package com.exovlc; import org.videolan.libvlc.IVideoPlayer; import org.videolan.libvlc.LibVLC; import org.videolan.libvlc.LibVlcUtil; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.SurfaceHolder;// Fixe me plz import; import; import; public class VLCVideoSurfaceHandler implements IVideoPlayer { public enum Start_Type { START_DELAYED, STARTED_IMMEDIATELY }; public static interface SurfaceLayoutHandler { int SURFACE_BEST_FIT = 0; int SURFACE_FIT_HORIZONTAL = 1; int SURFACE_FIT_VERTICAL = 2; int SURFACE_FILL = 3; int SURFACE_16_9 = 4; int SURFACE_4_3 = 5; int SURFACE_ORIGINAL = 6; /** * This method is called by native vout to request a new layout. * * @param width * Frame width * @param height * Frame height */ void setSurfaceLayout(int layout_width,int layout_wheight); SurfaceHolder getHolder(); int getPreferedSurfaceHeight(); int getPreferedSurfaceWidth(); int getSurfaceFit(); void setNewSurface(Surface surface); int configureSurface(Surface surface, final int width, final int height, final int hal); } private final LibVLC libvlc; private final Handler eventHandler; private final MediaCodecVideoTrackRenderer.EventListener eventListener; private Surface mSurface; private boolean mSurfaceReady; private Runnable postStartJob; private SurfaceLayoutHandler layoutHandler; public VLCVideoSurfaceHandler( LibVLC libvlc, Handler eventHandler, MediaCodecVideoTrackRenderer.EventListener eventListener, SurfaceLayoutHandler layoutHandler) throws ExoPlaybackException { super(); this.libvlc = libvlc; this.eventHandler = eventHandler; this.eventListener = eventListener; if (layoutHandler != null) { this.layoutHandler = layoutHandler; SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder = layoutHandler.getHolder(); ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "VLCIVideoSurfaceHandler.VLCIVideoSurfaceHandler()"); ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "## ====> rect= " + surfaceHolder.getSurfaceFrame()); if (com.exovlc.ExoVlcUtil.validSurface(surfaceHolder)) setVlcSurface(surfaceHolder.getSurface(), false); } else throw new ExoPlaybackException("layout handler null."); } void setVlcSurface(Surface newSurface, boolean forced) { if (mSurface != newSurface || forced || !mSurfaceReady) { mSurface = newSurface; if(this.layoutHandler != null) this.layoutHandler.setNewSurface(newSurface); ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "setVlcSurface: " + mSurface); SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder = layoutHandler.getHolder(); mSurfaceReady = (surfaceHolder.getSurface() == newSurface && ExoVlcUtil.validSurface(surfaceHolder)); ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "VLCIVideoSurfaceHandler.setVlcSurface() set surface s =" + newSurface + " , f=" + forced + " mSurfaceReady =" + mSurfaceReady + " postStartJob=" + postStartJob); if (mSurfaceReady && postStartJob != null) new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Thread.dumpStack(); Runnable r = postStartJob; postStartJob = null; synchronized (VLCVideoSurfaceHandler.this) { if (r != null) { VLCVideoSurfaceHandler.this.attachVlcSurface(mSurface);; } } } }); } } Start_Type doStart(Runnable toDo) { ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "doStart(): mSurfaceReady " + mSurfaceReady); if (isSurfaceReady()) { attachVlcSurface(mSurface); return Start_Type.STARTED_IMMEDIATELY; } postStartJob = toDo; return Start_Type.START_DELAYED; } boolean isSurfaceReady() { return mSurfaceReady; } @Override public void setSurfaceLayout(final int width, final int height, final int visible_width, final int visible_height, final int sar_num, final int sar_den) { Thread.dumpStack(); ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "> VideoActivity.setSurfaceLayout( " + width + ", " + height + ", " + visible_width + "," + visible_height + ", " + sar_num + ", " + sar_den + ")"); int sw; int sh; SurfaceLayoutHandler lh =this.layoutHandler; if(lh ==null) return; // get screen size sw = lh.getPreferedSurfaceWidth(); sh=lh.getPreferedSurfaceHeight(); System.out.println("VLCIVideoSurfaceHandler.changeSurfaceLayout() window = " + sw + " x " + sh); System.out.println("VLCIVideoSurfaceHandler.changeSurfaceLayout() mVideoWidth=" + width + " mVideoHeight=" + height); System.out.println("VLCIVideoSurfaceHandler.changeSurfaceLayout() mSarDen=" + sar_den + " mSarNum=" + sar_num); if (libvlc != null && !libvlc.useCompatSurface()) libvlc.setWindowSize(sw, sh); double dw = sw, dh = sh; boolean isPortrait; isPortrait = false; if (sw > sh && isPortrait || sw < sh && !isPortrait) { dw = sh; dh = sw; } // sanity check if (dw * dh == 0 || width * height == 0) { ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "Invalid surface size"); return; } // compute the aspect ratio double ar, vw; if (sar_den == sar_num) { /* No indication about the density, assuming 1:1 */ vw = visible_width; ar = (double) visible_width / (double) visible_height; } else { /* Use the specified aspect ratio */ vw = visible_width * (double) sar_num / sar_den; ar = vw / visible_height; } // compute the display aspect ratio double dar = dw / dh; switch (lh.getSurfaceFit()) { case SurfaceLayoutHandler.SURFACE_BEST_FIT: if (dar < ar) dh = dw / ar; else dw = dh * ar; break; case SurfaceLayoutHandler.SURFACE_FIT_HORIZONTAL: dh = dw / ar; break; case SurfaceLayoutHandler.SURFACE_FIT_VERTICAL: dw = dh * ar; break; case SurfaceLayoutHandler.SURFACE_FILL: break; case SurfaceLayoutHandler.SURFACE_16_9: ar = 16.0 / 9.0; if (dar < ar) dh = dw / ar; else dw = dh * ar; break; case SurfaceLayoutHandler.SURFACE_4_3: ar = 4.0 / 3.0; if (dar < ar) dh = dw / ar; else dw = dh * ar; break; case SurfaceLayoutHandler.SURFACE_ORIGINAL: dh = visible_height; dw = vw; break; } // set display size final int layout_width = (int) Math.ceil(dw * width / visible_width); final int layout_wheight = (int) Math.ceil(dh * height / visible_height); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SurfaceLayoutHandler lh = VLCVideoSurfaceHandler.this.layoutHandler; if (lh != null) lh.setSurfaceLayout(layout_width,layout_wheight); } }); } private static class ConfigureSurfaceHolder { private final Surface surface; private boolean configured; private ConfigureSurfaceHolder(Surface surface) { this.surface = surface; } } @Override public int configureSurface(Surface surface, final int width, final int height, final int hal) { if (LibVlcUtil.isICSOrLater() || surface == null) return -1; if (width * height == 0) return 0; ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "configureSurface: " + width + "x" + height); final ConfigureSurfaceHolder holder = new ConfigureSurfaceHolder(surface); final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mSurface == holder.surface) { SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder = layoutHandler.getHolder(); if (hal != 0) surfaceHolder.setFormat(hal); surfaceHolder.setFixedSize(width, height); } synchronized (holder) { holder.configured = true; holder.notifyAll(); } } }); try { synchronized (holder) { while (!holder.configured) holder.wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { return 0; } return 1; } @Override public void eventHardwareAccelerationError() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ExoVlcUtil.log(this, "Error with hardware acceleration"); release(); notifyDecoderInitializationError(new DecoderInitializationException(null, new RuntimeException( "Error with hardware acceleration"), 0)); } private void handlerPost(Runnable postAction) { if (eventHandler != null && eventListener != null) {; } } private void notifyDecoderInitializationError(final DecoderInitializationException e) { handlerPost(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { eventListener.onDecoderInitializationError(e); } }); } void release() { this.libvlc.detachSurface(); } private void attachVlcSurface(Surface surface) { if (mSurfaceReady) libvlc.detachSurface(); if (surface != null) { ExoVlcUtil.log(this, " VLCIVideoSurfaceHandler.attachVlcSurface() Setting lib vlc with surface : " + surface); libvlc.attachSurface(surface, this); } } }