/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.rules; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.tajo.OverridableConf; import org.apache.tajo.SessionVars; import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoException; import org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlan; import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.IndexScanNode; import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.LogicalNode; import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.RelationNode; import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.ScanNode; import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRule; import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext; import org.apache.tajo.plan.util.PlannerUtil; import org.apache.tajo.plan.visitor.BasicLogicalPlanVisitor; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; public class AccessPathRewriter implements LogicalPlanRewriteRule { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AccessPathRewriter.class); private static final String NAME = "Access Path Rewriter"; private Rewriter rewriter = new Rewriter(); @Override public String getName() { return NAME; } @Override public boolean isEligible(LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext context) { if (context.getQueryContext().getBool(SessionVars.INDEX_ENABLED)) { for (LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block : context.getPlan().getQueryBlocks()) { for (RelationNode relationNode : block.getRelations()) { List<AccessPathInfo> accessPathInfos = block.getAccessInfos(relationNode); // If there are any alternative access paths if (accessPathInfos.size() > 1) { for (AccessPathInfo accessPathInfo : accessPathInfos) { if (accessPathInfo.getScanType() == AccessPathInfo.ScanTypeControl.INDEX_SCAN) { return true; } } } } } } return false; } @Override public LogicalPlan rewrite(LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext context) throws TajoException { LogicalPlan plan = context.getPlan(); LogicalPlan.QueryBlock rootBlock = plan.getRootBlock(); rewriter.init(context.getQueryContext()); rewriter.visit(rootBlock, plan, rootBlock, rootBlock.getRoot(), new Stack<>()); return plan; } private final class Rewriter extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<Object, Object> { private OverridableConf conf; public void init(OverridableConf conf) { this.conf = conf; } @Override public Object visitScan(Object object, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, ScanNode scanNode, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException { List<AccessPathInfo> accessPaths = block.getAccessInfos(scanNode); AccessPathInfo optimalPath = null; // initialize for (AccessPathInfo accessPath : accessPaths) { if (accessPath.getScanType() == AccessPathInfo.ScanTypeControl.SEQ_SCAN) { optimalPath = accessPath; break; } } // find the optimal path for (AccessPathInfo accessPath : accessPaths) { if (accessPath.getScanType() == AccessPathInfo.ScanTypeControl.INDEX_SCAN) { // estimation selectivity and choose the better path // TODO: improve the selectivity estimation double estimateSelectivity = 0.001; double selectivityThreshold = conf.getFloat(SessionVars.INDEX_SELECTIVITY_THRESHOLD); LOG.info("Selectivity threshold: " + selectivityThreshold); LOG.info("Estimated selectivity: " + estimateSelectivity); if (estimateSelectivity < selectivityThreshold) { // if the estimated selectivity is greater than threshold, use the index scan optimalPath = accessPath; } } } if (optimalPath != null && optimalPath.getScanType() == AccessPathInfo.ScanTypeControl.INDEX_SCAN) { IndexScanInfo indexScanInfo = (IndexScanInfo) optimalPath; plan.addHistory("AccessPathRewriter chooses index scan for " + scanNode.getTableName()); IndexScanNode indexScanNode = new IndexScanNode(plan.newPID(), scanNode, indexScanInfo.getKeySchema(), indexScanInfo.getPredicates(), indexScanInfo.getIndexPath()); if (stack.empty() || block.getRoot().equals(scanNode)) { block.setRoot(indexScanNode); } else { PlannerUtil.replaceNode(plan, stack.peek(), scanNode, indexScanNode); } block.registerNode(indexScanNode); } return null; } } }