import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
public interface ISeedStorageController {
* Tries to add a stack to the inventory, returns true on success
boolean addStackToInventory(ItemStack stack);
* Returns a list of all the kinds of seeds
List<ItemStack> getControlledSeeds();
* Returns a list of all the slots in the inventory corresponding to that seed
List<SeedStorageSlot> getSlots(Item seed, int meta);
* Adds a controllable to this controller
void addControllable(ISeedStorageControllable controllable);
* Checks if this controller is active
boolean isControlling();
* Returns the coordinates of all the controllables under this controller
List<int[]> getControlledCoordinates();
* Returns the coordinates of the controller
int[] getCoordinates();
* Gets the id of the controllable in this controller
int getControllableID(ISeedStorageControllable controllable);
* Returns the controllable with this active stack
Optional<ISeedStorageControllable> getControllable(ItemStack stack);