public abstract class DataConstants {
public static final String defaultOreSpawnJSON = "{"
+ "\n \"dimensions\":["
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"dimension\":\"+\","
+ "\n \"__comment\":\""
+ "dimension 0 for overworld, -1 for the nether, 1 for the end, other numbers "
+ "for dimensions added by other mods, and + for any dimension not already "
+ "described by this file.\","
+ "\n \"ores\":["
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"__comment\":\"These settings are roughly equivalent to the "
+ "parameters of the CUSTOM world json: blockID = the unlocalized name of a "
+ "block in the format 'ModID:blockName',blockMeta = the meta data value for "
+ "the block (optional),size = number of blocks to spawn per ore deposit, "
+ "variation = vary the size of deposits by +/- this amount, frequency = number "
+ "of deposits per chunk (can be less than 1, e.g. 0.5 for 1 deposit every 2 "
+ "chunks), minHeight = minimum spawn height, maxHeight = maximum spawn height, "
+ "biomes = array of biomes to spawn this ore in (if empty or absent, the ore "
+ "will spawn in all biomes). Note that the size values in the Minecraft CUSTOM "
+ "world json do not represent the actual number of blocks spawned, where-as the "
+ "size value here does represent actual number of blocks. \","
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:copper_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":10,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":96"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:silver_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":4,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":32"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:tin_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":10,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":128"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:lead_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":5,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":64"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:zinc_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":5,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":96"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:mercury_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":3,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":32"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:nickel_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":1,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":32,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":96"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:platinum_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":0.125,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":1,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":32"
+ "\n }"
+ "\n ]"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"dimension\":-1,"
+ "\n \"__comment\":\"the nether\","
+ "\n \"ores\":["
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:coldiron_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":5,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":128"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:adamantine_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":2,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":128"
+ "\n }"
+ "\n ]"
+ "\n },"
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"dimension\":1,"
+ "\n \"__comment\":\"the end\","
+ "\n \"ores\":["
+ "\n {"
+ "\n \"blockID\":\"basemetals:starsteel_ore\","
+ "\n \"size\":8,"
+ "\n \"variation\":4,"
+ "\n \"frequency\":5,"
+ "\n \"minHeight\":0,"
+ "\n \"maxHeight\":255"
+ "\n }"
+ "\n ]"
+ "\n }"
+ "\n ]"
+ "\n}";