package com.infinityraider.agricraft.tiles.decoration; import com.infinityraider.agricraft.reference.Constants; import com.infinityraider.agricraft.tiles.TileEntityCustomWood; import com.infinityraider.infinitylib.utility.debug.IDebuggable; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.IStringSerializable; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import java.util.List; import com.infinityraider.agricraft.reference.AgriNBT; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class TileEntityGrate extends TileEntityCustomWood implements IDebuggable { private static final double WIDTH = 2 * Constants.UNIT; private static final double LENGTH = 1; private EnumOffset offset = EnumOffset.NEAR; private EnumVines vines = EnumVines.NONE; private EnumFacing.Axis axis = EnumFacing.Axis.X; private double[] bounds; public TileEntityGrate() { super(); } @Override protected void writeNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { tag.setShort(AgriNBT.META, (short) this.offset.ordinal()); tag.setShort(AgriNBT.VINE, (short) this.vines.ordinal()); tag.setShort(AgriNBT.AXIS, (short) this.axis.ordinal()); } //this loads the saved data for the tile entity @Override protected void readNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { this.offset = EnumOffset.values()[tag.getShort(AgriNBT.META) % EnumOffset.values().length]; this.vines = EnumVines.values()[tag.getShort(AgriNBT.VINE) % EnumVines.values().length]; this.axis = EnumFacing.Axis.values()[tag.getShort(AgriNBT.AXIS) % EnumFacing.Axis.values().length]; calculateBounds(); } public EnumOffset getOffset() { return this.offset; } public TileEntityGrate setOffSet(EnumOffset offSet) { if(offSet != this.getOffset()) { this.offset = offSet; this.markForUpdate(); } return this; } public EnumFacing.Axis getAxis() { return this.axis; } public TileEntityGrate setAxis(EnumFacing.Axis axis) { if(axis != this.getAxis()) { this.axis = axis; this.markForUpdate(); } return this; } public TileEntityGrate setAxis(EnumFacing facing) { return facing == null ? this : this.setAxis(facing.getAxis()); } public EnumVines getVines() { return this.vines; } public TileEntityGrate setVines(EnumVines vines) { if(vines != this.getVines()) { this.vines = vines; this.markForUpdate(); } return this; } public boolean hasVines(boolean front) { return this.getVines().hasVines(front); } public boolean addVines(boolean front) { EnumVines vines = this.getVines().addVines(front); if(vines != this.getVines()) { this.setVines(vines); return true; } return false; } public boolean removeVines(boolean front) { EnumVines vines = this.getVines().removeVines(front); if(vines != this.getVines()) { this.setVines(vines); return true; } return false; } public void calculateBounds() { float offset = this.getOffset().getOffset(); if (null != this.getOrientation()) switch (this.getOrientation()) { default: case NORTH: this.bounds = new double[]{0, 0, offset, LENGTH, LENGTH, offset + WIDTH}; break; case EAST: this.bounds = new double[]{offset, 0, 0, offset + WIDTH, LENGTH, LENGTH}; break; case DOWN: this.bounds = new double[]{0, offset, 0, LENGTH, offset + WIDTH, LENGTH}; break; } } public boolean isPlayerInFront(EntityPlayer player) { float offset = this.getOffset().getOffset(); switch (this.getOrientation()) { default: case NORTH: return player.posZ < this.zCoord() + offset + Constants.UNIT; case EAST: return player.posX < this.xCoord() + offset + Constants.UNIT; case DOWN: return player.posY < this.yCoord() + offset + Constants.UNIT; } } public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox() { float offset = this.getOffset().getOffset(); switch (this.getOrientation()) { default: case NORTH: return new AxisAlignedBB(xCoord(), yCoord(), zCoord() + offset, xCoord() + LENGTH, yCoord() + LENGTH, zCoord() + offset + WIDTH); case EAST: return new AxisAlignedBB(xCoord() + offset, yCoord(), zCoord(), xCoord() + offset + WIDTH, yCoord() + LENGTH, zCoord() + LENGTH); case DOWN: return new AxisAlignedBB(xCoord(), yCoord() + offset, zCoord(), xCoord() + LENGTH, yCoord() + offset + WIDTH, zCoord() + LENGTH); } } public double[] getBlockBounds() { return bounds; } //debug info @Override public void addServerDebugInfo(Consumer<String> consumer) { consumer.accept("GRATE:"); super.addServerDebugInfo(consumer); consumer.accept("Offset: " + offset); consumer.accept("Orientation: " + getOrientation() + " (" + (getOrientation() == EnumFacing.NORTH ? "xy" : getOrientation() == EnumFacing.EAST ? "zy" : "xz") + ")"); consumer.accept("Bounds: "); consumer.accept(" - x: " + bounds[0] + " - " + bounds[3]); consumer.accept(" - y: " + bounds[1] + " - " + bounds[4]); consumer.accept(" - z: " + bounds[2] + " - " + bounds[5]); } public enum EnumVines implements IStringSerializable { NONE(false, false), FRONT(true, true), BACK(true, false), BOTH(true, true); private final boolean vines; private final boolean front; EnumVines(boolean hasVines, boolean front) { this.vines = hasVines; this.front = front; } public boolean hasVines(boolean front) { return this.vines && this.front == front; } public EnumVines addVines(boolean front) { if(this.hasVines(front)) { return this; } return values()[this.ordinal() + (front ? 1 : 2)]; } public EnumVines removeVines(boolean front) { if(!this.hasVines(front)) { return this; } return values()[this.ordinal() - (front ? 1 : 2)]; } @Override public String getName() { return; } } public enum EnumOffset implements IStringSerializable { NEAR(0 * 7 * Constants.UNIT), CENTER(1 * 7 * Constants.UNIT), FAR(2 * 7 * Constants.UNIT); private final float offset; EnumOffset(float offset) { this.offset = offset; } public float getOffset() { return this.offset; } @Override public String getName() { return; } } }