/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.android.exoplayer; import android.os.Looper; /** * An extensible media player exposing traditional high-level media player functionality, such as * the ability to prepare, play, pause and seek. * * <p>Topics covered here are: * <ol> * <li><a href="#Assumptions">Assumptions and player composition</a> * <li><a href="#Threading">Threading model</a> * <li><a href="#State">Player state</a> * </ol> * * <a name="Assumptions"></a> * <h3>Assumptions and player construction</h3> * * <p>The implementation is designed make no assumptions about (and hence impose no restrictions * on) the type of the media being played, how and where it is stored, or how it is rendered. * Rather than implementing the loading and rendering of media directly, {@link ExoPlayer} instead * delegates this work to one or more {@link TrackRenderer}s, which are injected when the player * is prepared. Hence {@link ExoPlayer} is capable of loading and playing any media for which a * {@link TrackRenderer} implementation can be provided. * * <p>{@link MediaCodecAudioTrackRenderer} and {@link MediaCodecVideoTrackRenderer} can be used for * the common cases of rendering audio and video. These components in turn require an * <i>upstream</i> {@link SampleSource} to be injected through their constructors, where upstream * is defined to denote a component that is closer to the source of the media. This pattern of * upstream dependency injection is actively encouraged, since it means that the functionality of * the player is built up through the composition of components that can easily be exchanged for * alternate implementations. For example a {@link SampleSource} implementation may require a * further upstream data loading component to be injected through its constructor, with different * implementations enabling the loading of data from various sources. * * <a name="Threading"></a> * <h3>Threading model</h3> * * <p>The figure below shows the {@link ExoPlayer} threading model.</p> * <p align="center"><img src="../../../../../doc_src/images/exoplayer_threading_model.png" * alt="MediaPlayer state diagram" * border="0"/></p> * * <ul> * <li>It is recommended that instances are created and accessed from a single application thread. * An application's main thread is ideal. Accessing an instance from multiple threads is * discouraged, however if an application does wish to do this then it may do so provided that it * ensures accesses are synchronized. * </li> * <li>Registered {@link Listener}s are invoked on the thread that created the {@link ExoPlayer} * instance.</li> * <li>An internal playback thread is responsible for managing playback and invoking the * {@link TrackRenderer}s in order to load and play the media.</li> * <li>{@link TrackRenderer} implementations (or any upstream components that they depend on) may * use additional background threads (e.g. to load data). These are implementation specific.</li> * </ul> * * <a name="State"></a> * <h3>Player state</h3> * * <p>The components of an {@link ExoPlayer}'s state can be divided into two distinct groups. State * accessed by {@link #getRendererEnabled(int)} and {@link #getPlayWhenReady()} are only ever * changed by invoking the player's methods, and are never changed as a result of operations that * have been performed asynchronously by the playback thread. In contrast, the playback state * accessed by {@link #getPlaybackState()} is only ever changed as a result of operations * completing on the playback thread, as illustrated below.</p> * <p align="center"><img src="../../../../../doc_src/images/exoplayer_state.png" * alt="ExoPlayer state" * border="0"/></p> * * <p>The possible playback state transitions are shown below. Transitions can be triggered either * by changes in the state of the {@link TrackRenderer}s being used, or as a result of * {@link #prepare(TrackRenderer[])}, {@link #stop()} or {@link #release()} being invoked.</p> * <p align="center"><img src="../../../../../doc_src/images/exoplayer_playbackstate.png" * alt="ExoPlayer playback state transitions" * border="0"/></p> */ public interface ExoPlayer { /** * A factory for instantiating ExoPlayer instances. */ public static final class Factory { /** * The default minimum duration of data that must be buffered for playback to start or resume * following a user action such as a seek. */ public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_BUFFER_MS = 500; /** * The default minimum duration of data that must be buffered for playback to resume * after a player invoked rebuffer (i.e. a rebuffer that occurs due to buffer depletion, and * not due to a user action such as starting playback or seeking). */ public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_REBUFFER_MS = 5000; private Factory() {} /** * Obtains an {@link ExoPlayer} instance. * <p> * Must be invoked from a thread that has an associated {@link Looper}. * * @param rendererCount The number of {@link TrackRenderer}s that will be passed to * {@link #prepare(TrackRenderer[])}. * @param minBufferMs A minimum duration of data that must be buffered for playback to start * or resume following a user action such as a seek. * @param minRebufferMs A minimum duration of data that must be buffered for playback to resume * after a player invoked rebuffer (i.e. a rebuffer that occurs due to buffer depletion, and * not due to a user action such as starting playback or seeking). */ public static ExoPlayer newInstance(int rendererCount, int minBufferMs, int minRebufferMs) { return new ExoPlayerImpl(rendererCount, minBufferMs, minRebufferMs); } /** * Obtains an {@link ExoPlayer} instance. * <p> * Must be invoked from a thread that has an associated {@link Looper}. * * @param rendererCount The number of {@link TrackRenderer}s that will be passed to * {@link #prepare(TrackRenderer[])}. */ public static ExoPlayer newInstance(int rendererCount) { return new ExoPlayerImpl(rendererCount, DEFAULT_MIN_BUFFER_MS, DEFAULT_MIN_REBUFFER_MS); } /** * @deprecated Please use {@link #newInstance(int, int, int)}. */ @Deprecated public static ExoPlayer newInstance(int rendererCount, int minRebufferMs) { return new ExoPlayerImpl(rendererCount, DEFAULT_MIN_BUFFER_MS, minRebufferMs); } } /** * Interface definition for a callback to be notified of changes in player state. */ public interface Listener { /** * Invoked when the value returned from either {@link ExoPlayer#getPlayWhenReady()} or * {@link ExoPlayer#getPlaybackState()} changes. * * @param playWhenReady Whether playback will proceed when ready. * @param playbackState One of the {@code STATE} constants defined in this class. */ void onPlayerStateChanged(boolean playWhenReady, int playbackState); /** * Invoked when the current value of {@link ExoPlayer#getPlayWhenReady()} has been reflected * by the internal playback thread. * <p> * An invocation of this method will shortly follow any call to * {@link ExoPlayer#setPlayWhenReady(boolean)} that changes the state. If multiple calls are * made in rapid succession, then this method will be invoked only once, after the final state * has been reflected. */ void onPlayWhenReadyCommitted(); /** * Invoked when an error occurs. The playback state will transition to * {@link ExoPlayer#STATE_IDLE} immediately after this method is invoked. The player instance * can still be used, and {@link ExoPlayer#release()} must still be called on the player should * it no longer be required. * * @param error The error. */ void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error); } /** * A component of an {@link ExoPlayer} that can receive messages on the playback thread. * <p> * Messages can be delivered to a component via {@link ExoPlayer#sendMessage} and * {@link ExoPlayer#blockingSendMessage}. */ public interface ExoPlayerComponent { /** * Handles a message delivered to the component. Invoked on the playback thread. * * @param messageType An integer identifying the type of message. * @param message The message object. * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurred whilst handling the message. */ void handleMessage(int messageType, Object message) throws ExoPlaybackException; } /** * The player is neither prepared or being prepared. */ public static final int STATE_IDLE = 1; /** * The player is being prepared. */ public static final int STATE_PREPARING = 2; /** * The player is prepared but not able to immediately play from the current position. The cause * is {@link TrackRenderer} specific, but this state typically occurs when more data needs * to be buffered for playback to start. */ public static final int STATE_BUFFERING = 3; /** * The player is prepared and able to immediately play from the current position. The player will * be playing if {@link #setPlayWhenReady(boolean)} returns true, and paused otherwise. */ public static final int STATE_READY = 4; /** * The player has finished playing the media. */ public static final int STATE_ENDED = 5; /** * Represents an unknown time or duration. */ public static final long UNKNOWN_TIME = -1; /** * Gets the {@link Looper} associated with the playback thread. * * @return The {@link Looper} associated with the playback thread. */ public Looper getPlaybackLooper(); /** * Register a listener to receive events from the player. The listener's methods will be invoked * on the thread that was used to construct the player. * * @param listener The listener to register. */ public void addListener(Listener listener); /** * Unregister a listener. The listener will no longer receive events from the player. * * @param listener The listener to unregister. */ public void removeListener(Listener listener); /** * Returns the current state of the player. * * @return One of the {@code STATE} constants defined in this class. */ public int getPlaybackState(); /** * Prepares the player for playback. * * @param renderers The {@link TrackRenderer}s to use. The number of renderers must match the * value that was passed to the {@link ExoPlayer.Factory#newInstance} method. */ public void prepare(TrackRenderer... renderers); /** * Sets whether the renderer at the given index is enabled. * * @param index The index of the renderer. * @param enabled Whether the renderer at the given index should be enabled. */ public void setRendererEnabled(int index, boolean enabled); /** * Whether the renderer at the given index is enabled. * * @param index The index of the renderer. * @return Whether the renderer is enabled. */ public boolean getRendererEnabled(int index); /** * Sets whether playback should proceed when {@link #getPlaybackState()} == {@link #STATE_READY}. * If the player is already in this state, then this method can be used to pause and resume * playback. * * @param playWhenReady Whether playback should proceed when ready. */ public void setPlayWhenReady(boolean playWhenReady); /** * Whether playback will proceed when {@link #getPlaybackState()} == {@link #STATE_READY}. * * @return Whether playback will proceed when ready. */ public boolean getPlayWhenReady(); /** * Whether the current value of {@link ExoPlayer#getPlayWhenReady()} has been reflected by the * internal playback thread. * * @return True if the current value has been reflected. False otherwise. */ public boolean isPlayWhenReadyCommitted(); /** * Seeks to a position specified in milliseconds. * * @param positionMs The seek position. */ public void seekTo(long positionMs); /** * Stops playback. Use {@code setPlayWhenReady(false)} rather than this method if the intention * is to pause playback. * <p> * Calling this method will cause the playback state to transition to * {@link ExoPlayer#STATE_IDLE}. The player instance can still be used, and * {@link ExoPlayer#release()} must still be called on the player if it's no longer required. * <p> * Calling this method does not reset the playback position. If this player instance will be used * to play another video from its start, then {@code seekTo(0)} should be called after stopping * the player and before preparing it for the next video. */ public void stop(); /** * Releases the player. This method must be called when the player is no longer required. * <p> * The player must not be used after calling this method. */ public void release(); /** * Sends a message to a specified component. The message is delivered to the component on the * playback thread. If the component throws a {@link ExoPlaybackException}, then it is * propagated out of the player as an error. * * @param target The target to which the message should be delivered. * @param messageType An integer that can be used to identify the type of the message. * @param message The message object. */ public void sendMessage(ExoPlayerComponent target, int messageType, Object message); /** * Blocking variant of {@link #sendMessage(ExoPlayerComponent, int, Object)} that does not return * until after the message has been delivered. * * @param target The target to which the message should be delivered. * @param messageType An integer that can be used to identify the type of the message. * @param message The message object. */ public void blockingSendMessage(ExoPlayerComponent target, int messageType, Object message); /** * Gets the duration of the track in milliseconds. * * @return The duration of the track in milliseconds, or {@link ExoPlayer#UNKNOWN_TIME} if the * duration is not known. */ public long getDuration(); /** * Gets the current playback position in milliseconds. * * @return The current playback position in milliseconds. */ public long getCurrentPosition(); /** * Gets an estimate of the absolute position in milliseconds up to which data is buffered. * * @return An estimate of the absolute position in milliseconds up to which data is buffered, * or {@link ExoPlayer#UNKNOWN_TIME} if no estimate is available. */ public long getBufferedPosition(); /** * Gets an estimate of the percentage into the media up to which data is buffered. * * @return An estimate of the percentage into the media up to which data is buffered. 0 if the * duration of the media is not known or if no estimate is available. */ public int getBufferedPercentage(); }