/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.widgets; import org.eclipse.swt.*; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*; import org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.*; import org.eclipse.swt.internal.Callback; import org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.RGBColor; /** * Instances of this class allow the user to select a font * from all available fonts in the system. * <dl> * <dt><b>Styles:</b></dt> * <dd>(none)</dd> * <dt><b>Events:</b></dt> * <dd>(none)</dd> * </dl> * <p> * IMPORTANT: This class is <em>not</em> intended to be subclassed. * </p> * * @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/examples.php">SWT Example: ControlExample, Dialog tab</a> * @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/">Sample code and further information</a> * @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients. */ public class FontDialog extends Dialog { FontData fontData; RGB rgb; boolean open; int fontID, fontSize; /** * Constructs a new instance of this class given only its parent. * * @param parent a shell which will be the parent of the new instance * * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null</li> * </ul> * @exception SWTException <ul> * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the parent</li> * <li>ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass</li> * </ul> */ public FontDialog (Shell parent) { this (parent, SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL); } /** * Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent * and a style value describing its behavior and appearance. * <p> * The style value is either one of the style constants defined in * class <code>SWT</code> which is applicable to instances of this * class, or must be built by <em>bitwise OR</em>'ing together * (that is, using the <code>int</code> "|" operator) two or more * of those <code>SWT</code> style constants. The class description * lists the style constants that are applicable to the class. * Style bits are also inherited from superclasses. * </p> * * @param parent a shell which will be the parent of the new instance * @param style the style of dialog to construct * * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null</li> * </ul> * @exception SWTException <ul> * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the parent</li> * <li>ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass</li> * </ul> */ public FontDialog (Shell parent, int style) { super (parent, checkStyle (parent, style)); checkSubclass (); } /** * Returns a FontData object describing the font that was * selected in the dialog, or null if none is available. * * @return the FontData for the selected font, or null * @deprecated use #getFontList () */ public FontData getFontData () { return fontData; } /** * Returns a FontData set describing the font that was * selected in the dialog, or null if none is available. * * @return the FontData for the selected font, or null * @since 2.1.1 */ public FontData [] getFontList () { if (fontData == null) return null; FontData [] result = new FontData [1]; result [0] = fontData; return result; } /** * Returns an RGB describing the color that was selected * in the dialog, or null if none is available. * * @return the RGB value for the selected color, or null * * @see PaletteData#getRGBs * * @since 2.1 */ public RGB getRGB () { return rgb; } int fontProc (int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) { int kind = OS.GetEventKind (theEvent); switch (kind) { case OS.kEventFontPanelClosed: open = false; break; case OS.kEventFontSelection: int [] fontID = new int [1]; if (OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamATSUFontID, OS.typeUInt32, null, 4, null, fontID) == OS.noErr) { this.fontID = fontID [0]; } int [] fontSize = new int [1]; if (OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamATSUFontSize, OS.typeFixed, null, 4, null, fontSize) == OS.noErr) { this.fontSize = fontSize [0]; } RGBColor color = new RGBColor (); int [] actualSize = new int [1]; if (OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamFontColor, OS.typeRGBColor, null, RGBColor.sizeof, actualSize, color) == OS.noErr) { int red = (color.red >> 8) & 0xFF; int green = (color.green >> 8) & 0xFF; int blue = (color.blue >> 8) & 0xFF; rgb = new RGB (red, green, blue); } else { int [] dict = new int [1]; if (OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamDictionary, OS.typeCFDictionaryRef, null, 4, actualSize, dict) == OS.noErr) { int [] attrib = new int [1]; if (OS.CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (dict [0], OS.kFontPanelAttributesKey (), attrib)) { int [] tags = new int [1]; int [] sizes = new int [1]; int [] values = new int [1]; if (OS.CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (attrib [0], OS.kFontPanelAttributeTagsKey (), tags) && OS.CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (attrib [0], OS.kFontPanelAttributeSizesKey (), sizes) && OS.CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (attrib [0], OS.kFontPanelAttributeValuesKey (), values) ) { int count = OS.CFDataGetLength (tags [0]) / 4; int tagPtr = OS.CFDataGetBytePtr (tags[0]); int sizePtr = OS.CFDataGetBytePtr (sizes [0]); int [] tag = new int [1]; int [] size = new int [1]; int valueOffset = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { OS.memmove (tag, tagPtr + (i * 4), 4); OS.memmove (size, sizePtr + (i * 4), 4); if (tag [0] == OS.kATSUColorTag && size[0] == RGBColor.sizeof) { int valuePtr = OS.CFDataGetBytePtr (values [0]); OS.memmove (color, valuePtr + valueOffset, RGBColor.sizeof); int red = (color.red >> 8) & 0xFF; int green = (color.green >> 8) & 0xFF; int blue = (color.blue >> 8) & 0xFF; rgb = new RGB (red, green, blue); break ; } valueOffset = size[0]; } } } } } break; } return OS.noErr; } /** * Makes the dialog visible and brings it to the front * of the display. * * @return a FontData object describing the font that was selected, * or null if the dialog was cancelled or an error occurred * * @exception SWTException <ul> * <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the dialog has been disposed</li> * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the dialog</li> * </ul> */ public FontData open () { Display display = parent != null ? parent.display : Display.getCurrent (); if (fontData != null) { Font font = new Font (display, fontData); int ptr = OS.NewPtr (4); OS.memmove (ptr, new int []{font.atsuiStyle}, 4); //TODO - not sure how to set initial color in font panel // if (rgb != null) { // RGBColor color = new RGBColor (); // rgb.red = (short) (rgb.red * 0xffff); // rgb.green = (short) (rgb.green * 0xffff); // rgb.blue = (short) (rgb.blue * 0xffff); // int ptr1 = OS.NewPtr (RGBColor.sizeof); // OS.memcpy(ptr, color, RGBColor.sizeof); // int [] tags = new int []{OS.kATSUColorTag}; // int [] sizes = new int []{RGBColor.sizeof}; // int [] values = new int []{ptr1}; // OS.ATSUSetAttributes (font.atsuiStyle, tags.length, tags, sizes, values); // OS.DisposePtr(ptr1); // } OS.SetFontInfoForSelection (OS.kFontSelectionATSUIType, 1, ptr, 0); OS.DisposePtr (ptr); font.dispose (); } int[] mask = new int[] { OS.kEventClassFont, OS.kEventFontSelection, OS.kEventClassFont, OS.kEventFontPanelClosed, }; Callback fontPanelCallback = new Callback (this, "fontProc", 3); int fontPanelCallbackAddress = fontPanelCallback.getAddress (); if (fontPanelCallbackAddress == 0) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_MORE_CALLBACKS); int appTarget = OS.GetApplicationEventTarget (); int [] outRef = new int [1]; OS.InstallEventHandler (appTarget, fontPanelCallbackAddress, mask.length / 2, mask, 0, outRef); fontSize = fontID = 0; fontData = null; rgb = null; open = true; /* * Feature in the Macintosh. The Fonts window is not modal and it cannot * be accessed through direct API. The fix is to figure out the Fonts * window by checking all available windows and set its modality * explicitily. */ int count = 0; int window = OS.GetPreviousWindow (0); while (window != 0) { count++; window = OS.GetPreviousWindow (window); } int [] windows = new int [count]; boolean[] visible = new boolean [count]; count = 0; window = OS.GetPreviousWindow (0); while (window != 0) { windows [count] = window; visible [count] = OS.IsWindowVisible (window); count++; window = OS.GetPreviousWindow (window); } display.setModalDialog(this); OS.FPShowHideFontPanel (); int fontsWindow = 0; window = OS.GetPreviousWindow (0); while (window != 0 && fontsWindow == 0) { if (OS.IsWindowVisible (window)) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) { if (windows [i] == window) { found = true; if (!visible [i]) { fontsWindow = window; break; } } } if (!found) { fontsWindow = window; break; } } window = OS.GetPreviousWindow (window); } if (fontsWindow != 0) { int inModalKind = OS.kWindowModalityNone; if ((style & SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL) != 0) inModalKind = OS.kWindowModalityWindowModal; if ((style & SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL) != 0) inModalKind = OS.kWindowModalityAppModal; if ((style & SWT.SYSTEM_MODAL) != 0) inModalKind = OS.kWindowModalitySystemModal; if (inModalKind != OS.kWindowModalityNone) { int inUnavailableWindow = 0; if (parent != null) inUnavailableWindow = OS.GetControlOwner (parent.handle); OS.SetWindowModality (fontsWindow, inModalKind, inUnavailableWindow); OS.SelectWindow (fontsWindow); } } while (!parent.isDisposed() && open) { if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep (); } display.setModalDialog(null); OS.RemoveEventHandler (outRef [0]); fontPanelCallback.dispose (); if (fontID != 0 && fontSize != 0) { int atsFont = OS.FMGetATSFontRefFromFont (fontID); Font font = Font.carbon_new (display, atsFont, (short) 0, (float) OS.Fix2X (fontSize)); fontData = font.getFontData ()[0]; font.dispose(); } return fontData; } /** * Sets a FontData object describing the font to be * selected by default in the dialog, or null to let * the platform choose one. * * @param fontData the FontData to use initially, or null * @deprecated use #setFontList (FontData []) */ public void setFontData (FontData fontData) { this.fontData = fontData; } /** * Sets the set of FontData objects describing the font to * be selected by default in the dialog, or null to let * the platform choose one. * * @param fontData the set of FontData objects to use initially, or null * to let the platform select a default when open() is called * * @see Font#getFontData * * @since 2.1.1 */ public void setFontList (FontData [] fontData) { if (fontData != null && fontData.length > 0) { this.fontData = fontData [0]; } else { this.fontData = null; } } /** * Sets the RGB describing the color to be selected by default * in the dialog, or null to let the platform choose one. * * @param rgb the RGB value to use initially, or null to let * the platform select a default when open() is called * * @see PaletteData#getRGBs * * @since 2.1 */ public void setRGB (RGB rgb) { this.rgb = rgb; } }