package controllers.actions; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import play.libs.F; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.Action; import play.mvc.Http; import play.mvc.SimpleResult; import scala.Option; public class FormHandler extends Action.Simple { /* * Checks whether the current request was made with Ajax or regular form submit * */ public F.Promise<SimpleResult> call(Http.Context ctx) throws Throwable { // Before, detect submission type boolean isAjax = Boolean.valueOf(ctx.request().getQueryString("ajax")); // Call action, always returns HTML file or URL redirection F.Promise<SimpleResult> result =; // After, return: // - JSON data when AJAX and no redirection // - JSON with URL when AJAX and redirection // - Result from action otherwise if (isAjax) { return new F.Function<SimpleResult, SimpleResult>() { public SimpleResult apply(SimpleResult result) { // Extract saved JSON data ObjectNode json = Json.newObject(); json.put("data", Json.toJson(Http.Context.current().args.get("json"))); // Extract URL location header Option<String> url = result.getWrappedSimpleResult().header().headers().get("Location"); if (url.isEmpty()) { // AJAX and no redirection Http.Context.current().flash().clear(); return status(result.getWrappedSimpleResult().header().status(), json); } else { // AJAX and redirection json.put("redirect", url.get()); return ok(json); } } }); } ctx.args.remove("json"); return result; } }