package; import; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.ctriposs.bigcache.CacheConfig.StorageMode; /** * The Class StorageBlock. */ public class StorageBlock implements IStorageBlock { /** The index. */ private final int index; /** The capacity. */ private final int capacity; /** The underlying storage. */ private IStorage underlyingStorage; /** The offset within the storage block. */ private final AtomicInteger currentOffset = new AtomicInteger(0); /** The dirty storage. */ private final AtomicInteger dirtyStorage = new AtomicInteger(0); /** The used storage. */ private final AtomicInteger usedStorage = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * Instantiates a new storage block. * * @param dir the directory * @param index the index * @param capacity the capacity * @throws IOException exception throws when failing to create the storage block */ public StorageBlock(String dir, int index, int capacity, StorageMode storageMode) throws IOException{ this.index = index; this.capacity = capacity; switch (storageMode) { case PureFile: underlyingStorage = new FileChannelStorage(dir, index, capacity); break; case MemoryMappedPlusFile: underlyingStorage = new MemoryMappedStorage(dir, index, capacity); break; case OffHeapPlusFile: underlyingStorage = new OffHeapStorage(capacity); break; } } @Override public byte[] retrieve(Pointer pointer) throws IOException { byte [] payload = new byte[pointer.getLength()]; underlyingStorage.get(pointer.getPosition(), payload); return payload; } @Override public byte[] remove(Pointer pointer) throws IOException { byte [] payload = retrieve(pointer); dirtyStorage.addAndGet(pointer.getLength()); usedStorage.addAndGet(-1 * pointer.getLength()); return payload; } @Override public void removeLight(Pointer pointer) throws IOException { dirtyStorage.addAndGet(pointer.getLength()); usedStorage.addAndGet(-1 * pointer.getLength()); } @Override public Pointer store(byte[] payload) throws IOException { Allocation allocation = allocate(payload); if (allocation == null) return null; // not enough storage available Pointer pointer = store(allocation, payload); return pointer; } /** * Allocates storage for the payload, return null if not enough storage available. * * @param payload the payload * @return the allocation */ protected Allocation allocate(byte[] payload) { int payloadLength = payload.length; int allocationOffset = currentOffset.addAndGet(payloadLength); if(this.capacity < allocationOffset){ return null; } Allocation allocation = new Allocation(allocationOffset - payloadLength, payloadLength); return allocation; } /** * Stores the payload by the help of allocation. * * @param allocation the allocation * @param payload the payload * @return the pointer * @throws IOException */ public Pointer store(Allocation allocation, byte[] payload) throws IOException { Pointer pointer = new Pointer(allocation.getOffset(), allocation.getLength(), this); underlyingStorage.put(allocation.getOffset(), payload); usedStorage.addAndGet(payload.length); return pointer; } @Override public Pointer update(Pointer pointer, byte[] payload) throws IOException { if (pointer.getLength() >= payload.length) { // has enough space to reuse dirtyStorage.addAndGet(pointer.getLength() - payload.length); usedStorage.addAndGet(-1 * pointer.getLength()); Allocation allocation = new Allocation(pointer.getPosition(), payload.length); return store(allocation, payload); // should always return a new pointer } else { // make a move dirtyStorage.addAndGet(pointer.getLength()); usedStorage.addAndGet(-1 * pointer.getLength()); return store(payload); // may return null because not enough space available } } @Override public long getDirty() { return this.dirtyStorage.get(); } @Override public double getDirtyRatio() { return (this.getDirty() * 1.0) / this.getCapacity(); } @Override public long getCapacity() { return capacity; } @Override public long getUsed() { return this.usedStorage.get(); } @Override public void free() { currentOffset.set(0); dirtyStorage.set(0); usedStorage.set(0);; } /** * The Class Allocation. */ private static class Allocation { /** The offset. */ private int offset; /** The length. */ private int length; /** * Instantiates a new allocation. * * @param offset the offset * @param length the length */ public Allocation(int offset, int length) { this.offset = offset; this.length = length; } /** * Gets the offset. * * @return the offset */ public int getOffset() { return offset; } /** * Gets the length. * * @return the length */ public int getLength() { return length; } } /** * Gets the index. * * @return the index */ public int getIndex() { return index; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (this.underlyingStorage != null) { this.underlyingStorage.close(); } } @Override public int compareTo(IStorageBlock o) { if (this.getIndex() < o.getIndex()) return -1; else if (this.getIndex() == o.getIndex()) return 0; else return 1; } }