package com.momega.spacesimulator.renderer; import; import; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.Texture; /** * Abstract renderer with prepares and uses the textures * Created by martin on 7/9/14. */ public abstract class AbstractTextureRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { private Texture texture; protected int listIndex; protected abstract Texture loadTexture(GL2 gl); @Override public void reload(GL2 gl) { dispose(gl); init(gl); } public void dispose(GL2 gl) { gl.glDeleteLists(this.listIndex, 1); if (texture != null) { texture.destroy(gl); } super.dispose(gl); } public void init(GL2 gl) { super.init(gl); this.listIndex = gl.glGenLists(1); if (this.listIndex==0) { throw new IllegalStateException("gl list not created"); } this.texture = loadTexture(gl); gl.glNewList(this.listIndex, GL2.GL_COMPILE); prepareObject(gl); gl.glEndList(); } protected abstract void drawTextObject(GL2 gl); /** * Prepares the textures during initialization of the renderer * @param gl the OPENGL context */ protected void prepareObject(GL2 gl) { texture.enable(gl); texture.bind(gl); drawTextObject(gl); texture.disable(gl); } public void draw(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2(); gl.glPushMatrix(); setMatrix(gl); gl.glCallList(this.listIndex); additionalDraw(gl); gl.glPopMatrix(); } protected void additionalDraw(GL2 gl) { // do nothing, reader for override } protected abstract void setMatrix(GL2 gl); }