/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tajo.plan; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.apache.commons.collections.set.UnmodifiableSet; import org.apache.tajo.OverridableConf; import org.apache.tajo.algebra.*; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.*; import org.apache.tajo.catalog.CatalogUtil.Direction; import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes; import org.apache.tajo.datum.*; import org.apache.tajo.exception.*; import org.apache.tajo.plan.algebra.BaseAlgebraVisitor; import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.*; import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.NodeType; import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.TableSubQueryNode; import org.apache.tajo.plan.nameresolver.NameResolver; import org.apache.tajo.plan.nameresolver.NameResolvingMode; import org.apache.tajo.type.TypeFactory; import org.apache.tajo.util.Pair; import org.apache.tajo.util.TUtil; import org.apache.tajo.util.datetime.DateTimeUtil; import org.apache.tajo.util.datetime.TimeMeta; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TimeZone; import static org.apache.tajo.algebra.WindowSpec.WindowFrameEndBoundType; import static org.apache.tajo.algebra.WindowSpec.WindowFrameStartBoundType; import static org.apache.tajo.catalog.TypeConverter.convert; import static org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.FunctionType; import static org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes.DataType; import static org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes.Type.NULL_TYPE; import static org.apache.tajo.function.FunctionUtil.buildSimpleFunctionSignature; import static org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.WindowSpec.*; import static org.apache.tajo.plan.verifier.SyntaxErrorUtil.makeSyntaxError; import static org.apache.tajo.type.Type.Text; /** * <code>ExprAnnotator</code> makes an annotated expression called <code>EvalNode</code> from an * {@link org.apache.tajo.algebra.Expr}. It visits descendants recursively from a given expression, and finally * it returns an EvalNode. */ public class ExprAnnotator extends BaseAlgebraVisitor<ExprAnnotator.Context, EvalNode> { private CatalogService catalog; public ExprAnnotator(CatalogService catalog) { this.catalog = catalog; } static class Context { OverridableConf queryContext; TimeZone timeZone; LogicalPlan plan; LogicalPlan.QueryBlock currentBlock; NameResolvingMode columnRsvLevel; boolean includeSelfDescTable; public Context(LogicalPlanner.PlanContext planContext, NameResolvingMode colRsvLevel, boolean includeSeflDescTable) { this.queryContext = planContext.queryContext; this.timeZone = planContext.timeZone; this.plan = planContext.plan; this.currentBlock = planContext.queryBlock; this.columnRsvLevel = colRsvLevel; this.includeSelfDescTable = includeSeflDescTable; } } public EvalNode createEvalNode(LogicalPlanner.PlanContext planContext, Expr expr, NameResolvingMode colRsvLevel) throws TajoException { return createEvalNode(planContext, expr, colRsvLevel, false); } public EvalNode createEvalNode(LogicalPlanner.PlanContext planContext, Expr expr, NameResolvingMode colRsvLevel, boolean includeSeflDescTable) throws TajoException { Context context = new Context(planContext, colRsvLevel, includeSeflDescTable); return planContext.evalOptimizer.optimize(planContext, visit(context, new Stack<>(), expr)); } public static void assertEval(boolean condition, String message) throws TajoException { if (!condition) { throw makeSyntaxError(message); } } /** * It checks both terms in binary expression. If one of both needs type conversion, it inserts a cast expression. * * @param lhs left hand side term * @param rhs right hand side term * @return a pair including left/right hand side terms */ private static Pair<EvalNode, EvalNode> convertTypesIfNecessary(Context ctx, EvalNode lhs, EvalNode rhs) { TajoDataTypes.Type lhsType = lhs.getValueType().kind(); TajoDataTypes.Type rhsType = rhs.getValueType().kind(); // If one of both is NULL, it just returns the original types without casting. if (lhsType == NULL_TYPE || rhsType == NULL_TYPE) { return new Pair<>(lhs, rhs); } TajoDataTypes.Type toBeCasted = TUtil.getFromNestedMap(CatalogUtil.OPERATION_CASTING_MAP, lhsType, rhsType); if (toBeCasted != null) { // if not null, one of either should be converted to another type. // Overwrite lhs, rhs, or both with cast expression. Direction direction = CatalogUtil.getCastingDirection(lhsType, rhsType); if (lhsType != toBeCasted && (direction == Direction.BOTH || direction == Direction.LHS)) { lhs = convertType(ctx, lhs, TypeFactory.create(toBeCasted)); } if (rhsType != toBeCasted && (direction == Direction.BOTH || direction == Direction.RHS)) { rhs = convertType(ctx, rhs, TypeFactory.create(toBeCasted)); } } return new Pair<>(lhs, rhs); } /** * Insert a type conversion expression to a given expression. * If the type of expression and <code>toType</code> is already the same, it just returns the original expression. * * @param evalNode an expression * @param toType target type * @return type converted expression. */ private static EvalNode convertType(Context ctx, EvalNode evalNode, org.apache.tajo.type.Type toType) { // if original and toType is the same, we don't need type conversion. if (evalNode.getValueType().equals(toType)) { return evalNode; } // the conversion to null is not allowed. if (evalNode.getValueType().isNull() || toType.isNull()) { return evalNode; } if (evalNode.getType() == EvalType.BETWEEN) { BetweenPredicateEval between = (BetweenPredicateEval) evalNode; between.setPredicand(convertType(ctx, between.getPredicand(), toType)); between.setBegin(convertType(ctx, between.getBegin(), toType)); between.setEnd(convertType(ctx, between.getEnd(), toType)); return between; } else if (evalNode.getType() == EvalType.CASE) { CaseWhenEval caseWhenEval = (CaseWhenEval) evalNode; for (CaseWhenEval.IfThenEval ifThen : caseWhenEval.getIfThenEvals()) { ifThen.setResult(convertType(ctx, ifThen.getResult(), toType)); } if (caseWhenEval.hasElse()) { caseWhenEval.setElseResult(convertType(ctx, caseWhenEval.getElse(), toType)); } return caseWhenEval; } else if (evalNode.getType() == EvalType.ROW_CONSTANT) { RowConstantEval original = (RowConstantEval) evalNode; Datum[] datums = original.getValues(); Datum[] convertedDatum = new Datum[datums.length]; for (int i = 0; i < datums.length; i++) { convertedDatum[i] = DatumFactory.cast(datums[i], toType, ctx.timeZone); } RowConstantEval convertedRowConstant = new RowConstantEval(convertedDatum); return convertedRowConstant; } else if (evalNode.getType() == EvalType.CONST) { ConstEval original = (ConstEval) evalNode; ConstEval newConst = new ConstEval(DatumFactory.cast(original.getValue(), toType, ctx.timeZone)); return newConst; } else { return new CastEval(ctx.queryContext, evalNode, toType); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logical Operator Section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public EvalNode visitAnd(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); return new BinaryEval(EvalType.AND, left, right); } @Override public EvalNode visitOr(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); return new BinaryEval(EvalType.OR, left, right); } @Override public EvalNode visitNot(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, NotExpr expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode child = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getChild()); stack.pop(); return new NotEval(child); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Comparison Predicates Section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public EvalNode visitEquals(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { return visitCommonComparison(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitNotEquals(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { return visitCommonComparison(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitLessThan(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { return visitCommonComparison(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitLessThanOrEquals(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { return visitCommonComparison(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitGreaterThan(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { return visitCommonComparison(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitGreaterThanOrEquals(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { return visitCommonComparison(ctx, stack, expr); } public EvalNode visitCommonComparison(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); EvalType evalType; switch (expr.getType()) { case Equals: evalType = EvalType.EQUAL; break; case NotEquals: evalType = EvalType.NOT_EQUAL; break; case LessThan: evalType = EvalType.LTH; break; case LessThanOrEquals: evalType = EvalType.LEQ; break; case GreaterThan: evalType = EvalType.GTH; break; case GreaterThanOrEquals: evalType = EvalType.GEQ; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong Expr Type: " + expr.getType()); } return createBinaryNode(ctx, evalType, left, right); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other Predicates Section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public EvalNode visitBetween(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BetweenPredicate between) throws TajoException { stack.push(between); EvalNode predicand = visit(ctx, stack, between.predicand()); EvalNode begin = visit(ctx, stack, between.begin()); EvalNode end = visit(ctx, stack, between.end()); stack.pop(); // implicit type conversion DataType widestType = CatalogUtil.getWidestType( convert(predicand.getValueType()).getDataType(), convert(begin.getValueType()).getDataType(), convert(end.getValueType()).getDataType()); BetweenPredicateEval betweenEval = new BetweenPredicateEval( between.isNot(), between.isSymmetric(), predicand, begin, end); betweenEval = (BetweenPredicateEval) convertType(ctx, betweenEval, TypeConverter.convert(widestType)); return betweenEval; } @Override public EvalNode visitCaseWhen(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, CaseWhenPredicate caseWhen) throws TajoException { CaseWhenEval caseWhenEval = new CaseWhenEval(); EvalNode condition; EvalNode result; for (CaseWhenPredicate.WhenExpr when : caseWhen.getWhens()) { condition = visit(ctx, stack, when.getCondition()); result = visit(ctx, stack, when.getResult()); caseWhenEval.addIfCond(condition, result); } if (caseWhen.hasElseResult()) { caseWhenEval.setElseResult(visit(ctx, stack, caseWhen.getElseResult())); } // Getting the widest type from all if-then expressions and else expression. DataType widestType = convert(caseWhenEval.getIfThenEvals().get(0).getResult().getValueType()).getDataType(); for (int i = 1; i < caseWhenEval.getIfThenEvals().size(); i++) { widestType = CatalogUtil.getWidestType( convert(caseWhenEval.getIfThenEvals().get(i).getResult().getValueType()).getDataType(), widestType); } if (caseWhen.hasElseResult()) { widestType = CatalogUtil.getWidestType( widestType, convert(caseWhenEval.getElse().getValueType()).getDataType()); } assertEval(widestType != null, "Invalid Type Conversion for CaseWhen"); // implicit type conversion caseWhenEval = (CaseWhenEval) convertType(ctx, caseWhenEval, TypeConverter.convert(widestType)); return caseWhenEval; } @Override public EvalNode visitIsNullPredicate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, IsNullPredicate expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode child = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getPredicand()); stack.pop(); return new IsNullEval(expr.isNot(), child); } @Override public EvalNode visitInPredicate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, InPredicate expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode lhs = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); ValueSetEval valueSetEval = (ValueSetEval) visit(ctx, stack, expr.getInValue()); stack.pop(); Pair<EvalNode, EvalNode> pair = convertTypesIfNecessary(ctx, lhs, valueSetEval); return new InEval(pair.getFirst(), (ValueSetEval) pair.getSecond(), expr.isNot()); } @Override public EvalNode visitValueListExpr(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, ValueListExpr expr) throws TajoException { Datum[] values = new Datum[expr.getValues().length]; EvalNode [] evalNodes = new EvalNode[expr.getValues().length]; for (int i = 0; i < expr.getValues().length; i++) { evalNodes[i] = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getValues()[i]); if (!EvalTreeUtil.checkIfCanBeConstant(evalNodes[i])) { throw makeSyntaxError("Non constant values cannot be included in IN PREDICATE."); } values[i] = EvalTreeUtil.evaluateImmediately(null, evalNodes[i]); } return new RowConstantEval(values); } @Override public EvalNode visitSimpleTableSubquery(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, SimpleTableSubquery expr) throws TajoException { if (stack.peek().getType() == OpType.InPredicate) { // In the case of in-subquery, stop visiting because the subquery expr is not expression. return new SubqueryEval((TableSubQueryNode) ctx.currentBlock.getNodeFromExpr(expr)); } else { return super.visitSimpleTableSubquery(ctx, stack, expr); } } public EvalNode visitExistsPredicate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, ExistsPredicate expr) throws TajoException { throw new NotImplementedException("EXISTS clause"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // String Operator or Pattern Matching Predicates Section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public EvalNode visitLikePredicate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, PatternMatchPredicate expr) throws TajoException { return visitPatternMatchPredicate(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitSimilarToPredicate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, PatternMatchPredicate expr) throws TajoException { return visitPatternMatchPredicate(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitRegexpPredicate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, PatternMatchPredicate expr) throws TajoException { return visitPatternMatchPredicate(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitConcatenate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode lhs = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode rhs = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); if (lhs.getValueType().kind() != TajoDataTypes.Type.TEXT) { lhs = convertType(ctx, lhs, Text); } if (rhs.getValueType().kind() != TajoDataTypes.Type.TEXT) { rhs = convertType(ctx, rhs, Text); } return new BinaryEval(EvalType.CONCATENATE, lhs, rhs); } private EvalNode visitPatternMatchPredicate(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, PatternMatchPredicate expr) throws TajoException { EvalNode field = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getPredicand()); ConstEval pattern = (ConstEval) visit(ctx, stack, expr.getPattern()); // A pattern is a const value in pattern matching predicates. // In a binary expression, the result is always null if a const value in left or right side is null. if (pattern.getValue() instanceof NullDatum) { return new ConstEval(NullDatum.get()); } else { if (expr.getType() == OpType.LikePredicate) { return new LikePredicateEval(expr.isNot(), field, pattern, expr.isCaseInsensitive()); } else if (expr.getType() == OpType.SimilarToPredicate) { return new SimilarToPredicateEval(expr.isNot(), field, pattern); } else { return new RegexPredicateEval(expr.isNot(), field, pattern, expr.isCaseInsensitive()); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Arithmetic Operators /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static BinaryEval createBinaryNode(Context ctx, EvalType type, EvalNode lhs, EvalNode rhs) { Pair<EvalNode, EvalNode> pair = convertTypesIfNecessary(ctx, lhs, rhs); // implicit type conversion if necessary return new BinaryEval(type, pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } @Override public EvalNode visitPlus(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); return createBinaryNode(ctx, EvalType.PLUS, left, right); } @Override public EvalNode visitMinus(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); return createBinaryNode(ctx, EvalType.MINUS, left, right); } @Override public EvalNode visitMultiply(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); return createBinaryNode(ctx, EvalType.MULTIPLY, left, right); } @Override public EvalNode visitDivide(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); return createBinaryNode(ctx, EvalType.DIVIDE, left, right); } @Override public EvalNode visitModular(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, BinaryOperator expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode left = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getLeft()); EvalNode right = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getRight()); stack.pop(); return createBinaryNode(ctx, EvalType.MODULAR, left, right); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other Expressions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public EvalNode visitSign(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, SignedExpr expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); EvalNode numericExpr = visit(ctx, stack, expr.getChild()); stack.pop(); if (expr.isNegative()) { return new SignedEval(expr.isNegative(), numericExpr); } else { return numericExpr; } } @Override public EvalNode visitColumnReference(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, ColumnReferenceExpr expr) throws TajoException { Column column; switch (ctx.columnRsvLevel) { case LEGACY: case RELS_ONLY: case RELS_AND_SUBEXPRS: case SUBEXPRS_AND_RELS: column = NameResolver.resolve(ctx.plan, ctx.currentBlock, expr, ctx.columnRsvLevel, ctx.includeSelfDescTable); break; default: throw new TajoInternalError("Unsupported column resolving level: " + ctx.columnRsvLevel.name()); } return new FieldEval(column); } @Override public EvalNode visitTargetExpr(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, NamedExpr expr) throws TajoException { throw new TajoInternalError("ExprAnnotator cannot take NamedExpr"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions and General Set Functions Section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public EvalNode visitFunction(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, FunctionExpr expr) throws TajoException { stack.push(expr); // <--- Push // Given parameters Expr[] params = expr.getParams(); if (params == null) { params = new Expr[0]; } EvalNode[] givenArgs = new EvalNode[params.length]; DataType[] paramTypes = new DataType[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { givenArgs[i] = visit(ctx, stack, params[i]); paramTypes[i] = convert(givenArgs[i].getValueType()).getDataType(); } stack.pop(); // <--- Pop if (!catalog.containFunction(expr.getSignature(), paramTypes)) { throw new UndefinedFunctionException(buildSimpleFunctionSignature(expr.getSignature(), paramTypes)); } FunctionDesc funcDesc = catalog.getFunction(expr.getSignature(), paramTypes); // trying the implicit type conversion between actual parameter types and the definition types. if (CatalogUtil.checkIfVariableLengthParamDefinition(Arrays.asList(funcDesc.getParamTypes()))) { DataType lastDataType = funcDesc.getParamTypes()[0]; for (int i = 0; i < givenArgs.length; i++) { if (i < (funcDesc.getParamTypes().length - 1)) { // variable length lastDataType = funcDesc.getParamTypes()[i]; } else { lastDataType = CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(CatalogUtil.getPrimitiveTypeOf(lastDataType.getType())); } givenArgs[i] = convertType(ctx, givenArgs[i], TypeConverter.convert(lastDataType)); } } else { assertEval(funcDesc.getParamTypes().length == givenArgs.length, "The number of parameters is mismatched to the function definition: " + funcDesc.toString()); // According to our function matching method, each given argument can be casted to the definition parameter. for (int i = 0; i < givenArgs.length; i++) { givenArgs[i] = convertType(ctx, givenArgs[i], TypeConverter.convert(funcDesc.getParamTypes()[i])); } } FunctionType functionType = funcDesc.getFuncType(); if (functionType == FunctionType.GENERAL || functionType == FunctionType.UDF) { return new GeneralFunctionEval(ctx.queryContext, funcDesc, givenArgs); } else if (functionType == FunctionType.AGGREGATION || functionType == FunctionType.UDA) { if (!ctx.currentBlock.hasNode(NodeType.GROUP_BY)) { ctx.currentBlock.setAggregationRequire(); } return new AggregationFunctionCallEval(funcDesc, givenArgs); } else if (functionType == FunctionType.DISTINCT_AGGREGATION || functionType == FunctionType.DISTINCT_UDA) { throw new UnsupportedException(funcDesc.toString()); } else { throw new UnsupportedException("function type '" + functionType.name() + "'"); } } @Override public EvalNode visitCountRowsFunction(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, CountRowsFunctionExpr expr) throws TajoException { FunctionDesc countRows = catalog.getFunction("count", FunctionType.AGGREGATION, new DataType[] {}); if (countRows == null) { throw new UndefinedFunctionException(buildSimpleFunctionSignature(expr.getSignature(), new DataType[]{})); } ctx.currentBlock.setAggregationRequire(); return new AggregationFunctionCallEval(countRows, new EvalNode[] {}); } @Override public EvalNode visitGeneralSetFunction(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, GeneralSetFunctionExpr setFunction) throws TajoException { Expr[] params = setFunction.getParams(); EvalNode[] givenArgs = new EvalNode[params.length]; DataType[] paramTypes = new DataType[params.length]; FunctionType functionType = setFunction.isDistinct() ? FunctionType.DISTINCT_AGGREGATION : FunctionType.AGGREGATION; givenArgs[0] = visit(ctx, stack, params[0]); if (setFunction.getSignature().equalsIgnoreCase("count")) { paramTypes[0] = CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(TajoDataTypes.Type.ANY); } else { paramTypes[0] = convert(givenArgs[0].getValueType()).getDataType(); } if (!catalog.containFunction(setFunction.getSignature(), functionType, paramTypes)) { throw new UndefinedFunctionException(buildSimpleFunctionSignature(setFunction.getSignature(), paramTypes)); } FunctionDesc funcDesc = catalog.getFunction(setFunction.getSignature(), functionType, paramTypes); if (!ctx.currentBlock.hasNode(NodeType.GROUP_BY)) { ctx.currentBlock.setAggregationRequire(); } return new AggregationFunctionCallEval(funcDesc, givenArgs); } public static final Set<String> WINDOW_FUNCTIONS = UnmodifiableSet.decorate( Sets.newHashSet("row_number", "rank", "dense_rank", "percent_rank", "cume_dist", "first_value", "lag")); public EvalNode visitWindowFunction(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, WindowFunctionExpr windowFunc) throws TajoException { WindowSpec windowSpec = windowFunc.getWindowSpec(); Expr key; if (windowSpec.hasPartitionBy()) { for (int i = 0; i < windowSpec.getPartitionKeys().length; i++) { key = windowSpec.getPartitionKeys()[i]; visit(ctx, stack, key); } } EvalNode [] sortKeys = null; if (windowSpec.hasOrderBy()) { sortKeys = new EvalNode[windowSpec.getSortSpecs().length]; for (int i = 0; i < windowSpec.getSortSpecs().length; i++) { key = windowSpec.getSortSpecs()[i].getKey(); sortKeys[i] = visit(ctx, stack, key); } } String funcName = windowFunc.getSignature(); boolean distinct = windowFunc.isDistinct(); Expr[] params = windowFunc.getParams(); EvalNode[] givenArgs = new EvalNode[params.length]; TajoDataTypes.DataType[] paramTypes = new TajoDataTypes.DataType[params.length]; FunctionType functionType; WindowFrame frame = null; if (params.length > 0) { givenArgs[0] = visit(ctx, stack, params[0]); if (windowFunc.getSignature().equalsIgnoreCase("count")) { paramTypes[0] = CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(TajoDataTypes.Type.ANY); } else if (windowFunc.getSignature().equalsIgnoreCase("row_number")) { paramTypes[0] = CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(TajoDataTypes.Type.INT8); } else { paramTypes[0] = convert(givenArgs[0].getValueType()).getDataType(); } for (int i = 1; i < params.length; i++) { givenArgs[i] = visit(ctx, stack, params[i]); paramTypes[i] = convert(givenArgs[i].getValueType()).getDataType(); } } else { if (windowFunc.getSignature().equalsIgnoreCase("rank")) { givenArgs = sortKeys != null ? sortKeys : new EvalNode[0]; } } if (frame == null) { if (windowSpec.hasOrderBy()) { frame = new WindowFrame(new WindowStartBound(WindowFrameStartBoundType.UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING), new WindowEndBound(WindowFrameEndBoundType.CURRENT_ROW)); } else if (windowFunc.getSignature().equalsIgnoreCase("row_number")) { frame = new WindowFrame(new WindowStartBound(WindowFrameStartBoundType.UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING), new WindowEndBound(WindowFrameEndBoundType.UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING)); } else { frame = new WindowFrame(); } } // TODO - containFunction and getFunction should support the function type mask which provides ORing multiple types. // the below checking against WINDOW_FUNCTIONS is a workaround code for the above problem. if (WINDOW_FUNCTIONS.contains(funcName.toLowerCase())) { if (distinct) { throw new UndefinedFunctionException("row_number() does not support distinct keyword."); } functionType = FunctionType.WINDOW; } else { functionType = distinct ? FunctionType.DISTINCT_AGGREGATION : FunctionType.AGGREGATION; } if (!catalog.containFunction(windowFunc.getSignature(), functionType, paramTypes)) { throw new UndefinedFunctionException(buildSimpleFunctionSignature(funcName, paramTypes)); } FunctionDesc funcDesc = catalog.getFunction(funcName, functionType, paramTypes); return new WindowFunctionEval(funcDesc, givenArgs, frame); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Literal Section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public EvalNode visitDataType(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, DataTypeExpr expr) throws TajoException { return super.visitDataType(ctx, stack, expr); } @Override public EvalNode visitCastExpr(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, CastExpr expr) throws TajoException { EvalNode child = super.visitCastExpr(ctx, stack, expr); // if it is a casting operation for a constant value, it will be pre-computed and casted to a constant value. if (child.getType() == EvalType.CONST) { ConstEval constEval = (ConstEval) child; // some cast operation may require earlier evaluation with timezone. return new ConstEval( DatumFactory.cast(constEval.getValue(), LogicalPlanner.convertDataType(expr.getTarget()), ctx.timeZone)); } else { return new CastEval(ctx.queryContext, child, LogicalPlanner.convertDataType(expr.getTarget())); } } @Override public EvalNode visitLiteral(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, LiteralValue expr) throws TajoException { switch (expr.getValueType()) { case Boolean: return new ConstEval(DatumFactory.createBool(Boolean.parseBoolean(expr.getValue()))); case String: return new ConstEval(DatumFactory.createText(expr.getValue())); case Unsigned_Integer: return new ConstEval(DatumFactory.createInt4(expr.getValue())); case Unsigned_Large_Integer: return new ConstEval(DatumFactory.createInt8(expr.getValue())); case Unsigned_Float: return new ConstEval(DatumFactory.createFloat8(expr.getValue())); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type: " + expr.getValueType()); } } @Override public EvalNode visitNullLiteral(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, NullLiteral expr) throws TajoException { return new ConstEval(NullDatum.get()); } @Override public EvalNode visitDateLiteral(Context context, Stack<Expr> stack, DateLiteral expr) throws TajoException { DateValue dateValue = expr.getDate(); int[] dates = dateToIntArray(dateValue.getYears(), dateValue.getMonths(), dateValue.getDays()); TimeMeta tm = new TimeMeta(); tm.years = dates[0]; tm.monthOfYear = dates[1]; tm.dayOfMonth = dates[2]; DateTimeUtil.j2date(DateTimeUtil.date2j(dates[0], dates[1], dates[2]), tm); return new ConstEval(new DateDatum(tm)); } @Override public EvalNode visitTimestampLiteral(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, TimestampLiteral expr) throws TajoException { DateValue dateValue = expr.getDate(); TimeValue timeValue = expr.getTime(); int [] dates = dateToIntArray(dateValue.getYears(), dateValue.getMonths(), dateValue.getDays()); int [] times = timeToIntArray(timeValue.getHours(), timeValue.getMinutes(), timeValue.getSeconds(), timeValue.getSecondsFraction()); long timestamp; if (timeValue.hasSecondsFraction()) { timestamp = DateTimeUtil.toJulianTimestamp(dates[0], dates[1], dates[2], times[0], times[1], times[2], times[3] * 1000); } else { timestamp = DateTimeUtil.toJulianTimestamp(dates[0], dates[1], dates[2], times[0], times[1], times[2], 0); } TimeMeta tm = new TimeMeta(); DateTimeUtil.toJulianTimeMeta(timestamp, tm); DateTimeUtil.toUTCTimezone(tm, ctx.timeZone); return new ConstEval(new TimestampDatum(DateTimeUtil.toJulianTimestamp(tm))); } @Override public EvalNode visitIntervalLiteral(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, IntervalLiteral expr) throws TajoException { return new ConstEval(new IntervalDatum(expr.getExprStr())); } @Override public EvalNode visitTimeLiteral(Context ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, TimeLiteral expr) throws TajoException { TimeValue timeValue = expr.getTime(); int [] times = timeToIntArray(timeValue.getHours(), timeValue.getMinutes(), timeValue.getSeconds(), timeValue.getSecondsFraction()); long time; if (timeValue.hasSecondsFraction()) { time = DateTimeUtil.toTime(times[0], times[1], times[2], times[3] * 1000); } else { time = DateTimeUtil.toTime(times[0], times[1], times[2], 0); } TimeDatum timeDatum = new TimeDatum(time); TimeMeta tm = timeDatum.asTimeMeta(); return new ConstEval(new TimeDatum(DateTimeUtil.toTime(tm))); } public static int [] dateToIntArray(String years, String months, String days) throws TajoException { int year = Integer.parseInt(years); int month = Integer.parseInt(months); int day = Integer.parseInt(days); if (!(1 <= year && year <= 9999)) { throw makeSyntaxError(String.format("Years (%d) must be between 1 and 9999 integer value", year)); } if (!(1 <= month && month <= 12)) { throw makeSyntaxError(String.format("Months (%d) must be between 1 and 12 integer value", month)); } if (!(1<= day && day <= 31)) { throw makeSyntaxError(String.format("Days (%d) must be between 1 and 31 integer value", day)); } int [] results = new int[3]; results[0] = year; results[1] = month; results[2] = day; return results; } public static int [] timeToIntArray(String hours, String minutes, String seconds, String fractionOfSecond) throws TajoException { int hour = Integer.parseInt(hours); int minute = Integer.parseInt(minutes); int second = Integer.parseInt(seconds); int fraction = 0; if (fractionOfSecond != null) { fraction = Integer.parseInt(fractionOfSecond); } if (!(0 <= hour && hour <= 23)) { throw makeSyntaxError(String.format("Hours (%d) must be between 0 and 24 integer value", hour)); } if (!(0 <= minute && minute <= 59)) { throw makeSyntaxError(String.format("Minutes (%d) must be between 0 and 59 integer value", minute)); } if (!(0 <= second && second <= 59)) { throw makeSyntaxError(String.format("Seconds (%d) must be between 0 and 59 integer value", second)); } if (fraction != 0) { if (!(0 <= fraction && fraction <= 999)) { throw makeSyntaxError(String.format("Seconds (%d) must be between 0 and 999 integer value", fraction)); } } int [] results = new int[4]; results[0] = hour; results[1] = minute; results[2] = second; results[3] = fraction; return results; } }