package com.thebluealliance.androidclient.gcm.notifications; import; import; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.BuildConfig; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.R; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.TbaLogger; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.Utilities; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.activities.HomeActivity; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.gcm.FollowsChecker; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.helpers.JSONHelper; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.listeners.GamedayTickerClickListener; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.models.StoredNotification; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.viewmodels.GenericNotificationViewModel; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class GenericNotification extends BaseNotification<GenericNotificationViewModel> { public static final String TITLE = "title"; public static final String DESC = "desc"; public static final String URL = "url"; public static final String APP_VERSION = "app_version"; protected String title, message; protected Uri uri; public GenericNotification(String type, String messageData) { super(type, messageData); } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getMessage() { return message; } @Override public void parseMessageData() throws JsonParseException { JsonObject jsonData = JSONHelper.getasJsonObject(messageData); if (!jsonData.has(TITLE)) { throw new JsonParseException("Notification data does not contain 'title'"); } title = jsonData.get(TITLE).getAsString(); if (!jsonData.has(DESC)) { throw new JsonParseException("Notification data does not contain 'desc'"); } message = jsonData.get(DESC).getAsString(); if (jsonData.has(URL)) { uri = Uri.parse(jsonData.get(URL).getAsString()); } if (jsonData.has(APP_VERSION)) { int targetVersion = jsonData.get(APP_VERSION).getAsInt(); int currentVersion = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE; if (currentVersion < targetVersion) { // The broadcast is not targeted at this version, don't show it TbaLogger.d("Not displaying received broadcast target at version " + targetVersion + " (this is version " + currentVersion + ")"); display = false; } } } @Override public Notification buildNotification(Context context, FollowsChecker followsChecker) { stored = new StoredNotification(); stored.setType(getNotificationType()); stored.setTitle(title); stored.setBody(message); stored.setMessageData(messageData); stored.setTime(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); Intent intent = getIntent(context); NotificationCompat.Builder builder = getBaseBuilder(context, intent) .setContentTitle(title) .setContentText(message) .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(message)); return; } @Override public Intent getIntent(Context context) { Intent intent; if (uri != null) { intent = Utilities.getIntentForTBAUrl(context, uri); if (intent == null) { // The URI didn't match anything that TBA can process // Pass off the URI to a general View intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri); } intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); if (intent.resolveActivity(context.getPackageManager()) == null) { // Nothing can process this URI, pretend it doesn't exist and go on our merry way intent = null; } } else { intent = HomeActivity.newInstance(context,; } return intent; } @Override public void updateDataLocally() { /* No data to be stored locally */ } @Override public int getNotificationId() { return (new Date().getTime() + ":" + getNotificationType() + ":" + messageData).hashCode(); } @Override public View getView(Context c, LayoutInflater inflater, View convertView) { ViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null || !(convertView.getTag() instanceof ViewHolder)) { convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item_notification_generic, null, false); holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.header = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.title = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.message = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.time = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.summaryContainer = convertView.findViewById(; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } holder.header.setText(c.getString(R.string.notification_broadcast_header)); holder.title.setText(title); holder.message.setText(message); holder.time.setText(getNotificationTimeString(c)); holder.summaryContainer.setOnClickListener(new GamedayTickerClickListener(c, this)); return convertView; } @Nullable @Override public GenericNotificationViewModel renderToViewModel(Context context, @Nullable Void aVoid) { String header; if (getNotificationType().equals(NotificationTypes.BROADCAST)) { header = context.getString(R.string.notification_broadcast_header); } else if (getNotificationType().equals(NotificationTypes.PING)) { header = context.getString(R.string.notification_ping_header); } else { header = ""; } return new GenericNotificationViewModel(header, title, message, getNotificationTimeString(context), getIntent(context)); } private static class ViewHolder { public TextView header; public TextView title; public TextView message; public TextView time; private View summaryContainer; } }