package com.etsy.statsd.profiler.util; import; import; import java.util.Map; /** * Utility class for tagging metrics from the metric prefix * This is used to support InfluxDB 0.9's tag feature * * @author Andrew Johnson */ public final class TagUtil { public static final String SKIP_TAG = "SKIP"; public static final String PREFIX_TAG = "prefix"; public static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; public static final String PID_TAG = "pid"; public static final String HOSTNAME_TAG = "hostname"; public static final String JVM_NAME_TAG = "jvmName"; private TagUtil() { } public static Map<String, String> getGlobalTags(Map<String, String> tags) { // Add the jvm name, pid, hostname as tags to help identify different processes final String jvmName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); tags.put(JVM_NAME_TAG, jvmName); int atIndex = jvmName.indexOf("@"); if (atIndex > 0) { tags.put(PID_TAG, jvmName.substring(0, atIndex)); tags.put(HOSTNAME_TAG, jvmName.substring(atIndex + 1)); } else { tags.put(PID_TAG, UNKNOWN); tags.put(HOSTNAME_TAG, UNKNOWN); } return tags; } /** * Gets all the tag values from the prefix and the tag mapping * * @param tagMapping The mapping of tag names from the metric prefix * @param prefix The metric prefix * @param includeGlobalTags Whether or not to include the global tags * @return A map of tag name to value */ public static Map<String, String> getTags(String tagMapping, String prefix, boolean includeGlobalTags) { Map<String, String> mapping = Maps.newHashMap(); if (tagMapping != null) { String[] tagNames = tagMapping.split("\\."); String[] prefixComponents = prefix.split("\\."); if (tagNames.length != prefixComponents.length) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Invalid tag mapping: %s", tagMapping)); } for (int i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) { String tag = tagNames[i]; String value = prefixComponents[i]; if (!tag.equals(SKIP_TAG)) { mapping.put(tag, value); } } } else { mapping.put(PREFIX_TAG, prefix); } if (includeGlobalTags) { mapping.putAll(getGlobalTags(mapping)); } return mapping; } }