package fr.ippon.tatami.service; import fr.ippon.tatami.AbstractCassandraTatamiTest; import fr.ippon.tatami.domain.User; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class TrendServiceTest extends AbstractCassandraTatamiTest { @Inject public StatusUpdateService statusUpdateService; @Inject public TrendService trendService; @Test public void testSearchTags() { mockAuthentication(""); String domain = ""; Collection<String> tags = trendService.searchTags(domain, "Te", 1); assertEquals(0, tags.size()); tags = trendService.searchTags(domain, "Test", 1); assertEquals(0, tags.size()); statusUpdateService.postStatus("Message #Test", false, new ArrayList<String>(), null); tags = trendService.searchTags(domain, "Te", 1); assertEquals(1, tags.size()); tags = trendService.searchTags(domain, "Test", 1); assertEquals(1, tags.size()); } @Test public void testCurrentTrends() { mockAuthentication(""); String domain = ""; Collection<Trend> trends = trendService.getCurrentTrends(domain); for (Trend trend : trends) { if (trend.getTag().equals("TheTrend")) { fail("#TheTrend shoud not be trending yet"); } } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { statusUpdateService.postStatus("Trending message " + i + " #Trending", false, new ArrayList<String>(), null); } trends = trendService.getCurrentTrends(domain); boolean foundTrend = false; for (Trend trend : trends) { if (trend.getTag().equals("Trending")) { foundTrend = true; assertTrue(trend.isTrendingUp()); } } if (!foundTrend) { fail("#Trending should have been trending"); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { statusUpdateService.postStatus("New trending message " + i + " #NewTrend", false, new ArrayList<String>(), null); } trends = trendService.getCurrentTrends(domain); foundTrend = false; boolean foundNewTrend = false; for (Trend trend : trends) { if (trend.getTag().equals("Trending")) { foundTrend = true; assertFalse(trend.isTrendingUp()); } else if (trend.getTag().equals("NewTrend")) { foundNewTrend = true; assertTrue(trend.isTrendingUp()); } } if (!foundTrend) { fail("#Trending should have been trending"); } if (!foundNewTrend) { fail("#NewTrend should have been trending"); } } @Test public void testUserTrends() { String login = ""; mockAuthentication(login); Collection<Trend> trends = trendService.getTrendsForUser(login); for (Trend trend : trends) { if (trend.getTag().equals("MyTrend")) { fail("#MyTrend shoud not be trending yet"); } } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { statusUpdateService.postStatus("User trending message " + i + " #MyTrend", false, new ArrayList<String>(), null); } trends = trendService.getTrendsForUser(login); boolean foundTrend = false; for (Trend trend : trends) { if (trend.getTag().equals("MyTrend")) { foundTrend = true; assertTrue(trend.isTrendingUp()); } } if (!foundTrend) { fail("#MyTrend should have been trending"); } } @Test public void testPrivateMessagesNotInTrends() { String login = ""; mockAuthentication(login); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { statusUpdateService.postStatus("@anotheruser private message " + i + " #NoTrend", true, new ArrayList<String>(), null); } Collection<Trend> trends = trendService.getCurrentTrends(""); boolean foundTrend = false; for (Trend trend : trends) { if (trend.getTag().equals("NoTrend")) { foundTrend = true; } } if (foundTrend) { fail("#NoTrend should not have been trending"); } trendService.getTrendsForUser(login); foundTrend = false; for (Trend trend : trends) { if (trend.getTag().equals("NoTrend")) { foundTrend = true; } } if (foundTrend) { fail("#NoTrend should not have been trending"); } } private void mockAuthentication(String login) { User authenticateUser = constructAUser(login); AuthenticationService mockAuthenticationService = mock(AuthenticationService.class); when(mockAuthenticationService.getCurrentUser()).thenReturn(authenticateUser); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(statusUpdateService, "authenticationService", mockAuthenticationService); } }