package com.thebluealliance.androidclient.subscribers; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.R; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.comparators.MatchSortByDisplayOrderComparator; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.comparators.MatchSortByPlayOrderComparator; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.database.Database; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.eventbus.EventMatchesEvent; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.eventbus.LiveEventMatchUpdateEvent; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.listitems.ListGroup; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.models.Event; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.models.Match; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.types.MatchType; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.types.PlayoffAdvancement; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus; import android.content.res.Resources; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; public class MatchListSubscriber extends BaseAPISubscriber<List<Match>, List<ListGroup>> { private ListGroup mQualMatches; private ListGroup mOctoMatches; private ListGroup mQuarterMatches; private ListGroup mSemiMatches; private ListGroup mFinalMatches; private String mTeamKey; private String mEventKey; private Database mDb; private EventBus mEventBus; public MatchListSubscriber(Resources resources, Database db, EventBus eventBus) { super(); mDataToBind = new ArrayList<>(); mQualMatches = new ListGroup(resources.getString(R.string.quals_header)); mOctoMatches = new ListGroup(resources.getString(R.string.octo_header)); mQuarterMatches = new ListGroup(resources.getString(R.string.quarters_header)); mSemiMatches = new ListGroup(resources.getString(R.string.semis_header)); mFinalMatches = new ListGroup(resources.getString(R.string.finals_header)); mDb = db; mEventBus = eventBus; mTeamKey = null; } public void setEventKey(String eventKey) { mEventKey = eventKey; } public void setTeamKey(String teamKey) { mTeamKey = teamKey; } @Override public void parseData() { mDataToBind.clear(); mQualMatches.clear(); mOctoMatches.clear(); mQuarterMatches.clear(); mSemiMatches.clear(); mFinalMatches.clear(); int[] record = {0, 0, 0}; //wins, losses, ties Match nextMatch = null; Match lastMatch = null; Event event = mDb.getEventsTable().get(mEventKey); if (event != null && event.isHappeningNow()) { Collections.sort(mAPIData, new MatchSortByPlayOrderComparator()); } else { Collections.sort(mAPIData, new MatchSortByDisplayOrderComparator()); } ListGroup currentGroup = mQualMatches; MatchType lastType = null; Match previousIteration = null; boolean lastMatchPlayed = false; int redFinalsWon = 0; int blueFinalsWon = 0; if (mAPIData.size() > 0) { nextMatch = mAPIData.get(0); } for (int i = 0; i < mAPIData.size(); i++) { Match match = mAPIData.get(i); MatchType currentType = MatchType.fromShortType(match.getCompLevel()); if (lastType != currentType) { switch (currentType) { case QUAL: currentGroup = mQualMatches; break; case OCTO: currentGroup = mOctoMatches; break; case QUARTER: currentGroup = mQuarterMatches; break; case SEMI: currentGroup = mSemiMatches; break; case FINAL: currentGroup = mFinalMatches; break; } } currentGroup.children.add(match); if (lastMatchPlayed && !match.hasBeenPlayed()) { lastMatch = previousIteration; nextMatch = match; } /* Track alliance advancement, indexed by captain team key */ if (currentType == MatchType.FINAL && match.hasBeenPlayed()) { // Need to ensure we can differentiate who won the finals if ("red".equals(match.getWinningAlliance())) { redFinalsWon++; } else if ("blue".equals(match.getWinningAlliance())) { blueFinalsWon++; } } /** * the only reason this isn't moved to PopulateTeamAtEvent is that if so, * we'd have to iterate through every match again to calculate the * record, and that's just wasteful */ if (mTeamKey != null) { match.addToRecord(mTeamKey, record); } lastType = currentType; previousIteration = match; lastMatchPlayed = match.hasBeenPlayed(); } if (lastMatch == null && !mAPIData.isEmpty()) { Match last = mAPIData.get(mAPIData.size() - 1); if (last.hasBeenPlayed()) { lastMatch = last; } } if (nextMatch != null && nextMatch.hasBeenPlayed()) { // Avoids bug where matches loop over when all played // Because nextMatch is initialized to the first qual match // So that it displayed before any have been played nextMatch = null; } if (!mQualMatches.children.isEmpty()) { mDataToBind.add(mQualMatches); } if (!mOctoMatches.children.isEmpty()) { mDataToBind.add(mOctoMatches); } if (!mQuarterMatches.children.isEmpty()) { mDataToBind.add(mQuarterMatches); } if (!mSemiMatches.children.isEmpty()) { mDataToBind.add(mSemiMatches); } if (!mFinalMatches.children.isEmpty()) { mDataToBind.add(mFinalMatches); } LiveEventMatchUpdateEvent(lastMatch, nextMatch)); } private void addAllianceTeams( HashMap<String, PlayoffAdvancement> advancement, List<String> teams, PlayoffAdvancement level) { for (int i = 0; i < teams.size(); i++) { String teamKey = teams.get(i); advancement.put(teamKey, level); } } @Override public boolean isDataValid() { return super.isDataValid() && !mAPIData.isEmpty(); } @Override protected boolean shouldPostToEventBus() { return true; } @Override protected void postToEventBus(EventBus eventBus) { EventMatchesEvent(mAPIData)); } }