package cyano.basemetals.registry.recipe;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
* This class is an implementation of the ICrusherRecipe superclass. It uses the OreDictionary to
* check the input item.
* @author DrCyano
public class OreDictionaryCrusherRecipe implements ICrusherRecipe{
private final ItemStack output;
private final String oreDictSource;
* Constructs a new instance of this ICrusherRecipe class representing a recipe with an input
* and an output.
* @param oreDictionaryID The input item(s), described by an OreDictionary name
* @param results The result of applying this recipe to an input item
public OreDictionaryCrusherRecipe(String oreDictionaryID, ItemStack results){
this.oreDictSource = oreDictionaryID;
this.output = results;
* Gets the output item from applying this recipe.
* @return An ItemStack instance of the result of this recipe
public ItemStack getOutput() {
return output.copy();
* Checks if the given ItemStack instance is the input for this recipe.
* @param input An ItemStack to test
* @return Returns true if and only if this recipe should produce an output item from the given
* input.
public boolean isValidInput(ItemStack input) {
List<ItemStack> validInputs = OreDictionary.getOres(oreDictSource);
for(int i = 0; i < validInputs.size(); i++){
if(validInputs.get(i).getMetadata() == OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE){
// do not compare metadata values
if(validInputs.get(i).getItem() == input.getItem()){
return true;
} else if(ItemStack.areItemsEqual(validInputs.get(i),input)){
return true;
return false;
* Returns a list of all registered blocks/items for which <code>isValidInput(...)</code> would
* return true. This method is only used for displaying recipes in NEI and does not need to be
* performance optimized.
* @return A list of allowed inputs.
public Collection<ItemStack> getValidInputs() {
return OreDictionary.getOres(oreDictSource);