package; import de.rwth.idsg.steve.SteveException; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Presumption: The responses must be sent using the same connection as the requests! * * @author Sevket Goekay <> * @since 21.03.2015 */ @Slf4j @Service public class FutureResponseContextStoreImpl implements FutureResponseContextStore { // We store for each chargeBox connection, multiple pairs of (messageId, context) // (session, (messageId, context)) private final Map<WebSocketSession, Map<String, FutureResponseContext>> lookupTable = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void addSession(WebSocketSession session) { Map<String, FutureResponseContext> contextMap = lookupTable.get(session); if (contextMap == null) { log.debug("Creating new store for sessionId '{}'", session.getId()); lookupTable.put(session, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); } } @Override public void removeSession(WebSocketSession session) { log.debug("Deleting the store for sessionId '{}'", session.getId()); lookupTable.remove(session); } @Override public void add(WebSocketSession session, String messageId, FutureResponseContext context) { Map<String, FutureResponseContext> map = lookupTable.get(session); if (map == null) { throw new SteveException("sessionId '%s' is not in store", session.getId()); } else { map.put(messageId, context); log.debug("Store size for sessionId '{}': {}", session.getId(), map.size()); } } @Override public FutureResponseContext get(WebSocketSession session, String messageId) { Map<String, FutureResponseContext> map = lookupTable.get(session); if (map == null) { throw new SteveException("sessionId '%s' is not in store", session.getId()); } else { FutureResponseContext context = map.remove(messageId); log.debug("Store size for sessionId '{}': {}", session.getId(), map.size()); return context; } } }