/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.android.exoplayer; import java.io.IOException; /** * A source of media samples. * <p> * A {@link SampleSource} may expose one or multiple tracks. The number of tracks and information * about each can be queried using {@link #getTrackCount()} and {@link #getTrackInfo(int)} * respectively. */ public interface SampleSource { /** * The end of stream has been reached. */ public static final int END_OF_STREAM = -1; /** * Neither a sample nor a format was read in full. This may be because insufficient data is * buffered upstream. If multiple tracks are enabled, this return value may indicate that the * next piece of data to be returned from the {@link SampleSource} corresponds to a different * track than the one for which data was requested. */ public static final int NOTHING_READ = -2; /** * A sample was read. */ public static final int SAMPLE_READ = -3; /** * A format was read. */ public static final int FORMAT_READ = -4; /** * A discontinuity in the sample stream. */ public static final int DISCONTINUITY_READ = -5; /** * Prepares the source. * <p> * Preparation may require reading from the data source (e.g. to determine the available tracks * and formats). If insufficient data is available then the call will return {@code false} rather * than block. The method can be called repeatedly until the return value indicates success. * * @return True if the source was prepared successfully, false otherwise. * @throws IOException If an error occurred preparing the source. */ public boolean prepare() throws IOException; /** * Returns the number of tracks exposed by the source. * * @return The number of tracks. */ public int getTrackCount(); /** * Returns information about the specified track. * <p> * This method should not be called until after the source has been successfully prepared. * * @return Information about the specified track. */ public TrackInfo getTrackInfo(int track); /** * Enable the specified track. This allows the track's format and samples to be read from * {@link #readData(int, long, MediaFormatHolder, SampleHolder, boolean)}. * <p> * This method should not be called until after the source has been successfully prepared. * * @param track The track to enable. * @param positionUs The player's current playback position. */ public void enable(int track, long positionUs); /** * Disable the specified track. * <p> * This method should not be called until after the source has been successfully prepared. * * @param track The track to disable. */ public void disable(int track); /** * Indicates to the source that it should still be buffering data. * * @param positionUs The current playback position. * @return True if the source has available samples, or if the end of the stream has been reached. * False if more data needs to be buffered for samples to become available. * @throws IOException If an error occurred reading from the source. */ public boolean continueBuffering(long positionUs) throws IOException; /** * Attempts to read either a sample, a new format or or a discontinuity from the source. * <p> * This method should not be called until after the source has been successfully prepared. * <p> * Note that where multiple tracks are enabled, {@link #NOTHING_READ} may be returned if the * next piece of data to be read from the {@link SampleSource} corresponds to a different track * than the one for which data was requested. * * @param track The track from which to read. * @param positionUs The current playback position. * @param formatHolder A {@link MediaFormatHolder} object to populate in the case of a new format. * @param sampleHolder A {@link SampleHolder} object to populate in the case of a new sample. If * the caller requires the sample data then it must ensure that {@link SampleHolder#data} * references a valid output buffer. * @param onlyReadDiscontinuity Whether to only read a discontinuity. If true, only * {@link #DISCONTINUITY_READ} or {@link #NOTHING_READ} can be returned. * @return The result, which can be {@link #SAMPLE_READ}, {@link #FORMAT_READ}, * {@link #DISCONTINUITY_READ}, {@link #NOTHING_READ} or {@link #END_OF_STREAM}. * @throws IOException If an error occurred reading from the source. */ public int readData(int track, long positionUs, MediaFormatHolder formatHolder, SampleHolder sampleHolder, boolean onlyReadDiscontinuity) throws IOException; /** * Seeks to the specified time in microseconds. * <p> * This method should not be called until after the source has been successfully prepared. * * @param positionUs The seek position in microseconds. */ public void seekToUs(long positionUs); /** * Returns an estimate of the position up to which data is buffered. * <p> * This method should not be called until after the source has been successfully prepared. * * @return An estimate of the absolute position in microseconds up to which data is buffered, * or {@link TrackRenderer#END_OF_TRACK_US} if data is buffered to the end of the stream, or * {@link TrackRenderer#UNKNOWN_TIME_US} if no estimate is available. */ public long getBufferedPositionUs(); /** * Releases the {@link SampleSource}. */ public void release(); }