package technology.tabula.extractors; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Arrays; import technology.tabula.Line; import technology.tabula.Page; import technology.tabula.Rectangle; import technology.tabula.Ruling; import technology.tabula.Table; import technology.tabula.TextChunk; import technology.tabula.TextElement; public class BasicExtractionAlgorithm implements ExtractionAlgorithm { private List<Ruling> verticalRulings = null; public BasicExtractionAlgorithm() { } public BasicExtractionAlgorithm(List<Ruling> verticalRulings) { this.verticalRulings = verticalRulings; } public List<Table> extract(Page page, List<Float> verticalRulingPositions) { List<Ruling> verticalRulings = new ArrayList<Ruling>(verticalRulingPositions.size()); for (Float p: verticalRulingPositions) { verticalRulings.add(new Ruling((float) page.getTop(), (float) p, 0.0f, (float) page.getHeight())); } this.verticalRulings = verticalRulings; return this.extract(page); } @Override public List<Table> extract(Page page) { List<TextElement> textElements = page.getText(); if (textElements.size() == 0) { return Arrays.asList(new Table[] { Table.EMPTY }); } List<TextChunk> textChunks = this.verticalRulings == null ? TextElement.mergeWords(page.getText()) : TextElement.mergeWords(page.getText(), this.verticalRulings); List<Line> lines = TextChunk.groupByLines(textChunks); List<Float> columns = null; if (this.verticalRulings != null) { Collections.sort(this.verticalRulings, new Comparator<Ruling>() { @Override public int compare(Ruling arg0, Ruling arg1) { return, arg1.getLeft()); } }); columns = new ArrayList<Float>(this.verticalRulings.size()); for (Ruling vr: this.verticalRulings) { columns.add(vr.getLeft()); } } else { columns = columnPositions(lines); } Table table = new Table(page, this); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { Line line = lines.get(i); List<TextChunk> elements = line.getTextElements(); Collections.sort(elements, new Comparator<TextChunk>() { @Override public int compare(TextChunk o1, TextChunk o2) { return new java.lang.Float(o1.getLeft()).compareTo(o2.getLeft()); } }); for (TextChunk tc: elements) { if (tc.isSameChar(Line.WHITE_SPACE_CHARS)) { continue; } int j = 0; boolean found = false; for(; j < columns.size(); j++) { if (tc.getLeft() <= columns.get(j)) { found = true; break; } } table.add(tc, i, found ? j : columns.size()); } } return Arrays.asList(new Table[] { table } ); } @Override public String toString() { return "stream"; } /** * @param lines must be an array of lines sorted by their +top+ attribute * @return a list of column boundaries (x axis) */ public static List<java.lang.Float> columnPositions(List<Line> lines) { List<Rectangle> regions = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); for (TextChunk tc: lines.get(0).getTextElements()) { if (tc.isSameChar(Line.WHITE_SPACE_CHARS)) { continue; } Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.setRect(tc); regions.add(r); } for (Line l: lines.subList(1, lines.size())) { List<TextChunk> lineTextElements = new ArrayList<TextChunk>(); for (TextChunk tc: l.getTextElements()) { if (!tc.isSameChar(Line.WHITE_SPACE_CHARS)) { lineTextElements.add(tc); } } for (Rectangle cr: regions) { List<TextChunk> overlaps = new ArrayList<TextChunk>(); for (TextChunk te: lineTextElements) { if (cr.horizontallyOverlaps(te)) { overlaps.add(te); } } for (TextChunk te: overlaps) { cr.merge(te); } lineTextElements.removeAll(overlaps); } for (TextChunk te: lineTextElements) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.setRect(te); regions.add(r); } } List<java.lang.Float> rv = new ArrayList<java.lang.Float>(); for (Rectangle r: regions) { rv.add((float) r.getRight()); } Collections.sort(rv); return rv; } }