package de.rwth.idsg.steve; import; import de.rwth.idsg.steve.utils.PropertiesFileLoader; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Getter; /** * @author Sevket Goekay <> * @since 19.08.2014 */ @Getter public final class SteveConfiguration { public static final SteveConfiguration CONFIG = new SteveConfiguration(); // Root mapping for Spring private String springMapping = "/"; // Web frontend private String springManagerMapping = "/manager/*"; // Mapping for CXF SOAP services private String cxfMapping = "/services/*"; // Dummy service path private String routerEndpointPath = "/CentralSystemService"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private String contextPath; private String steveVersion; private ApplicationProfile profile; private Ocpp ocpp; private Auth auth; private DB db; private Jetty jetty; private SteveConfiguration() { PropertiesFileLoader p = new PropertiesFileLoader(""); contextPath = sanitizeContextPath(p.getOptionalString("context.path")); steveVersion = p.getString("steve.version"); profile = ApplicationProfile.fromName(p.getString("profile")); jetty = Jetty.builder() .serverHost(p.getString("")) .gzipEnabled(p.getBoolean("server.gzip.enabled")) .httpEnabled(p.getBoolean("http.enabled")) .httpPort(p.getInt("http.port")) .httpsEnabled(p.getBoolean("https.enabled")) .httpsPort(p.getInt("https.port")) .keyStorePath(p.getOptionalString("keystore.path")) .keyStorePassword(p.getOptionalString("keystore.password")) .build(); db = DB.builder() .ip(p.getString("db.ip")) .port(p.getInt("db.port")) .schema(p.getString("db.schema")) .userName(p.getString("db.user")) .password(p.getString("db.password")) .sqlLogging(p.getBoolean("db.sql.logging")) .build(); auth = Auth.builder() .userName(p.getString("auth.user")) .password(p.getString("auth.password")) .build(); ocpp = Ocpp.builder() .wsSessionSelectStrategy( WsSessionSelectStrategyEnum.fromName(p.getString(""))) .build(); validate(); } private String sanitizeContextPath(String s) { if (s == null || "/".equals(s)) { return ""; } else if (s.startsWith("/")) { return s; } else { return "/" + s; } } private void validate() { if (!(jetty.httpEnabled || jetty.httpsEnabled)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HTTP and HTTPS are both disabled. Well, how do you want to access the server, then?"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class declarations // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Jetty configuration @Builder @Getter public static class Jetty { private String serverHost; private boolean gzipEnabled; // HTTP private boolean httpEnabled; private int httpPort; // HTTPS private boolean httpsEnabled; private int httpsPort; private String keyStorePath; private String keyStorePassword; } // Database configuration @Builder @Getter public static class DB { private String ip; private int port; private String schema; private String userName; private String password; private boolean sqlLogging; } // Credentials for Web interface access @Builder @Getter public static class Auth { private String userName; private String password; } // OCPP-related configuration @Builder @Getter public static class Ocpp { private WsSessionSelectStrategyEnum wsSessionSelectStrategy; } }