) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(encoder); this.encoder = encoder; return this; } public WriterFactory withComparator(KeyComparator comparator) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(comparator); this.comparator = comparator; return this; } public WriterFactory withChecksumType(ChecksumType checksumType) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(checksumType); this.checksumType = checksumType; return this; } public WriterFactory withBytesPerChecksum(int bytesPerChecksum) { this.bytesPerChecksum = bytesPerChecksum; return this; } public WriterFactory includeMVCCReadpoint(boolean includeMVCCReadpoint) { this.includeMVCCReadpoint = includeMVCCReadpoint; return this; } public Writer create() throws IOException { if ((path != null ? 1 : 0) + (ostream != null ? 1 : 0) != 1) { throw new AssertionError("Please specify exactly one of " + "filesystem/path or path"); } if (path != null) { ostream = AbstractHFileWriter.createOutputStream(conf, fs, path); } return createWriter(fs, path, ostream, blockSize, compression, encoder, comparator, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum, includeMVCCReadpoint); } protected abstract Writer createWriter(FileSystem fs, Path path, FSDataOutputStream ostream, int blockSize, Compression.Algorithm compress, HFileDataBlockEncoder dataBlockEncoder, KeyComparator comparator, ChecksumType checksumType, int bytesPerChecksum, boolean includeMVCCReadpoint) throws IOException; } /** The configuration key for HFile version to use for new files */ public static final String FORMAT_VERSION_KEY = "hfile.format.version"; public static int getFormatVersion(Configuration conf) { int version = conf.getInt(FORMAT_VERSION_KEY, MAX_FORMAT_VERSION); checkFormatVersion(version); return version; } /** * Returns the factory to be used to create {@link HFile} writers. * Disables block cache access for all writers created through the * returned factory. */ public static final WriterFactory getWriterFactoryNoCache(Configuration conf) { Configuration tempConf = new Configuration(conf); tempConf.setFloat(HConstants.HFILE_BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE_KEY, 0.0f); return HFile.getWriterFactory(conf, new CacheConfig(tempConf)); } /** * Returns the factory to be used to create {@link HFile} writers */ public static final WriterFactory getWriterFactory(Configuration conf, CacheConfig cacheConf) { SchemaMetrics.configureGlobally(conf); int version = getFormatVersion(conf); switch (version) { case 1: return new HFileWriterV1.WriterFactoryV1(conf, cacheConf); case 2: return new HFileWriterV2.WriterFactoryV2(conf, cacheConf); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create writer for HFile " + "format version " + version); } } /** An abstraction used by the block index */ public interface CachingBlockReader { HFileBlock readBlock(long offset, long onDiskBlockSize, boolean cacheBlock, final boolean pread, final boolean isCompaction, BlockType expectedBlockType) throws IOException; } /** An interface used by clients to open and iterate an {@link HFile}. */ public interface Reader extends Closeable, CachingBlockReader, SchemaAware { /** * Returns this reader's "name". Usually the last component of the path. * Needs to be constant as the file is being moved to support caching on * write. */ String getName(); String getColumnFamilyName(); RawComparator<byte []> getComparator(); HFileScanner getScanner(boolean cacheBlocks, final boolean pread, final boolean isCompaction); ByteBuffer getMetaBlock(String metaBlockName, boolean cacheBlock) throws IOException; Map<byte[], byte[]> loadFileInfo() throws IOException; byte[] getLastKey(); byte[] midkey() throws IOException; long length(); long getEntries(); byte[] getFirstKey(); long indexSize(); byte[] getFirstRowKey(); byte[] getLastRowKey(); FixedFileTrailer getTrailer(); HFileBlockIndex.BlockIndexReader getDataBlockIndexReader(); HFileScanner getScanner(boolean cacheBlocks, boolean pread); Compression.Algorithm getCompressionAlgorithm(); /** * Retrieves general Bloom filter metadata as appropriate for each * {@link HFile} version. * Knows nothing about how that metadata is structured. */ DataInput getGeneralBloomFilterMetadata() throws IOException; /** * Retrieves delete family Bloom filter metadata as appropriate for each * {@link HFile} version. * Knows nothing about how that metadata is structured. */ DataInput getDeleteBloomFilterMetadata() throws IOException; Path getPath(); /** Close method with optional evictOnClose */ void close(boolean evictOnClose) throws IOException; DataBlockEncoding getEncodingOnDisk(); } /** * Method returns the reader given the specified arguments. * TODO This is a bad abstraction. See HBASE-6635. * * @param path hfile's path * @param fsdis an open checksummed stream of path's file * @param fsdisNoFsChecksum an open unchecksummed stream of path's file * @param size max size of the trailer. * @param closeIStream boolean for closing file after the getting the reader version. * @param cacheConf Cache configuation values, cannot be null. * @param preferredEncodingInCache * @param hfs * @return an appropriate instance of HFileReader * @throws IOException If file is invalid, will throw CorruptHFileException flavored IOException */ private static Reader pickReaderVersion(Path path, FSDataInputStream fsdis, FSDataInputStream fsdisNoFsChecksum, long size, boolean closeIStream, CacheConfig cacheConf, DataBlockEncoding preferredEncodingInCache, HFileSystem hfs) throws IOException { FixedFileTrailer trailer = null; try { trailer = FixedFileTrailer.readFromStream(fsdis, size); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new CorruptHFileException("Problem reading HFile Trailer from file " + path, iae); } switch (trailer.getMajorVersion()) { case 1: return new HFileReaderV1(path, trailer, fsdis, size, closeIStream, cacheConf); case 2: return new HFileReaderV2(path, trailer, fsdis, fsdisNoFsChecksum, size, closeIStream, cacheConf, preferredEncodingInCache, hfs); default: throw new CorruptHFileException("Invalid HFile version " + trailer.getMajorVersion()); } } /** * @param fs A file system * @param path Path to HFile * @param cacheConf Cache configuration for hfile's contents * @param preferredEncodingInCache Preferred in-cache data encoding algorithm. * @return A version specific Hfile Reader * @throws IOException If file is invalid, will throw CorruptHFileException flavored IOException */ public static Reader createReaderWithEncoding( FileSystem fs, Path path, CacheConfig cacheConf, DataBlockEncoding preferredEncodingInCache) throws IOException { final boolean closeIStream = true; HFileSystem hfs = null; FSDataInputStream fsdis = fs.open(path); FSDataInputStream fsdisNoFsChecksum = fsdis; // If the fs is not an instance of HFileSystem, then create an // instance of HFileSystem that wraps over the specified fs. // In this case, we will not be able to avoid checksumming inside // the filesystem. if (!(fs instanceof HFileSystem)) { hfs = new HFileSystem(fs); } else { hfs = (HFileSystem)fs; // open a stream to read data without checksum verification in // the filesystem if (hfs != null) { fsdisNoFsChecksum = hfs.getNoChecksumFs().open(path); } } return pickReaderVersion(path, fsdis, fsdisNoFsChecksum, fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen(), closeIStream, cacheConf, preferredEncodingInCache, hfs); } /** * @param fs A file system * @param path Path to HFile * @param fsdis an open checksummed stream of path's file * @param fsdisNoFsChecksum an open unchecksummed stream of path's file * @param size max size of the trailer. * @param cacheConf Cache configuration for hfile's contents * @param preferredEncodingInCache Preferred in-cache data encoding algorithm. * @param closeIStream boolean for closing file after the getting the reader version. * @return A version specific Hfile Reader * @throws IOException If file is invalid, will throw CorruptHFileException flavored IOException */ public static Reader createReaderWithEncoding( FileSystem fs, Path path, FSDataInputStream fsdis, FSDataInputStream fsdisNoFsChecksum, long size, CacheConfig cacheConf, DataBlockEncoding preferredEncodingInCache, boolean closeIStream) throws IOException { HFileSystem hfs = null; // If the fs is not an instance of HFileSystem, then create an // instance of HFileSystem that wraps over the specified fs. // In this case, we will not be able to avoid checksumming inside // the filesystem. if (!(fs instanceof HFileSystem)) { hfs = new HFileSystem(fs); } else { hfs = (HFileSystem)fs; } return pickReaderVersion(path, fsdis, fsdisNoFsChecksum, size, closeIStream, cacheConf, preferredEncodingInCache, hfs); } /** * @param fs filesystem * @param path Path to file to read * @param cacheConf This must not be null. @see {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig#CacheConfig(Configuration)} * @return an active Reader instance * @throws IOException Will throw a CorruptHFileException (DoNotRetryIOException subtype) if hfile is corrupt/invalid. */ public static Reader createReader( FileSystem fs, Path path, CacheConfig cacheConf) throws IOException { return createReaderWithEncoding(fs, path, cacheConf, DataBlockEncoding.NONE); } /** * This factory method is used only by unit tests */ static Reader createReaderFromStream(Path path, FSDataInputStream fsdis, long size, CacheConfig cacheConf) throws IOException { final boolean closeIStream = false; return pickReaderVersion(path, fsdis, fsdis, size, closeIStream, cacheConf, DataBlockEncoding.NONE, null); } /* * Metadata for this file. Conjured by the writer. Read in by the reader. */ static class FileInfo extends HbaseMapWritable<byte [], byte []> { static final String RESERVED_PREFIX = "hfile."; static final byte[] RESERVED_PREFIX_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes(RESERVED_PREFIX); static final byte [] LASTKEY = Bytes.toBytes(RESERVED_PREFIX + "LASTKEY"); static final byte [] AVG_KEY_LEN = Bytes.toBytes(RESERVED_PREFIX + "AVG_KEY_LEN"); static final byte [] AVG_VALUE_LEN = Bytes.toBytes(RESERVED_PREFIX + "AVG_VALUE_LEN"); static final byte [] COMPARATOR = Bytes.toBytes(RESERVED_PREFIX + "COMPARATOR"); /** * Append the given key/value pair to the file info, optionally checking the * key prefix. * * @param k key to add * @param v value to add * @param checkPrefix whether to check that the provided key does not start * with the reserved prefix * @return this file info object * @throws IOException if the key or value is invalid */ public FileInfo append(final byte[] k, final byte[] v, final boolean checkPrefix) throws IOException { if (k == null || v == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Key nor value may be null"); } if (checkPrefix && isReservedFileInfoKey(k)) { throw new IOException("Keys with a " + FileInfo.RESERVED_PREFIX + " are reserved"); } put(k, v); return this; } } /** Return true if the given file info key is reserved for internal use. */ public static boolean isReservedFileInfoKey(byte[] key) { return Bytes.startsWith(key, FileInfo.RESERVED_PREFIX_BYTES); } /** * Get names of supported compression algorithms. The names are acceptable by * HFile.Writer. * * @return Array of strings, each represents a supported compression * algorithm. Currently, the following compression algorithms are * supported. * <ul> * <li>"none" - No compression. * <li>"gz" - GZIP compression. * </ul> */ public static String[] getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms() { return Compression.getSupportedAlgorithms(); } // Utility methods. /* * @param l Long to convert to an int. * @return <code>l</code> cast as an int. */ static int longToInt(final long l) { // Expecting the size() of a block not exceeding 4GB. Assuming the // size() will wrap to negative integer if it exceeds 2GB (From tfile). return (int)(l & 0x00000000ffffffffL); } /** * Returns all files belonging to the given region directory. Could return an * empty list. * * @param fs The file system reference. * @param regionDir The region directory to scan. * @return The list of files found. * @throws IOException When scanning the files fails. */ static List<Path> getStoreFiles(FileSystem fs, Path regionDir) throws IOException { List<Path> res = new ArrayList<Path>(); PathFilter dirFilter = new FSUtils.DirFilter(fs); FileStatus[] familyDirs = fs.listStatus(regionDir, dirFilter); for(FileStatus dir : familyDirs) { FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(dir.getPath()); for (FileStatus file : files) { if (!file.isDir()) { res.add(file.getPath()); } } } return res; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { HFilePrettyPrinter prettyPrinter = new HFilePrettyPrinter(); System.exit(prettyPrinter.run(args)); } /** * Checks the given {@link HFile} format version, and throws an exception if * invalid. Note that if the version number comes from an input file and has * not been verified, the caller needs to re-throw an {@link IOException} to * indicate that this is not a software error, but corrupted input. * * @param version an HFile version * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the version is invalid */ public static void checkFormatVersion(int version) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (version < MIN_FORMAT_VERSION || version > MAX_FORMAT_VERSION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HFile version: " + version + " (expected to be " + "between " + MIN_FORMAT_VERSION + " and " + MAX_FORMAT_VERSION + ")"); } } }