package fr.ippon.tatami.service; import fr.ippon.tatami.config.Constants; import fr.ippon.tatami.domain.Group; import fr.ippon.tatami.domain.User; import fr.ippon.tatami.domain.status.*; import fr.ippon.tatami.repository.*; import; import fr.ippon.tatami.service.dto.StatusDTO; import fr.ippon.tatami.service.exception.ArchivedGroupException; import fr.ippon.tatami.service.exception.ReplyStatusException; import fr.ippon.tatami.service.util.DomainUtil; import org.apache.camel.util.Time; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps.Abs; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @Service public class StatusUpdateService { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatusUpdateService.class); private static final Pattern PATTERN_LOGIN = Pattern.compile("@[^\\s,\\p{Punct}]+"); private static final Pattern PATTERN_HASHTAG = Pattern.compile("(^|\\s)#([^\\s !\"#$%&\'()*+,./:;<=>?@\\\\\\[\\]^_`{|}~-]+)"); @Inject private FollowerRepository followerRepository; @Inject private TagFollowerRepository tagFollowerRepository; @Inject private AuthenticationService authenticationService; @Inject private DaylineRepository daylineRepository; @Inject private StatusRepository statusRepository; @Inject private TimelineRepository timelineRepository; @Inject private MentionService mentionService; @Inject private UserlineRepository userlineRepository; @Inject private TaglineRepository taglineRepository; @Inject private TagCounterRepository tagCounterRepository; @Inject private UserGroupRepository userGroupRepository; @Inject private GrouplineRepository grouplineRepository; @Inject private GroupMembersRepository groupMembersRepository; @Inject private GroupService groupService; @Inject private TrendRepository trendsRepository; @Inject private UserTrendRepository userTrendRepository; @Inject private DiscussionRepository discussionRepository; @Inject private CounterRepository counterRepository; @Inject private SearchService searchService; @Inject private DomainlineRepository domainlineRepository; @Inject private StatusAttachmentRepository statusAttachmentRepository; @Inject private AtmosphereService atmosphereService; @Inject private MailService mailService; @Inject private StatusReportRepository statusReportRepository; @Inject private BlockRepository blockRepository; @Inject private TimelineService timelineService; public void postStatus(String content, boolean statusPrivate, Collection<String> attachmentIds, String geoLocalization) { createStatus(content, statusPrivate, null, "", "", "", attachmentIds, null, geoLocalization); } public void postStatus(String content, boolean statusPrivate, Collection<String> attachmentIds) { createStatus(content, statusPrivate, null, "", "", "", attachmentIds); } public void postStatusToGroup(String content, Group group, Collection<String> attachmentIds, String geoLocalization) { createStatus(content, false, group, "", "", "", attachmentIds, null, geoLocalization); } public void postStatusAsUser(String content, User user) { createStatus(content, false, null, "", "", "", null, user, null); } public void replyToStatus(String content, String replyTo, Collection<String> attachmentIds) throws ArchivedGroupException, ReplyStatusException { AbstractStatus abstractStatus = statusRepository.findStatusById(replyTo); if (abstractStatus != null && !abstractStatus.getType().equals(StatusType.STATUS) && !abstractStatus.getType().equals(StatusType.SHARE) && !abstractStatus.getType().equals(StatusType.ANNOUNCEMENT)) { log.debug("Cannot reply to a status of this type"); throw new ReplyStatusException(); } if (abstractStatus != null && abstractStatus.getType().equals(StatusType.SHARE)) { log.debug("Replacing the share by the original status"); Share share = (Share) abstractStatus; AbstractStatus abstractRealStatus = statusRepository.findStatusById(share.getOriginalStatusId()); abstractStatus = abstractRealStatus; } else if (abstractStatus != null && abstractStatus.getType().equals(StatusType.ANNOUNCEMENT)) { log.debug("Replacing the announcement by the original status"); Announcement announcement = (Announcement) abstractStatus; AbstractStatus abstractRealStatus = statusRepository.findStatusById(announcement.getOriginalStatusId()); abstractStatus = abstractRealStatus; } Status status = (Status) abstractStatus; Group group = null; if (status.getGroupId() != null) { group = groupService.getGroupById(status.getDomain(), status.getGroupId()); if (group.isArchivedGroup()) { throw new ArchivedGroupException(); } } if (!status.getReplyTo().equals("")) { log.debug("Replacing the status by the status at the origin of the discussion"); // Original status is also a reply, replying to the real original status instead AbstractStatus abstractRealOriginalStatus = statusRepository.findStatusById(status.getDiscussionId()); if (abstractRealOriginalStatus == null || !abstractRealOriginalStatus.getType().equals(StatusType.STATUS)) { throw new ReplyStatusException(); } Status realOriginalStatus = (Status) abstractRealOriginalStatus; Status replyStatus = createStatus( content, realOriginalStatus.getStatusPrivate(), group, realOriginalStatus.getStatusId(), status.getStatusId(), status.getUsername(), attachmentIds); discussionRepository.addReplyToDiscussion(realOriginalStatus.getStatusId(), replyStatus.getStatusId()); } else { log.debug("Replying directly to the status at the origin of the disucssion"); // The original status of the discussion is the one we reply to Status replyStatus = createStatus(content, status.getStatusPrivate(), group, status.getStatusId(), status.getStatusId(), status.getUsername(), attachmentIds); discussionRepository.addReplyToDiscussion(status.getStatusId(), replyStatus.getStatusId()); } } private Status createStatus(String content, boolean statusPrivate, Group group, String discussionId, String replyTo, String replyToUsername, Collection<String> attachmentIds) { return createStatus( content, statusPrivate, group, discussionId, replyTo, replyToUsername, attachmentIds, null, null); } private Status createStatus(String content, boolean statusPrivate, Group group, String discussionId, String replyTo, String replyToUsername, Collection<String> attachmentIds, User user, String geoLocalization) { content = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(content); long startTime = 0; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { startTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); log.debug("Creating new status : {}", content); } String currentLogin; if (user == null) { currentLogin = authenticationService.getCurrentUser().getLogin(); } else { currentLogin = user.getLogin(); } String domain = DomainUtil.getDomainFromLogin(currentLogin); Status status = statusRepository.createStatus(currentLogin, statusPrivate, group, attachmentIds, content, discussionId, replyTo, replyToUsername, geoLocalization); if (attachmentIds != null && attachmentIds.size() > 0) { for (String attachmentId : attachmentIds) { statusAttachmentRepository.addAttachmentId(status.getStatusId(), attachmentId); } } // add status to the timeline addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(currentLogin, status); if (status.getStatusPrivate()) { // Private status // add status to the mentioned users' timeline manageMentions(status, null, currentLogin, domain, new ArrayList<String>()); } else { // Public status Collection<String> followersForUser = followerRepository.findFollowersForUser(currentLogin); // add status to the dayline, userline String day = StatsService.DAYLINE_KEY_FORMAT.format(status.getStatusDate()); daylineRepository.addStatusToDayline(status, day); userlineRepository.addStatusToUserline(status.getLogin(), status.getStatusId()); // add the status to the group line and group followers manageGroups(status, group, followersForUser); // tag managgement manageStatusTags(status, group); // add status to the mentioned users' timeline manageMentions(status, group, currentLogin, domain, followersForUser); // Increment status count for the current user counterRepository.incrementStatusCounter(currentLogin); // Add to the searchStatus engine searchService.addStatus(status); // add status to the company wall addToCompanyWall(status, group); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { long finishTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();"Status created in " + (finishTime - startTime) + "ms."); } return status; } private void manageGroups(Status status, Group group, Collection<String> followersForUser) { if (group != null) { grouplineRepository.addStatusToGroupline(group.getGroupId(), status.getStatusId()); Collection<String> groupMemberLogins = groupMembersRepository.findMembers(group.getGroupId()).keySet(); // For all people following the group for (String groupMemberLogin : groupMemberLogins) { addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(groupMemberLogin, status); } if (isPublicGroup(group)) { // for people not following the group but following the user for (String followerLogin : followersForUser) { if (!groupMemberLogins.contains(followerLogin)) { addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(followerLogin, status); } } } } else { // only people following the user for (String followerLogin : followersForUser) { addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(followerLogin, status); } } } private void addToCompanyWall(Status status, Group group) { if (isPublicGroup(group)) { domainlineRepository.addStatusToDomainline(status.getDomain(), status.getStatusId()); } } /** * Parses the status to find tags, and add those tags to the TagLine and the Trends. * <p/> * The Tatami Bot is a specific use case : as it sends a lot of statuses, it may pollute the global trends, * so it is excluded from it. */ private void manageStatusTags(Status status, Group group) { Matcher m = PATTERN_HASHTAG.matcher(status.getContent()); while (m.find()) { String tag =; if (tag != null && !tag.isEmpty() && !tag.contains("#")) { log.debug("Found tag : {}", tag); taglineRepository.addStatusToTagline(tag, status); tagCounterRepository.incrementTagCounter(status.getDomain(), tag); //Excludes the Tatami Bot from the global trend if (!status.getUsername().equals(Constants.TATAMIBOT_NAME)) { trendsRepository.addTag(status.getDomain(), tag); } userTrendRepository.addTag(status.getLogin(), tag); // Add the status to all users following this tag addStatusToTagFollowers(status, group, tag); } } } private void manageMentions(Status status, Group group, String currentLogin, String domain, Collection<String> followersForUser) { Matcher m = PATTERN_LOGIN.matcher(status.getContent()); while (m.find()) { String mentionedUsername = extractUsernameWithoutAt(; if (mentionedUsername != null && !mentionedUsername.equals(currentLogin) && !followersForUser.contains(mentionedUsername)) { log.debug("Mentionning : {}", mentionedUsername); String mentionedLogin = DomainUtil.getLoginFromUsernameAndDomain(mentionedUsername, domain); // If this is a private group, and if the mentioned user is not in the group, he will not see the status if (!isPublicGroup(group)) { Collection<String> groupIds = userGroupRepository.findGroups(mentionedLogin); if (groupIds.contains(group.getGroupId())) { // The user is part of the private group mentionUser(mentionedLogin, status); } } else { // This is a public status mentionUser(mentionedLogin, status); } } } } private void addStatusToTagFollowers(Status status, Group group, String tag) { Collection<String> followersForTag = tagFollowerRepository.findFollowers(status.getDomain(), tag); if (isPublicGroup(group)) { // This is a public status for (String followerLogin : followersForTag) { addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(followerLogin, status); } } else { // This is a private status for (String followerLogin : followersForTag) { Collection<String> groupIds = userGroupRepository.findGroups(followerLogin); if (groupIds.contains(group.getGroupId())) { // The user is part of the private group addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(followerLogin, status); } } } } /** * A status that mentions a user is put in the user's mentionline and in his timeline. * The mentioned user can also be notified by email or iOS push. */ private void mentionUser(String mentionedLogin, Status status) { addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(mentionedLogin, status); mentionService.mentionUser(mentionedLogin, status); } private String extractUsernameWithoutAt(String dest) { return dest.substring(1, dest.length()); } private boolean isPublicGroup(Group group) { return group == null || group.isPublicGroup(); } /** * Adds the status to the timeline and notifies the user with Atmosphere. */ private void addStatusToTimelineAndNotify(String login, Status status) { timelineRepository.addStatusToTimeline(login, status.getStatusId()); atmosphereService.notifyUser(login, status); } public void reportStatus(String reportingLogin, String statusId) { log.debug("Reported Status: ", statusId); String domain = DomainUtil.getDomainFromLogin(reportingLogin); statusReportRepository.reportStatus(domain, statusId, reportingLogin); mailService.sendReportedStatusEmail(reportingLogin, statusRepository.findStatusById(statusId)); } private List<String> getAllReportedStatuses(String domain){ return statusReportRepository.findReportedStatuses(domain); } public Collection<StatusDTO> findReportedStatuses (){ List<String> reportedStatusId = getAllReportedStatuses(authenticationService.getCurrentUser().getDomain()); return timelineService.buildStatusList(reportedStatusId); } public void approveReportedStatus(String statusId){ if(authenticationService.hasAuthenticatedUser() && authenticationService.isCurrentUserInRole("ROLE_ADMIN")){ log.debug("Admin approving reported status {}", statusId ); User currentUser = authenticationService.getCurrentUser(); statusReportRepository.unreportStatus(currentUser.getDomain(), statusId); } else { log.warn("Attempt to approve reported status {} but is not admin", statusId); } } public void deleteReportedStatus(String statusId){ if(authenticationService.hasAuthenticatedUser() && authenticationService.isCurrentUserInRole("ROLE_ADMIN")){ log.debug("Admin deleting reported status {}", statusId ); User currentUser = authenticationService.getCurrentUser(); statusReportRepository.unreportStatus(currentUser.getDomain(), statusId); timelineService.removeStatus(statusId); } else { log.warn("Attempt to delete reported status {} but is not admin", statusId); } } }