import com.infinityraider.agricraft.api.seed.AgriSeed;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
public interface ISeedStorageControllable {
* Tries to add a stack to the inventory, returns true on success
boolean addStackToInventory(ItemStack stack);
* Sets the ItemStack in a slot to a given ItemStack
void setSlotContents(int realSlotId, ItemStack inputStack);
* Gets stack for a slot Id
ItemStack getStackForSlotId(int slotId);
* Decreases the stacksize of the stack in the slot with the given ID by an amount
ItemStack decreaseStackSizeInSlot(int slotId, int amount);
* Returns a list of all the stacks in this inventory, all the slots in this inventory must have the same type of seed
List<ItemStack> getInventory();
* Returns a list of all the slots in the inventory corresponding to that seed
List<SeedStorageSlot> getSlots();
* Returns the coordinates of the controller controlling this controllable
int[] getControllerCoords();
* Returns the coordinates of this controllable
int[] getCoords();
* Returns the controller controlling this controllable
ISeedStorageController getController();
* Returns true if this is being controlled
boolean hasController();
* Returns true if this has a locked seed
boolean hasLockedSeed();
* Sets the locked seed
boolean setLockedSeed(AgriSeed seed);
* Clears the locked seed
void clearLockedSeed();
* Returns the type of seed stored in this controllable
Optional<AgriSeed> getLockedSeed();
* Returns the id of this controllable in the controller, returns -1 if this doesn't have a controller
int getControllableID();