package com.stripe.model; import com.stripe.exception.APIConnectionException; import com.stripe.exception.APIException; import com.stripe.exception.AuthenticationException; import com.stripe.exception.CardException; import com.stripe.exception.InvalidRequestException; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; public class Charge extends APIResource implements MetadataStore<Charge>, HasId { public static final String FRAUD_DETAILS = "fraud_details"; String id; String object; Long amount; Long amountRefunded; ExpandableField<Application> application; ExpandableField<ApplicationFee> applicationFee; ExpandableField<BalanceTransaction> balanceTransaction; Boolean captured; Long created; String currency; ExpandableField<Customer> customer; String description; ExpandableField<Account> destination; ExpandableField<Dispute> dispute; String failureCode; String failureMessage; FraudDetails fraudDetails; ExpandableField<Invoice> invoice; Boolean livemode; Map<String, String> metadata; ChargeOutcome outcome; ExpandableField<Order> order; Boolean paid; String receiptEmail; String receiptNumber; Boolean refunded; ChargeRefundCollection refunds; ExpandableField<Review> review; ShippingDetails shipping; ExternalAccount source; ExpandableField<Transfer> sourceTransfer; String statementDescriptor; String status; ExpandableField<Transfer> transfer; String transferGroup; @Deprecated Card card; /** Legacy; use `dispute` field ( */ @Deprecated Boolean disputed; @Deprecated String statementDescription; public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getObject() { return object; } public void setObject(String object) { this.object = object; } public Long getAmount() { return amount; } public void setAmount(Long amount) { this.amount = amount; } public Long getAmountRefunded() { return amountRefunded; } public void setAmountRefunded(Long amountRefunded) { this.amountRefunded = amountRefunded; } public String getApplication() { if (this.application == null) { return null; } return this.application.getId(); } public void setApplication(String applicationID) { this.application = setExpandableFieldID(applicationID, this.application); } public Application getApplicationObject() { if (this.application == null) { return null; } return this.application.getExpanded(); } public void setApplicationObject(Application c) { this.application = new ExpandableField<Application>(c.getId(), c); } public String getApplicationFee() { if (this.applicationFee == null) { return null; } return this.applicationFee.getId(); } public void setApplicationFee(String applicationFeeID) { this.applicationFee = setExpandableFieldID(applicationFeeID, this.applicationFee); } public ApplicationFee getApplicationFeeObject() { if (this.applicationFee == null) { return null; } return this.applicationFee.getExpanded(); } public void setApplicationFeeObject(ApplicationFee c) { this.applicationFee = new ExpandableField<ApplicationFee>(c.getId(), c); } public String getBalanceTransaction() { if (this.balanceTransaction == null) { return null; } return this.balanceTransaction.getId(); } public void setBalanceTransaction(String balanceTransactionID) { this.balanceTransaction = setExpandableFieldID(balanceTransactionID, this.balanceTransaction); } public BalanceTransaction getBalanceTransactionObject() { if (this.balanceTransaction == null) { return null; } return this.balanceTransaction.getExpanded(); } public void setBalanceTransactionObject(BalanceTransaction c) { this.balanceTransaction = new ExpandableField<BalanceTransaction>(c.getId(), c); } public Boolean getCaptured() { return captured; } public void setCaptured(Boolean captured) { this.captured = captured; } public Long getCreated() { return created; } public void setCreated(Long created) { this.created = created; } public String getCurrency() { return currency; } public void setCurrency(String currency) { this.currency = currency; } public String getCustomer() { if (this.customer == null) { return null; } return this.customer.getId(); } public void setCustomer(String customerID) { this.customer = setExpandableFieldID(customerID, this.customer); } public Customer getCustomerObject() { if (this.customer == null) { return null; } return this.customer.getExpanded(); } public void setCustomerObject(Customer c) { this.customer = new ExpandableField<Customer>(c.getId(), c); } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getDestination() { if (this.destination == null) { return null; } return this.destination.getId(); } public void setDestination(String destinationID) { this.destination = APIResource.setExpandableFieldID(destinationID, this.destination); } public Account getDestinationObject() { if (this.destination == null) { return null; } return this.destination.getExpanded(); } public void setDestinationObject(Account c) { this.destination = new ExpandableField<Account>(c.getId(), c); } public String getDispute() { if (dispute == null) { return null; } return dispute.getId(); } public void setDispute(String dispute) { this.dispute = setExpandableFieldID(dispute, this.dispute); } public Dispute getDisputeObject() { if (dispute == null) { return null; } return this.dispute.getExpanded(); } public void setDisputeObject(Dispute dispute) { this.dispute = new ExpandableField<Dispute>(dispute.getId(), dispute); } public String getFailureCode() { return failureCode; } public void setFailureCode(String failureCode) { this.failureCode = failureCode; } public String getFailureMessage() { return failureMessage; } public void setFailureMessage(String failureMessage) { this.failureMessage = failureMessage; } public FraudDetails getFraudDetails() { return fraudDetails; } public void setFraudDetails(FraudDetails fraudDetails) { this.fraudDetails = fraudDetails; } public String getInvoice() { if (this.invoice == null) { return null; } return this.invoice.getId(); } public void setInvoice(String invoiceID) { this.invoice = setExpandableFieldID(invoiceID, this.invoice); } public Invoice getInvoiceObject() { if (this.invoice == null) { return null; } return this.invoice.getExpanded(); } public void setInvoiceObject(Invoice c) { this.invoice = new ExpandableField<Invoice>(c.getId(), c); } public Boolean getLivemode() { return livemode; } public void setLivemode(Boolean livemode) { this.livemode = livemode; } public Map<String, String> getMetadata() { return metadata; } public void setMetadata(Map<String, String> metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; } public String getOrder() { if (this.order == null) { return null; } return this.order.getId(); } public void setOrder(String orderID) { this.order = setExpandableFieldID(orderID, this.order); } public Order getOrderObject() { if (this.order == null) { return null; } return this.order.getExpanded(); } public void setOrderObject(Order c) { this.order = new ExpandableField<Order>(c.getId(), c); } public ChargeOutcome getOutcome() { return outcome; } public void setOutcome(ChargeOutcome outcome) { this.outcome = outcome; } public Boolean getPaid() { return paid; } public void setPaid(Boolean paid) { this.paid = paid; } public String getReceiptEmail() { return receiptEmail; } public void setReceiptEmail(String receiptEmail) { this.receiptEmail = receiptEmail; } public String getReceiptNumber() { return receiptNumber; } public void setReceiptNumber(String receiptNumber) { this.receiptNumber = receiptNumber; } public Boolean getRefunded() { return refunded; } public void setRefunded(Boolean refunded) { this.refunded = refunded; } public ChargeRefundCollection getRefunds() { // API versions 2014-05-19 and earlier render charge refunds as an array // instead of an object, meaning there is no sublist URL. if (refunds != null && refunds.getURL() == null) { refunds.setURL(String.format("/v1/charges/%s/refunds", getId())); } return refunds; } public String getReview() { if ( == null) { return null; } return; } public void setReview(String reviewID) { = setExpandableFieldID(reviewID,; } public Review getReviewObject() { if ( == null) { return null; } return; } public void setReviewObject(Review r) { = new ExpandableField<Review>(r.getId(), r); } public ShippingDetails getShipping() { return shipping; } public void setShipping(ShippingDetails shipping) { this.shipping = shipping; } public ExternalAccount getSource() { return source; } public void setSource(ExternalAccount source) { this.source = source; } public String getSourceTransfer() { if (this.sourceTransfer == null) { return null; } return this.sourceTransfer.getId(); } public void setSourceTransfer(String sourceTransferID) { this.sourceTransfer = setExpandableFieldID(sourceTransferID, this.sourceTransfer); } public Transfer getSourceTransferObject() { if (this.sourceTransfer == null) { return null; } return this.sourceTransfer.getExpanded(); } public void setSourceTransferObject(Transfer c) { this.sourceTransfer = new ExpandableField<Transfer>(c.getId(), c); } public String getStatementDescriptor() { return statementDescriptor; } public void setStatementDescriptor(String statementDescriptor) { this.statementDescriptor = statementDescriptor; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public String getTransfer() { if (this.transfer == null) { return null; } return this.transfer.getId(); } public void setTransfer(String transferID) { this.transfer = setExpandableFieldID(transferID, this.transfer); } public String getTransferGroup() { return this.transferGroup; } public void setTransferGroup(String transferGroup) { this.transferGroup = transferGroup; } public Transfer getTransferObject() { if (this.transfer == null) { return null; } return this.transfer.getExpanded(); } public void setTransferObject(Transfer c) { this.transfer = new ExpandableField<Transfer>(c.getId(), c); } /** * @deprecated * Use `source` field ( */ @Deprecated public Card getCard() { return card; } /** * @deprecated * Use `source` field ( */ @Deprecated public void setCard(Card card) { this.card = card; } /** * @deprecated * Use `dispute` field ( */ @Deprecated public Boolean getDisputed() { return disputed; } /** * @deprecated * Use `dispute` field ( */ @Deprecated public void setDisputed(Boolean disputed) { this.disputed = disputed; } /** * @deprecated * Use `statement_descriptor` field ( */ @Deprecated public String getStatementDescription() { return statementDescription; } /** * @deprecated * Use `statement_descriptor` field ( */ @Deprecated public void setStatementDescription(String statementDescription) { this.statementDescription = statementDescription; } public static Charge create(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return create(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public static Charge retrieve(String id) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return retrieve(id, (RequestOptions) null); } public Charge update(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return update(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public Charge refund() throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.refund(null, (RequestOptions) null); } public Charge capture() throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.capture(null, (RequestOptions) null); } @Deprecated public Dispute updateDispute(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.updateDispute(params, (RequestOptions) null); } @Deprecated public Dispute closeDispute() throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.closeDispute((RequestOptions) null); } public Charge refund(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.refund(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public Charge capture(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.capture(params, (RequestOptions) null); } @Deprecated public static Charge create(Map<String, Object> params, String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return create(params, RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } public static Charge create(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, classURL(Charge.class), params, Charge.class, options); } @Deprecated public static Charge retrieve(String id, String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return retrieve(id, RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } public static Charge retrieve(String id, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.GET, instanceURL(Charge.class, id), null, Charge.class, options); } public static Charge retrieve(String id, Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.GET, instanceURL(Charge.class, id), params, Charge.class, options); } @Deprecated public Charge update(Map<String, Object> params, String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return update(params, RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } public Charge update(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, instanceURL(Charge.class, id), params, Charge.class, options); } public static ChargeCollection list(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return list(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public static ChargeCollection list(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return requestCollection(classURL(Charge.class), params, ChargeCollection.class, options); } @Deprecated public static ChargeCollection all(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return list(params, (RequestOptions) null); } @Deprecated public static ChargeCollection all(Map<String, Object> params, String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return list(params, RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } @Deprecated public static ChargeCollection all(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return list(params, options); } @Deprecated public Charge refund(String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.refund(RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); // full refund } public Charge refund(RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.refund(null, options); // full refund } @Deprecated public Charge refund(Map<String, Object> params, String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return refund(params, RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } public Charge refund(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, String.format("%s/refund", instanceURL(Charge.class, this.getId())), params, Charge.class, options); } @Deprecated public Charge capture(String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return capture(RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } public Charge capture(RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return this.capture(null, options); } @Deprecated public Charge capture(Map<String, Object> params, String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return capture(params, RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } public Charge capture(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, String.format("%s/capture", instanceURL(Charge.class, this.getId())), params, Charge.class, options); } @Deprecated public Dispute updateDispute(Map<String, Object> params, String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return updateDispute(params, RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } @Deprecated public Dispute updateDispute(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, String.format("%s/dispute", instanceURL(Charge.class,, params, Dispute.class, options); } @Deprecated public Dispute closeDispute(String apiKey) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return closeDispute(RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKey).build()); } @Deprecated public Dispute closeDispute(RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, String.format("%s/dispute/close", instanceURL(Charge.class, this.getId())), null, Dispute.class, options); } /** * Convenience method to mark a given charge as fraudulent. */ public Charge markFraudulent(RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { Map<String, Object> params = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap(FRAUD_DETAILS, Collections.singletonMap(FraudDetails.USER_REPORT, "fraudulent")); return this.update(params, options); } /** * Convenience method to mark a given charge as not fraudulent. */ public Charge markSafe(RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { Map<String, Object> params = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap(FRAUD_DETAILS, Collections.singletonMap(FraudDetails.USER_REPORT, "safe")); return this.update(params, options); } }