package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidUtil; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker; import org.apache.logging.log4j.MarkerManager; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import static; public class EnergyValueRegistry { public static final EnergyValueRegistry INSTANCE = new EnergyValueRegistry(); private ImmutableSortedMap<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackValueMap; private ImmutableSortedMap<EnergyValue, Set<WrappedStack>> valueStackMap; private final Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> preCalculationStackValueMap; private final Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> postCalculationStackValueMap; private transient SortedSet<WrappedStack> unComputedStacks; private transient boolean shouldSave; private transient boolean valuesNeedRegeneration; public static File energyValuesDirectory; public static File energyValuesFile; public static File preCalculationValuesFile; public static File postCalculationValuesFile; public static final Marker ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER = MarkerManager.getMarker("EE_ENERGY_VALUE", LogHelper.MOD_MARKER); private EnergyValueRegistry() { ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackMapBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); stackValueMap =; preCalculationStackValueMap = new TreeMap<>(); postCalculationStackValueMap = new TreeMap<>(); unComputedStacks = new TreeSet<>(); shouldSave = true; } /** * Returns an {@link EnergyValue} for a {@link Object} in the provided {@link Map>} of {@link WrappedStack}s mapped * to EnergyValues * * <p>The order of checking is as follows;</p> * <ol> * <li>{@link ItemStack}s whose {@link Item}s implement {@link IEnergyValueProvider}</li> * <li>Direct EnergyValue mapping of the provided Object in the provided Map</li> * <li>The following criteria are only checked (in order) in the event that this is a non-strict query; * <ol> * <li> * ItemStacks that are part of an {@link OreDictionary} entry are checked to see if * <strong>all</strong> Ores they are registered to have the same non-null EnergyValue assigned to * it * <ul> * <li> * e.g., ItemStack X is associated with OreDictionary entries A, B and C. An EnergyValue * would be returned for X only if A, B and C all had the same non-null EnergyValue * </li> * </ul> * </li> * <li> * ItemStacks are checked to see if there exist {@link OreDictionary#WILDCARD_VALUE} equivalents * </li> * <li> * {@link OreStack}s are checked to see if all members of the OreDictionary entry represented by the * OreStack have the same non-null EnergyValue (similar to the case for ItemStacks above) * </li> * </ol> * </li> * </ol> * * @param valueMap a {@link Map} of {@link EnergyValue}'s mapped to {@link WrappedStack}'s * @param object the {@link Object} that is being checked for a corresponding {@link EnergyValue} * @param strict whether this is a strict (e.g., only looking for direct value assignment vs associative value * assignments) query or not * @return an {@link EnergyValue} if there is one to be found for the provided {@link Object} in the provided Map, null otherwise */ public static EnergyValue getEnergyValue(Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> valueMap, Object object, boolean strict) { if (WrappedStack.canBeWrapped(object)) { WrappedStack wrappedStack =, 1); Object wrappedObject = wrappedStack.getObject(); if (wrappedObject instanceof ItemStack && ((ItemStack) wrappedObject).getItem() instanceof IEnergyValueProvider && !strict) { EnergyValue energyValue = ((IEnergyValueProvider) ((ItemStack) wrappedObject).getItem()).getEnergyValueFor(((ItemStack) wrappedObject)); if (energyValue != null &&, 0f) > 0) { return energyValue; } } if (valueMap != null && !valueMap.isEmpty()) { /** * First check to see if the object is a WILDCARD_VALUE ItemStack, as if it is it will match any similar * ItemStack. If it is check to see how many objects it matches in the given map. If there is at least * one similar object found, find the lowest energy value out of all the similar objects */ if (wrappedObject instanceof ItemStack && ((ItemStack) wrappedObject).getItemDamage() == OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE) { Set<WrappedStack> equivalentStacks = valueMap.keySet().stream() .filter(wrappedStack::equals) .filter(wrappedStack1 -> wrappedStack1.getObject() instanceof ItemStack) .filter(wrappedStack1 -> ((ItemStack) wrappedStack1.getObject()).getItemDamage() != OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new)); if (equivalentStacks.size() >= 1) { EnergyValue lowestValue = null; for (WrappedStack wrappedStack1 : equivalentStacks) { EnergyValue currentValue = getEnergyValue(valueMap, wrappedStack1, strict); if (lowestValue == null) { lowestValue = currentValue; } else if (currentValue.compareTo(lowestValue) < 0) { lowestValue = currentValue; } } return lowestValue; } } // Check for an exact mapping if (valueMap.containsKey(wrappedStack)) { return valueMap.get(wrappedStack); } else if (!strict) { if (wrappedObject instanceof ItemStack && !((ItemStack) wrappedObject).isEmpty()) { ItemStack unValuedItemStack = ((ItemStack) wrappedObject).copy(); EnergyValue minEnergyValue = null; int[] oreIds = OreDictionary.getOreIDs(unValuedItemStack); if (oreIds.length > 0) { EnergyValue energyValue = null; boolean allHaveSameValue = true; for (int oreId : oreIds) { String oreName = OreDictionary.getOreName(oreId); if (!"Unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(oreName)) { WrappedStack oreStack = OreStack(oreName)); if (oreStack != null && valueMap.containsKey(oreStack)) { if (energyValue == null) { energyValue = valueMap.get(oreStack); } else if (!energyValue.equals(valueMap.get(oreStack))) { allHaveSameValue = false; } } else { allHaveSameValue = false; } } else { allHaveSameValue = false; } } if (allHaveSameValue) { return energyValue; } } else { for (WrappedStack valuedWrappedStack : valueMap.keySet()) { if (valuedWrappedStack.getObject() instanceof ItemStack) { if (Item.getIdFromItem(((ItemStack) valuedWrappedStack.getObject()).getItem()) == Item.getIdFromItem(unValuedItemStack.getItem())) { ItemStack valuedItemStack = (ItemStack) valuedWrappedStack.getObject(); if (valuedItemStack.getItemDamage() == OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE || unValuedItemStack.getItemDamage() == OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE) { EnergyValue energyValue = valueMap.get(valuedWrappedStack); if (energyValue.compareTo(minEnergyValue) < 0) { minEnergyValue = energyValue; } } } } } } } else if (wrappedObject instanceof OreStack) { OreStack oreStack = (OreStack) wrappedObject; List<ItemStack> itemStacks = OreDictionary.getOres(oreStack.getOreName()); if (!itemStacks.isEmpty()) { EnergyValue energyValue = null; boolean allHaveSameValue = true; for (ItemStack itemStack : itemStacks) { WrappedStack wrappedItemStack =, 1); if (wrappedItemStack != null && valueMap.containsKey(wrappedItemStack)) { if (energyValue == null) { energyValue = valueMap.get(wrappedItemStack); } else if (!energyValue.equals(valueMap.get(wrappedItemStack))) { allHaveSameValue = false; } } else { allHaveSameValue = false; } } if (allHaveSameValue) { return energyValue; } } } } } } return null; } /** * Calculates an {@link EnergyValue} for the provided {@link WrappedStack} output from the provided * {@link Collection} of WrappedStack inputs and {@link Map} of energy value mappings to objects. We calculate the * energy value for the output by, for each input, summing the input's energy value * the input's stack size. That * sum is then divided by the stack size of the output. If <strong>any</strong> of the inputs do not have an energy * value then no energy value can be calculated for the output - therefore we return null * * @param valueMap a {@link Map} of {@link EnergyValue}'s mapped to {@link WrappedStack}'s * @param wrappedOutput the {@link WrappedStack} output for that the inputs "create" * @param wrappedInputs a {@link Collection} of {@link WrappedStack}s that "create" the output * @return an {@link EnergyValue} if there is one that can be calculated, null otherwise */ private static EnergyValue computeFromInputs(Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> valueMap, WrappedStack wrappedOutput, Collection<WrappedStack> wrappedInputs) { float sumOfValues = 0f; for (WrappedStack wrappedInput : wrappedInputs) { EnergyValue inputValue; int stackSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // TODO Could be simplified a bit more if (wrappedInput.getObject() instanceof ItemStack) { ItemStack inputItemStack = (ItemStack) wrappedInput.getObject(); // Check if we are dealing with a potential fluid if (FluidUtil.getFluidContained(inputItemStack) != null) { FluidStack fluidStack = FluidUtil.getFluidContained(inputItemStack); if (inputItemStack.getItem().getContainerItem(inputItemStack) != null) { stackSize = fluidStack.amount; inputValue = getEnergyValue(valueMap, fluidStack, false); } else { inputValue = getEnergyValue(valueMap, wrappedInput, false); } } else if (inputItemStack.getItem().hasContainerItem(inputItemStack)) { ItemStack inputContainerItemStack = inputItemStack.getItem().getContainerItem(inputItemStack); // FIXME There is a bug here, see how cakes value is calculated with a milk bucket if (getEnergyValue(valueMap, inputItemStack, false) != null && getEnergyValue(valueMap, inputContainerItemStack, false) != null) { float itemStackValue = getEnergyValue(valueMap, inputItemStack, false).getValue(); float containerStackValue = getEnergyValue(valueMap, inputContainerItemStack, false).getValue(); inputValue = new EnergyValue(itemStackValue - containerStackValue); } else { inputValue = null; } } else { inputValue = getEnergyValue(valueMap, wrappedInput, false); } } else { inputValue = getEnergyValue(valueMap, wrappedInput, false); } if (inputValue != null) { if (stackSize == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { stackSize = wrappedInput.getStackSize(); } sumOfValues += inputValue.getValue() * stackSize; } else { return null; } } return EnergyValue.factor(new EnergyValue(sumOfValues), wrappedOutput.getStackSize()); } /** * Returns an {@link ImmutableMap} containing the current energy value mappings * * @return an {@link ImmutableMap} containing the current energy value mappings */ public ImmutableMap<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> getEnergyValues() { return stackValueMap; } /** * Returns a {@link Map} containing the pre-calculation energy value mappings * * @return a {link Map} containing the pre-calculation energy value mappings */ public Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> getPreCalculationStackValueMap() { return preCalculationStackValueMap; } /** * Returns a {@link Map} containing the post-calculation energy value mappings * * @return a {@link Map} containing the post-calculation energy value mappings */ public Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> getPostCalculationStackValueMap() { return postCalculationStackValueMap; } /** * Checks if there exists an {@link EnergyValue} associated with the provided {@link Object}. * * @param object the {@link Object} that is being checked for a corresponding {@link EnergyValue} * @return true if the provided object has an energy value, false otherwise */ public boolean hasEnergyValue(Object object) { return hasEnergyValue(object, false); } /** * Checks if there exists an {@link EnergyValue} associated with the provided {@link Object} * * @param object the {@link Object} that is being checked for a corresponding {@link EnergyValue} * @param strict whether this is a strict (e.g., only looking for direct value assignment vs associative value * assignments) query or not * @return true if the provided object has an energy value, false otherwise */ public boolean hasEnergyValue(Object object, boolean strict) { return getEnergyValue(object, strict) != null; } /** * Returns an {@link EnergyValue} associated with the provided {@link Object} (if there is one) * * @param object the {@link Object} that is being checked for a corresponding {@link EnergyValue} * @return an {@link EnergyValue} if there is one to be found, null otherwise */ public EnergyValue getEnergyValue(Object object) { return getEnergyValue(object, false); } /** * Returns an {@link EnergyValue} associated with the provided {@link Object} (if there is one) * * @param object the {@link Object} that is being checked for a corresponding {@link EnergyValue} * @param strict whether this is a strict (e.g., only looking for direct value assignment vs associative value * assignments) query or not * @return an {@link EnergyValue} if there is one to be found, null otherwise */ public EnergyValue getEnergyValue(Object object, boolean strict) { return getEnergyValue(stackValueMap, object, strict); } /** * Returns an {@link EnergyValue} associated with the provided {@link Object} (if there is one) * * @param object the {@link Object} that is being checked for a corresponding {@link EnergyValue} * @param strict whether this is a strict (e.g., only looking for direct value assignment vs associative value * assignments) query or not * @return an {@link EnergyValue} if there is one to be found, null otherwise */ public EnergyValue getEnergyValueForStack(Object object, boolean strict) { WrappedStack wrappedObject =; EnergyValue energyValue = getEnergyValue(object, strict); if (wrappedObject != null && energyValue != null) { return new EnergyValue(energyValue.getValue() * wrappedObject.getStackSize()); } return null; } /** * TODO Finish JavaDoc * * @param start * @param finish * @return */ public Set<ItemStack> getStacksInRange(Number start, Number finish) { return getStacksInRange(new EnergyValue(start), new EnergyValue(finish)); } /** * TODO Finish JavaDoc * * @param lowerBound * @param upperBound * @return */ public Set<ItemStack> getStacksInRange(EnergyValue lowerBound, EnergyValue upperBound) { Set<ItemStack> filteredItemStacks = new TreeSet<>(Comparators.ENERGY_VALUE_ITEM_STACK_COMPARATOR); Set<ItemStack> greaterThanLowerBound = getStacksInRange(getEnergyValues(), lowerBound, false); Set<ItemStack> lesserThanUpperBound = getStacksInRange(getEnergyValues(), upperBound, true); if (!greaterThanLowerBound.isEmpty() && !lesserThanUpperBound.isEmpty()) { for (ItemStack itemStack : greaterThanLowerBound) { if (lesserThanUpperBound.contains(itemStack)) { filteredItemStacks.add(itemStack); } } } else if (!greaterThanLowerBound.isEmpty()) { return greaterThanLowerBound; } else if (!lesserThanUpperBound.isEmpty()) { return lesserThanUpperBound; } return filteredItemStacks; } /** * TODO Finish JavaDoc * * @param valueMap * @param energyValueBound * @param isUpperBound * @return */ private static Set<ItemStack> getStacksInRange(Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> valueMap, EnergyValue energyValueBound, boolean isUpperBound) { Set itemStacks = filterForItemStacks(valueMap.keySet()); if (valueMap != null) { if (energyValueBound != null) { if (isUpperBound) { return FilterUtils.filterByEnergyValue(valueMap, itemStacks, energyValueBound, FilterUtils.ValueFilterType.VALUE_LOWER_THAN_BOUND, Comparators.ENERGY_VALUE_ITEM_STACK_COMPARATOR); } else { return FilterUtils.filterByEnergyValue(valueMap, itemStacks, energyValueBound, FilterUtils.ValueFilterType.VALUE_GREATER_THAN_BOUND, Comparators.ENERGY_VALUE_ITEM_STACK_COMPARATOR); } } } return new TreeSet<>(Collections.EMPTY_SET); } /** * Sets an {@link EnergyValue} for the provided {@link Object} (if it can be wrapped in a {@link WrappedStack}. * Depending on whether or not this is a pre-calculation value assignment it's also possible for the calculated * energy value map to be recomputed to take into account the new mapping. * * @param object the object the energy value is being assigned for * @param energyValue the energy value being setEnergyValue on the object * @param phase the {@link Phase} of energy value assignment to set this value for */ public void setEnergyValue(Object object, EnergyValue energyValue, Phase phase) { setEnergyValue(object, energyValue, phase, false); } /** * Sets an {@link EnergyValue} for the provided {@link Object} (if it can be wrapped in a {@link WrappedStack}. * Depending on whether or not this is a pre-calculation value assignment it's also possible for the calculated * energy value map to be recomputed to take into account the new mapping. * * @param object the object the energy value is being assigned for * @param energyValue the energy value being setEnergyValue on the object * @param phase the {@link Phase} of energy value assignment to set this value for * @param doRegenValues whether or not the energy value map needs recomputing. Only an option if the energy value * is being assigned in the <code>PRE_CALCULATION</code> phase */ public void setEnergyValue(Object object, EnergyValue energyValue, Phase phase, boolean doRegenValues) { if (WrappedStack.canBeWrapped(object) && energyValue != null &&, 0f) > 0) { WrappedStack wrappedStack =, 1); EnergyValue factoredEnergyValue = EnergyValue.factor(energyValue, wrappedStack.getStackSize()); if (phase == Phase.PRE_CALCULATION) { if (! EnergyValueEvent.SetEnergyValueEvent(wrappedStack, factoredEnergyValue, Phase.PRE_CALCULATION))) { preCalculationStackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, factoredEnergyValue); if (doRegenValues) { compute(); } else { valuesNeedRegeneration = true; } } } else if (! EnergyValueEvent.SetEnergyValueEvent(wrappedStack, factoredEnergyValue, Phase.POST_CALCULATION))) { TreeMap<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> valueMap = new TreeMap<>(stackValueMap); valueMap.put(wrappedStack, energyValue); ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackMappingsBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); stackValueMap = stackMappingsBuilder.putAll(valueMap).build(); postCalculationStackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, factoredEnergyValue); } LogHelper.trace(ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER, "[{}] Mod '{}' set a {} value of {} on object '{}' with doRegen = {}", Loader.instance().getLoaderState(), Loader.instance().activeModContainer().getModId(), phase, energyValue, wrappedStack, doRegenValues); } } /** * TODO Finish JavaDoc * * @param shouldSave */ public void setShouldSave(boolean shouldSave) { this.shouldSave = shouldSave; } /** * TODO Finish JavaDoc * * This is where the magic happens */ public void compute() { valuesNeedRegeneration = false; // Initialize the "working copy" energy value map final Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackValueMap = new TreeMap<>(); unComputedStacks = new TreeSet<>(); // Load in pre calculation value assignments from file Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> fileValueMap = null; try { fileValueMap = SerializationHelper.readMapFromFile(preCalculationValuesFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LogHelper.warn(ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER, "No pre calculation energy values were loaded from file - could not find {}", preCalculationValuesFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (fileValueMap != null) { for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : fileValueMap.keySet()) { if (wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) { preCalculationStackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack)); } } } // Add in all pre-calculation energy value mappings preCalculationStackValueMap.keySet().stream() .filter(wrappedStack -> wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && preCalculationStackValueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) .forEach(wrappedStack -> stackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, preCalculationStackValueMap.get(wrappedStack))); // Calculate values from the known methods to create items, and the pre-calculation value mappings Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> computedStackValueMap = calculateStackValueMap(stackValueMap); for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : computedStackValueMap.keySet()) { stackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, computedStackValueMap.get(wrappedStack)); } // Load in post calculation value assignments from file fileValueMap = null; try { fileValueMap = SerializationHelper.readMapFromFile(postCalculationValuesFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LogHelper.warn(ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER, "No post calculation energy values were loaded from file - could not find {}", postCalculationValuesFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (fileValueMap != null) { for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : fileValueMap.keySet()) { if (wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) { postCalculationStackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack)); } } } // Add in all post-calculation energy value mappings postCalculationStackValueMap.keySet().stream() .filter(wrappedStack -> wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && postCalculationStackValueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) .forEach(wrappedStack -> stackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, postCalculationStackValueMap.get(wrappedStack))); // Bake the final calculated energy value maps ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackMappingsBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); stackMappingsBuilder.putAll(stackValueMap); this.stackValueMap =; calculateValueStackMap(); // Save the results to disk save(); // Report the objects for which we were unable to compute an energy value for .filter(wrappedStack -> getEnergyValue(stackValueMap, wrappedStack, false) == null) .forEach(wrappedStack ->, "Unable to compute an energy value for {}", wrappedStack)); } /** * * @param stackValueMap * @return */ private Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> calculateStackValueMap(Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackValueMap) {, "Beginning energy value calculation"); long startingTime = System.nanoTime(); Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> computedMap = new TreeMap<>(stackValueMap); Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> tempComputedMap = new TreeMap<>(); int passNumber = 0; while ((passNumber == 0 || tempComputedMap.size() != computedMap.size()) && passNumber < 16) { long passStartTime = System.nanoTime(); passNumber++; computedMap.putAll(tempComputedMap); tempComputedMap = new TreeMap<>(computedMap); for (WrappedStack recipeOutput : RecipeRegistry.INSTANCE.getRecipeMappings().keySet()) { WrappedStack unitWrappedStack =, 1); // We won't attempt to recalculate values that already have a pre-calculation value assignment if (!stackValueMap.containsKey(unitWrappedStack)) { for (Set<WrappedStack> recipeInputs : RecipeRegistry.INSTANCE.getRecipeMappings().get(recipeOutput)) { EnergyValue currentOutputValue = getEnergyValue(tempComputedMap, unitWrappedStack, false); EnergyValue computedOutputValue = computeFromInputs(tempComputedMap, recipeOutput, recipeInputs); if (computedOutputValue != null && computedOutputValue.compareTo(currentOutputValue) < 0) { unComputedStacks.remove(unitWrappedStack); LogHelper.debug(ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER, "Pass {}: Calculated value {} for object {} with recipe inputs {} and output {}", passNumber, computedOutputValue, unitWrappedStack, recipeInputs, recipeOutput); tempComputedMap.put(unitWrappedStack, computedOutputValue); } else if (computedOutputValue != null) { unComputedStacks.add(unitWrappedStack); } } } } long passDuration = System.nanoTime() - passStartTime;, "Pass {}: Calculated {} different values for objects in {} ms", passNumber, tempComputedMap.size(), passDuration / 100000); } long endingTime = System.nanoTime() - startingTime;, "Finished energy value calculation - calculated {} new values for objects in {} ms", computedMap.size() - stackValueMap.size(), endingTime / 100000); .filter(unComputedStack -> getEnergyValue(computedMap, unComputedStack, false) == null) .forEach(unComputedStack -> LogHelper.debug(ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER, "Unable to compute an energy value for {}", unComputedStack)); return computedMap; } private void calculateValueStackMap() { SortedMap<EnergyValue, Set<WrappedStack>> tempValueMap = new TreeMap<>(); for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : getEnergyValues().keySet()) { if (wrappedStack != null) { EnergyValue energyValue = getEnergyValues().get(wrappedStack); if (energyValue != null) { if (tempValueMap.containsKey(energyValue)) { if (!(tempValueMap.get(energyValue).contains(wrappedStack))) { tempValueMap.get(energyValue).add(wrappedStack); } } else { tempValueMap.put(energyValue, new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(wrappedStack))); } } } } valueStackMap = ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(tempValueMap); } private static Set<ItemStack> filterForItemStacks(Set<WrappedStack> wrappedStacks) { Set<ItemStack> itemStacks = new TreeSet<>(Comparators.ID_COMPARATOR); for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : wrappedStacks) { if (wrappedStack.getObject() instanceof ItemStack) { itemStacks.add((ItemStack) wrappedStack.getObject()); } else if (wrappedStack.getObject() instanceof OreStack) { itemStacks.addAll(OreDictionary.getOres(((OreStack) wrappedStack.getObject()).getOreName())); } } return itemStacks; } /** * Saves the pre-calculation, post-calculation, and calculated energy value maps to disk */ public void save() { /** * If the current values were synched to us from a server, do not save them to disk as they would override * the local ones */ if (shouldSave) { if (valuesNeedRegeneration) { if (energyValuesFile.exists()) { energyValuesFile.delete(); } } else { SerializationHelper.writeMapToFile(stackValueMap, energyValuesFile); } } SerializationHelper.writeMapToFile(preCalculationStackValueMap, preCalculationValuesFile); SerializationHelper.writeMapToFile(postCalculationStackValueMap, postCalculationValuesFile); } /** * Loads the pre-calculation, post-calculation, and calculated energy value maps from disk. In the event that either * the pre/post calculation maps can not be loaded from disk they will be initialized as empty maps. If the * calculated energy value map can not be loaded from disk then the values will be computed from the pre/post * calculation maps */ public void load() { // Load in pre calculation value assignments from file Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> fileValueMap = null; try { fileValueMap = SerializationHelper.readMapFromFile(preCalculationValuesFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LogHelper.warn(ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER, "No pre calculation energy values were loaded from file - could not find {}", preCalculationValuesFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (fileValueMap != null) { for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : fileValueMap.keySet()) { if (wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) { preCalculationStackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack)); } } } // Load in post calculation value assignments from file fileValueMap = null; try { fileValueMap = SerializationHelper.readMapFromFile(postCalculationValuesFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LogHelper.warn(ENERGY_VALUE_MARKER, "No post calculation energy values were loaded from file - could not find {}", postCalculationValuesFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (fileValueMap != null) { for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : fileValueMap.keySet()) { if (wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) { postCalculationStackValueMap.put(wrappedStack, fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack)); } } } // Load the calculated energy values assignments from file fileValueMap = null; try { fileValueMap = SerializationHelper.readMapFromFile(energyValuesFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LogHelper.warn("No calculated energy values were loaded from file - could not find {}", energyValuesFile.getAbsolutePath());"Recomputing energy values", energyValuesFile.getAbsolutePath()); compute(); } if (fileValueMap != null) { ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackMapBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); for (WrappedStack wrappedStack : fileValueMap.keySet()) { if (wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) { stackMapBuilder.put(wrappedStack, fileValueMap.get(wrappedStack)); } } stackValueMap =; calculateValueStackMap(); } } /** * * * @param valueMap */ public void load(Map<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> valueMap){ if (valueMap != null) { setShouldSave(false); ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<WrappedStack, EnergyValue> stackMappingsBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); valueMap.keySet().stream() .filter(wrappedStack -> wrappedStack != null && wrappedStack.getObject() != null && valueMap.get(wrappedStack) != null) .forEach(wrappedStack -> stackMappingsBuilder.put(wrappedStack, valueMap.get(wrappedStack))); stackValueMap =; calculateValueStackMap(); } } }