package net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.dns; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * An {@link net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.dns.AdvancedHostResolver} that provides native JVM lookup using {@link net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.dns.NativeResolver} * but also implements DNS cache manipulation functionality. * <p/> * <b>Important note:</b> The Oracle JVM does not provide any public facility to manipulate the JVM's DNS cache. This class uses reflection to forcibly * manipulate the cache, which includes access to private class members that are not part of the published Java specification. As such, this * implementation is brittle and may break in a future Java release, or may not work on non-Oracle JVMs. If this implementation cannot * perform any of its operations due to a failure to find or set the relevant field using reflection, it will log a warning but will not * throw an exception. You are using this class at your own risk! <b>JVM cache manipulation does not work on Windows</b> -- this class will behave exactly * the same as {@link net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.dns.NativeResolver} on that platform. */ public class NativeCacheManipulatingResolver extends NativeResolver { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NativeCacheManipulatingResolver.class); @Override public void clearDNSCache() { // clear the DNS cache but replacing the LinkedHashMaps that contain the positive and negative caches on the // private static InetAddress.Cache inner class with new, empty maps try { Field positiveCacheField = InetAddress.class.getDeclaredField("addressCache"); positiveCacheField.setAccessible(true); Object positiveCacheInstance = positiveCacheField.get(null); Field negativeCacheField = InetAddress.class.getDeclaredField("negativeCache"); negativeCacheField.setAccessible(true); Object negativeCacheInstance = positiveCacheField.get(null); Class<?> cacheClass = Class.forName("$Cache"); Field cacheField = cacheClass.getDeclaredField("cache"); cacheField.setAccessible(true); cacheField.set(positiveCacheInstance, new LinkedHashMap()); cacheField.set(negativeCacheInstance, new LinkedHashMap()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) { log.warn("Unable to clear native JVM DNS cache", e); } } @Override public void setPositiveDNSCacheTimeout(int timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { try { Class<?> inetAddressCachePolicyClass = Class.forName(""); Field positiveCacheTimeoutSeconds = inetAddressCachePolicyClass.getDeclaredField("cachePolicy"); positiveCacheTimeoutSeconds.setAccessible(true); if (timeout < 0) { positiveCacheTimeoutSeconds.setInt(null, -1);"networkaddress.cache.ttl", "-1"); } else { positiveCacheTimeoutSeconds.setInt(null, (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(timeout, timeUnit));"networkaddress.cache.ttl", Long.toString(TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(timeout, timeUnit))); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { log.warn("Unable to modify native JVM DNS cache timeouts", e); } } @Override public void setNegativeDNSCacheTimeout(int timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { try { Class<?> inetAddressCachePolicyClass = Class.forName(""); Field negativeCacheTimeoutSeconds = inetAddressCachePolicyClass.getDeclaredField("negativeCachePolicy"); negativeCacheTimeoutSeconds.setAccessible(true); if (timeout < 0) { negativeCacheTimeoutSeconds.setInt(null, -1);"networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl", "-1"); } else { negativeCacheTimeoutSeconds.setInt(null, (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(timeout, timeUnit));"networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl", Long.toString(TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(timeout, timeUnit))); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { log.warn("Unable to modify native JVM DNS cache timeouts", e); } } }