package net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.dns; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * Base class that provides host name remapping capabilities for AdvancedHostResolvers. Subclasses must implement {@link #resolveRemapped(String)} * instead of {@link net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.dns.HostResolver#resolve(String)}, which takes the remapped host as the input parameter. */ public abstract class AbstractHostNameRemapper implements AdvancedHostResolver { /** * Host name remappings, maintained as a reference to an ImmutableMap. The ImmutableMap type is specified explicitly because ImmutableMap * guarantees the iteration order of the map's entries. Specifying ImmutableMap also makes clear that the underlying map will never change, * and that any modifications to the host name remappings will result in an entirely new map. * * The current implementation does not actually use any of the special features of AtomicReference, but it does rely on synchronizing on * the AtomicReference when performing write operations. It could be replaced by a volatile reference to a Map and separate lock object. */ private final AtomicReference<ImmutableMap<String, String>> remappedHostNames = new AtomicReference<>(ImmutableMap.<String, String>of()); @Override public void remapHosts(Map<String, String> hostRemappings) { synchronized (remappedHostNames) { ImmutableMap<String, String> newRemappings = ImmutableMap.copyOf(hostRemappings); remappedHostNames.set(newRemappings); } } @Override public void remapHost(String originalHost, String remappedHost) { synchronized (remappedHostNames) { Map<String, String> currentHostRemappings = remappedHostNames.get(); // use a LinkedHashMap to build the new remapping, to avoid duplicate key issues if the originalHost is already in the map Map<String, String> builderMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(currentHostRemappings); builderMap.remove(originalHost); builderMap.put(originalHost, remappedHost); ImmutableMap<String, String> newRemappings = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builderMap); remappedHostNames.set(newRemappings); } } @Override public void removeHostRemapping(String originalHost) { synchronized (remappedHostNames) { Map<String, String> currentHostRemappings = remappedHostNames.get(); if (currentHostRemappings.containsKey(originalHost)) { // use a LinkedHashMap to build the new remapping, to take advantage of the remove() method Map<String, String> builderMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(currentHostRemappings); builderMap.remove(originalHost); ImmutableMap<String, String> newRemappings = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builderMap); remappedHostNames.set(newRemappings); } } } @Override public void clearHostRemappings() { synchronized (remappedHostNames) { remappedHostNames.set(ImmutableMap.<String, String>of()); } } @Override public Map<String, String> getHostRemappings() { return remappedHostNames.get(); } @Override public Collection<String> getOriginalHostnames(String remappedHost) { //TODO: implement this using a reverse mapping multimap that is guarded by the same lock as remappedHostNames, since this method will likely be called // very often when forging certificates List<String> originalHostnames = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> currentRemappings = remappedHostNames.get(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : currentRemappings.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(remappedHost)) { originalHostnames.add(entry.getKey()); } } return originalHostnames; } /** * Applies this class's host name remappings to the specified original host, returning the remapped host name (if any), or the originalHost * if there is no remapped host name. * * @param originalHost original host name to resolve * @return a remapped host, or the original host if no mapping exists */ public String applyRemapping(String originalHost) { String remappedHost = remappedHostNames.get().get(originalHost); if (remappedHost != null) { return remappedHost; } else { return originalHost; } } /** * Resolves the specified remapped host. Subclasses should provide resolution by implementing this method, rather than overriding * {@link net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.dns.HostResolver#resolve(String)}. * * @param remappedHost remapped hostname to resolve * @return resolved InetAddresses, or an empty list if no addresses were found */ public abstract Collection<InetAddress> resolveRemapped(String remappedHost); /** * Retrieves the remapped hostname and resolves it using {@link #resolveRemapped(String)}. * * @param originalHost original hostname to resolve * @return InetAddresses resolved from the remapped hostname, or an empty list if no addresses were found */ @Override public Collection<InetAddress> resolve(String originalHost) { String remappedHost = applyRemapping(originalHost); return resolveRemapped(remappedHost); } }