package net.lightbody.bmp.mitm; import; import; import net.lightbody.bmp.mitm.keys.KeyGenerator; import net.lightbody.bmp.mitm.keys.RSAKeyGenerator; import; import; import net.lightbody.bmp.mitm.util.EncryptionUtil; import net.lightbody.bmp.mitm.util.MitmConstants; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * A {@link CertificateAndKeySource} that dynamically generates a CA root certificate and private key. The certificate * and key will only be generated once; all subsequent calls to {@link #load()} will return the same materials. To save * the generated certificate and/or private key for installation in a browser or other client, use one of the encode * or save methods: * <ul> * <li>{@link #encodeRootCertificateAsPem()}</li> * <li>{@link #encodePrivateKeyAsPem(String)}</li> * <li>{@link #saveRootCertificateAsPemFile(File)}</li> * <li>{@link #savePrivateKeyAsPemFile(File, String)}</li> * <li>{@link #saveRootCertificateAndKey(String, File, String, String)}</li> * </ul> */ public class RootCertificateGenerator implements CertificateAndKeySource { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RootCertificateGenerator.class); private final CertificateInfo rootCertificateInfo; private final String messageDigest; private final KeyGenerator keyGenerator; private final SecurityProviderTool securityProviderTool; /** * The default algorithm to use when encrypting objects in PEM files (such as private keys). */ private static final String DEFAULT_PEM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "AES-128-CBC"; /** * The new root certificate and private key are generated only once, even across multiple calls to {@link #load()}}, * to allow users to save the new generated root certificate for use in browsers/other HTTP clients. */ private final Supplier<CertificateAndKey> generatedCertificateAndKey = Suppliers.memoize(new Supplier<CertificateAndKey>() { @Override public CertificateAndKey get() { return generateRootCertificate(); } }); public RootCertificateGenerator(CertificateInfo rootCertificateInfo, String messageDigest, KeyGenerator keyGenerator, SecurityProviderTool securityProviderTool) { if (rootCertificateInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CA root certificate cannot be null"); } if (messageDigest == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message digest cannot be null"); } if (keyGenerator == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key generator cannot be null"); } if (securityProviderTool == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Certificate tool cannot be null"); } this.rootCertificateInfo = rootCertificateInfo; this.messageDigest = messageDigest; this.keyGenerator = keyGenerator; this.securityProviderTool = securityProviderTool; } @Override public CertificateAndKey load() { // only generate the materials once, so they can can be saved if desired return generatedCertificateAndKey.get(); } /** * Generates a new CA root certificate and private key. * * @return new root certificate and private key */ private CertificateAndKey generateRootCertificate() { long generationStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // create the public and private key pair that will be used to sign the generated certificate KeyPair caKeyPair = keyGenerator.generate(); // delegate the creation and signing of the X.509 certificate to the certificate tool CertificateAndKey certificateAndKey = securityProviderTool.createCARootCertificate( rootCertificateInfo, caKeyPair, messageDigest); long generationFinished = System.currentTimeMillis();"Generated CA root certificate and private key in {}ms. Key generator: {}. Signature algorithm: {}.", generationFinished - generationStart, keyGenerator, messageDigest); return certificateAndKey; } /** * Returns the generated root certificate as a PEM-encoded String. */ public String encodeRootCertificateAsPem() { return securityProviderTool.encodeCertificateAsPem(generatedCertificateAndKey.get().getCertificate()); } /** * Returns the generated private key as a PEM-encoded String, encrypted using the specified password and the * {@link #DEFAULT_PEM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM}. * * @param privateKeyPassword password to use to encrypt the private key */ public String encodePrivateKeyAsPem(String privateKeyPassword) { return securityProviderTool.encodePrivateKeyAsPem(generatedCertificateAndKey.get().getPrivateKey(), privateKeyPassword, DEFAULT_PEM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM); } /** * Saves the root certificate as PEM-encoded data to the specified file. */ public void saveRootCertificateAsPemFile(File file) { String pemEncodedCertificate = securityProviderTool.encodeCertificateAsPem(generatedCertificateAndKey.get().getCertificate()); EncryptionUtil.writePemStringToFile(file, pemEncodedCertificate); } /** * Saves the private key as PEM-encoded data to a file, using the specified password to encrypt the private key and * the {@link #DEFAULT_PEM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM}. If the password is null, the private key will be stored unencrypted. * In general, private keys should not be stored unencrypted. * * @param file file to save the private key to * @param passwordForPrivateKey password to protect the private key */ public void savePrivateKeyAsPemFile(File file, String passwordForPrivateKey) { String pemEncodedPrivateKey = securityProviderTool.encodePrivateKeyAsPem(generatedCertificateAndKey.get().getPrivateKey(), passwordForPrivateKey, DEFAULT_PEM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM); EncryptionUtil.writePemStringToFile(file, pemEncodedPrivateKey); } /** * Saves the generated certificate and private key as a file, using the specified password to protect the key store. * * @param keyStoreType the KeyStore type, such as PKCS12 or JKS * @param file file to export the root certificate and private key to * @param privateKeyAlias alias for the private key in the KeyStore * @param password password for the private key and the KeyStore */ public void saveRootCertificateAndKey(String keyStoreType, File file, String privateKeyAlias, String password) { CertificateAndKey certificateAndKey = generatedCertificateAndKey.get(); KeyStore keyStore = securityProviderTool.createRootCertificateKeyStore(keyStoreType, certificateAndKey, privateKeyAlias, password); securityProviderTool.saveKeyStore(file, keyStore, password); } /** * Convenience method to return a new {@link Builder} instance. */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * A Builder for {@link RootCertificateGenerator}s. Initialized with suitable default values suitable for most purposes. */ public static class Builder { private CertificateInfo certificateInfo = new CertificateInfo() .commonName(getDefaultCommonName()) .organization("CA dynamically generated by LittleProxy") .notBefore(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 365L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L)) .notAfter(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 365L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L)); private KeyGenerator keyGenerator = new RSAKeyGenerator(); private String messageDigest = MitmConstants.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DIGEST; private SecurityProviderTool securityProviderTool = new DefaultSecurityProviderTool(); /** * Certificate info to use to generate the root certificate. Reasonable default values will be used if certificate * info is not supplied. */ public Builder certificateInfo(CertificateInfo certificateInfo) { this.certificateInfo = certificateInfo; return this; } /** * The {@link KeyGenerator} that will be used to generate the root certificate's public and private keys. */ public Builder keyGenerator(KeyGenerator keyGenerator) { this.keyGenerator = keyGenerator; return this; } /** * The message digest that will be used when self-signing the root certificates. */ public Builder messageDigest(String messageDigest) { this.messageDigest = messageDigest; return this; } /** * The {@link SecurityProviderTool} implementation that will be used to generate certificates. */ public Builder certificateTool(SecurityProviderTool securityProviderTool) { this.securityProviderTool = securityProviderTool; return this; } public RootCertificateGenerator build() { return new RootCertificateGenerator(certificateInfo, messageDigest, keyGenerator, securityProviderTool); } } /** * Creates a default CN field for a certificate, using the hostname of this machine and the current time. */ private static String getDefaultCommonName() { String hostname; try { hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { hostname = "localhost"; } SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz"); String currentDateTime = dateFormat.format(new Date()); String defaultCN = "Generated CA (" + hostname + ") " + currentDateTime; // CN fields can only be 64 characters return defaultCN.length() <= 64 ? defaultCN : defaultCN.substring(0, 63); } }