package com.etsy.statsd.profiler.reporter; import com.etsy.statsd.profiler.Arguments; import com.etsy.statsd.profiler.util.TagUtil; import; import; import org.influxdb.InfluxDB; import org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory; import org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints; import org.influxdb.dto.Point; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Reporter that sends data to InfluxDB * * @author Andrew Johnson */ public class InfluxDBReporter extends Reporter<InfluxDB> { public static final String VALUE_COLUMN = "value"; public static final String USERNAME_ARG = "username"; public static final String PASSWORD_ARG = "password"; public static final String DATABASE_ARG = "database"; public static final String TAG_MAPPING_ARG = "tagMapping"; private String username; private String password; private String database; private String tagMapping; private final Map<String, String> tags; public InfluxDBReporter(Arguments arguments) { super(arguments); String prefix = arguments.metricsPrefix; // If we have a tag mapping it must match the number of components of the prefix Preconditions.checkArgument(tagMapping == null || tagMapping.split("\\.").length == prefix.split("\\.").length); tags = TagUtil.getTags(tagMapping, prefix, true); } /** * Record a gauge value in InfluxDB * * @param key The key for the gauge * @param value The value of the gauge */ @Override public void recordGaugeValue(String key, long value) { Map<String, Long> gauges = ImmutableMap.of(key, value); recordGaugeValues(gauges); } /** * @see #recordGaugeValue(String, long) */ @Override public void recordGaugeValue(String key, double value) { Map<String, ? extends Number> gauges = ImmutableMap.of(key, value); recordGaugeValues(gauges); } /** * Record multiple gauge values in InfluxDB * * @param gauges A map of gauge names to values */ @Override public void recordGaugeValues(Map<String, ? extends Number> gauges) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); BatchPoints batchPoints = BatchPoints.database(database).build(); for (Map.Entry<String, ? extends Number> gauge: gauges.entrySet()) { batchPoints.point(constructPoint(time, gauge.getKey(), gauge.getValue())); } client.write(batchPoints); } /** * InfluxDB has a rich query language and does not need the bounds metrics emitted by CPUTracingProfiler * As such we can disable emitting these metrics * * @return false */ @Override public boolean emitBounds() { return false; } /** * * @param server The server to which to report data * @param port The port on which the server is running * @param prefix The prefix for metrics * @return An InfluxDB client */ @Override protected InfluxDB createClient(String server, int port, String prefix) { return InfluxDBFactory.connect(String.format("http://%s:%d", server, port), username, password); } /** * Handle remaining arguments * * @param arguments The arguments given to the profiler agent */ @Override protected void handleArguments(Arguments arguments) { username = arguments.remainingArgs.get(USERNAME_ARG); password = arguments.remainingArgs.get(PASSWORD_ARG); database = arguments.remainingArgs.get(DATABASE_ARG); tagMapping = arguments.remainingArgs.get(TAG_MAPPING_ARG); Preconditions.checkNotNull(username); Preconditions.checkNotNull(password); Preconditions.checkNotNull(database); } private Point constructPoint(long time, String key, Number value) { Point.Builder builder = Point.measurement(key) .time(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .field(VALUE_COLUMN, value); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { builder = builder.tag(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return; } }