package forms.passwordForm; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import play.libs.Json; import static utils.ControllerHelper.saveFlash; import static utils.ControllerHelper.saveJson; public class RecoverPassword { @Constraints.Required(message = "Email required") @Constraints.Email(message = "Invalid email address") public String email; public RecoverPassword() { } public void displaySuccessMessage() { String message = "Email has been sent to this email account with further instructions"; saveFlash("success", message); ObjectNode json = Json.newObject(); json.put("success", message); saveJson(json); } public void displayInvalidEmailError() { String message = "Email not registered"; saveFlash("recover-password-email-error", message); ObjectNode json = Json.newObject(); json.put("email", message); saveJson(json); } }