package com.stripe.model; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import com.stripe.exception.*; import; import; public class Account extends APIResource implements HasId, MetadataStore<Account> { String id; String object; String businessLogo; String businessName; String businessPrimaryColor; @SerializedName("business_url") String businessURL; Boolean chargesEnabled; String country; Boolean debitNegativeBalances; AccountDeclineChargeOn declineChargeOn; String defaultCurrency; Boolean detailsSubmitted; String displayName; String email; ExternalAccountCollection externalAccounts; Keys keys; LegalEntity legalEntity; Boolean managed; Map<String, String> metadata; Boolean payoutsEnabled; AccountPayoutSchedule payoutSchedule; String productDescription; String statementDescriptor; String supportEmail; String supportPhone; @SerializedName("support_url") String supportURL; String timezone; AccountTosAcceptance tosAcceptance; AccountTransferSchedule transferSchedule; Boolean transfersEnabled; Verification verification; @Deprecated List<String> currenciesSupported; public String getId() { return id; } public String getObject() { return object; } public void setObject(String object) { this.object = object; } public String getBusinessLogo() { return businessLogo; } public String getBusinessName() { return businessName; } public String getBusinessPrimaryColor(){ return businessPrimaryColor; } public void setBusinessPrimaryColor(String businessPrimaryColor){ this.businessPrimaryColor = businessPrimaryColor; } public String getBusinessURL() { return businessURL; } public Boolean getChargesEnabled() { return chargesEnabled; } public String getCountry() { return country; } public Boolean getDebitNegativeBalances() { return debitNegativeBalances; } public void setDebitNegativeBalances(Boolean debitNegativeBalances) { this.debitNegativeBalances = debitNegativeBalances; } public AccountDeclineChargeOn getDeclineChargeOn(){ return declineChargeOn; } public void setDeclineChargeOn(AccountDeclineChargeOn declineChargeOn){ this.declineChargeOn = declineChargeOn; } public String getDefaultCurrency() { return defaultCurrency; } public Boolean getDetailsSubmitted() { return detailsSubmitted; } public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public ExternalAccountCollection getExternalAccounts() { return externalAccounts; } public Keys getKeys() { return keys; } public LegalEntity getLegalEntity() { return legalEntity; } public Boolean getManaged() { return managed; } public Map<String, String> getMetadata() { return metadata; } public Boolean getPayoutsEnabled() { return payoutsEnabled; } public void setPayoutsEnabled(Boolean payoutsEnabled) { this.payoutsEnabled = payoutsEnabled; } public AccountPayoutSchedule getPayoutSchedule(){ return payoutSchedule; } public void setPayoutSchedule(AccountPayoutSchedule payoutSchedule){ this.payoutSchedule = payoutSchedule; } public String getProductDescription(){ return productDescription; } public void setProductDescription(String productDescription){ this.productDescription = productDescription; } public String getStatementDescriptor() { return statementDescriptor; } public String getSupportEmail() { return supportEmail; } public String getSupportPhone() { return supportPhone; } public String getSupportURL() { return supportURL; } public String getTimezone() { return timezone; } public AccountTosAcceptance getTosAcceptance(){ return tosAcceptance; } public void setTosAcceptance(AccountTosAcceptance tosAcceptance){ this.tosAcceptance = tosAcceptance; } public AccountTransferSchedule getTransferSchedule(){ return transferSchedule; } public void setTransferSchedule(AccountTransferSchedule transferSchedule){ this.transferSchedule = transferSchedule; } public Boolean getTransfersEnabled() { return transfersEnabled; } public Verification getVerification() { return verification; } /** * @deprecated * Use the country_specs endpoint ( */ @Deprecated public List<String> getCurrenciesSupported() { return currenciesSupported; } public static Account create(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return create(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public static Account create(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, classURL(Account.class), params, Account.class, options); } public static AccountCollection list(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return list(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public static AccountCollection list(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return requestCollection(classURL(Account.class), params, AccountCollection.class, options); } @Deprecated public static AccountCollection all(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return list(params, (RequestOptions) null); } @Deprecated public static AccountCollection all(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return list(params, options); } public static Account retrieve() throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return retrieve((RequestOptions) null); } /** * In order to preserve backwards-compatibility, this method does two things. * If the parameter looks like an API key (starts with sk_), retrieve the * account resource with no ID parameter set. Otherwise, use the String * parameter as the account ID. */ @Deprecated public static Account retrieve(String apiKeyOrAccountId) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { if (null == apiKeyOrAccountId || apiKeyOrAccountId.startsWith("sk_")) { return retrieve(RequestOptions.builder().setApiKey(apiKeyOrAccountId).build()); } else { return retrieve(apiKeyOrAccountId, (RequestOptions) null); } } public static Account retrieve(RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request( RequestMethod.GET, singleClassURL(Account.class), null, Account.class, options); } public static Account retrieve(String id, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.GET, instanceURL(Account.class, id), null, Account.class, options); } public Account update(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return update(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public Account reject(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, instanceURL(Account.class, + "/reject", params, Account.class, (RequestOptions) null); } public Account update(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.POST, instanceURL(Account.class,, params, Account.class, options); } public DeletedAccount delete() throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return delete((RequestOptions) null); } public DeletedAccount delete(RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return delete(null, (RequestOptions) null); } public DeletedAccount delete(Map<String, Object> params) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return delete(params, (RequestOptions) null); } public DeletedAccount delete(Map<String, Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidRequestException, APIConnectionException, CardException, APIException { return request(RequestMethod.DELETE, instanceURL(Account.class,, params, DeletedAccount.class, options); } public static class Verification extends StripeObject { Boolean contacted; String disabledReason; Long dueBy; List<String> fieldsNeeded; public Boolean getContacted() { return contacted; } public String getDisabledReason() { return disabledReason; } public Long getDueBy() { return dueBy; } public List<String> getFieldsNeeded() { return fieldsNeeded; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Verification ve = (Verification) o; return equals(contacted, ve.contacted) && equals(disabledReason, ve.disabledReason) && equals(dueBy, ve.dueBy) && equals(fieldsNeeded, ve.fieldsNeeded); } } public static class Keys extends StripeObject { String publishable; String secret; public String getPublishable() { return publishable; } public String getSecret() { return secret; } } }