package technology.tabula; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.List; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Rectangle extends Rectangle2D.Float implements Comparable<Rectangle> { protected static final float VERTICAL_COMPARISON_THRESHOLD = 0.4f; public Rectangle() { super(); } public Rectangle(float top, float left, float width, float height) { super(); this.setRect(left, top, width, height); } @Override public int compareTo(Rectangle other) { double thisBottom = this.getBottom(); double otherBottom = other.getBottom(); int rv; if (this.equals(other)) return 0; if (this.verticalOverlap(other) > VERTICAL_COMPARISON_THRESHOLD) { rv =, other.getX()); } else { rv =, otherBottom); } return rv; } // I'm bad at Java and need this for fancy sorting in technology.tabula.TextChunk. public int isLtrDominant(){ return 0; } public float getArea() { return this.width * this.height; } public float verticalOverlap(Rectangle other) { return (float) Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getBottom(), other.getBottom()) - Math.max(this.getTop(), other.getTop())); } public boolean verticallyOverlaps(Rectangle other) { return verticalOverlap(other) > 0; } public float horizontalOverlap(Rectangle other) { return (float) Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getRight(), other.getRight()) - Math.max(this.getLeft(), other.getLeft())); } public boolean horizontallyOverlaps(Rectangle other) { return horizontalOverlap(other) > 0; } public float verticalOverlapRatio(Rectangle other) { float rv = 0, delta = (float) Math.min(this.getBottom() - this.getTop(), other.getBottom() - other.getTop()); if (other.getTop() <= this.getTop() && this.getTop() <= other.getBottom() && other.getBottom() <= this.getBottom()) { rv = (float) ((other.getBottom() - this.getTop()) / delta); } else if (this.getTop() <= other.getTop() && other.getTop() <= this.getBottom() && this.getBottom() <= other.getBottom()) { rv = (float) ((this.getBottom() - other.getTop()) / delta); } else if (this.getTop() <= other.getTop() && other.getTop() <= other.getBottom() && other.getBottom() <= this.getBottom()) { rv = (float) ((other.getBottom() - other.getTop()) / delta); } else if (other.getTop() <= this.getTop() && this.getTop() <= this.getBottom() && this.getBottom() <= other.getBottom()) { rv = (float) ((this.getBottom() - this.getTop()) / delta); } return rv; } public float overlapRatio(Rectangle other) { double intersectionWidth = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getRight(), other.getRight()) - Math.max(this.getLeft(), other.getLeft())); double intersectionHeight = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getBottom(), other.getBottom()) - Math.max(this.getTop(), other.getTop())); double intersectionArea = Math.max(0, intersectionWidth * intersectionHeight); double unionArea = this.getArea() + other.getArea() - intersectionArea; return (float) (intersectionArea / unionArea); } public Rectangle merge(Rectangle other) { this.setRect(this.createUnion(other)); return this; } public float getTop() { return (float) this.getMinY(); } public void setTop(float top) { float deltaHeight = top - this.y; this.setRect(this.x, top, this.width, this.height - deltaHeight); } public float getRight() { return (float) this.getMaxX(); } public void setRight(float right) { this.setRect(this.x, this.y, right - this.x, this.height); } public float getLeft() { return (float) this.getMinX(); } public void setLeft(float left) { float deltaWidth = left - this.x; this.setRect(left, this.y, this.width - deltaWidth, this.height); } public float getBottom() { return (float) this.getMaxY(); } public void setBottom(float bottom) { this.setRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, bottom - this.y); } public Point2D[] getPoints() { return new Point2D[] { new Point2D.Float((float) this.getLeft(), (float) this.getTop()), new Point2D.Float((float) this.getRight(), (float) this.getTop()), new Point2D.Float((float) this.getRight(), (float) this.getBottom()), new Point2D.Float((float) this.getLeft(), (float) this.getBottom()) }; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String s = super.toString(); sb.append(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1)); sb.append(String.format(",bottom=%f,right=%f]", this.getBottom(), this.getRight())); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param rectangles * @return minimum bounding box that contains all the rectangles */ public static Rectangle boundingBoxOf(List<? extends Rectangle> rectangles) { float minx = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; float miny = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; float maxx = java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE; float maxy = java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE; for (Rectangle r: rectangles) { minx = (float) Math.min(r.getMinX(), minx); miny = (float) Math.min(r.getMinY(), miny); maxx = (float) Math.max(r.getMaxX(), maxx); maxy = (float) Math.max(r.getMaxY(), maxy); } return new Rectangle(miny, minx, maxx - minx, maxy - miny); } }